01-03-1966 - Regular tl " .u o o .. - " REGUIJL~ MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGE'iIATER, FLORIDA HELD JANUARY 3RD, 1966 II U The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.M. on January 3rd, 1966. ROLL CALL Hayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilman Jacob Lodico Councilman ~'l. H. Cairnie Councilman Paul F. Halls Councilman Philip H. Bebbington City Attorney \'1. D. l'!athas City Clerk Helen W. Jones Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson Police Chief Herman ~'li tmeyer Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The l{Lnutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council h~ld December 20th, 1965 and .the }linutes of the Special Meeting of the City Council held December 27th, 1965 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Hotion duly made by CounciL'llan Cairnie these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Lodico. Councilman Bebbington asked why at the bottom of Page #2 of the December 20th minutes comments were made. According to the City Charter the passage of all resolutions is to be taken by Yeas and Fays. No cOJrments are to be made after the Yeas. Motion duly made by Councilman Bebbington these comments be s~ricken from the minutes, seconded by Councilman llalls and by vote CA..lillIED. The roll call vote "ras as follm'[S: Councilman Lodico Councilman Cairnie Councilman Walls Councilman Bebbington Mayor Armstrong Yea ray Yea Yea Fay The roll call vote on the original motion as amended was unanimuus with the exception of Councilman Walls who abstained on the minutes of December 27th, 1965. BILLS & ACCOU1\1TS General Fund Prentiss Hardware Co. City Auto Supply Humane Society Dvright' s Charley's ilelding ShoPl Lloyd Cox Co. Tennant Printing Co. Ruth Driskel City of New Smyrna Beach Southern-Aire Chemical Co. HcCrory-Stores Genter & Batten Central Electric Supply, Inc. Gulf Oil Corp. New Smyrna Builders Supply Co. Ronnie Moore Radiation Service Co. t'later & Sevier Prentiss Hardware Co. City Auto Supply City of New Smyrna Beach City of Edgewater Genter & Batten Allstate Pipe Supply Co., Inc. Hughes Supply, Inc. Page 1 of 6 pages 20.81 22.57 35.00 11.65 42.76 3.72 7.50 14.31 533.86 12.75 87.75 500.00 19.19 472.42 8.00 10.00 16.00 21.35 9.77 150.20 7.50 500.00 322.40 38.60 " u o (.) o " - Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman ~1alls and by vote CARH.lED. The roll call vote was unanimous. OFFICERS REPORTS The Building Official's Report for the month of December, 1965, was read. Certifications of Posting dated December 21st and December 27th, 1965, were read. Certification of Bids dated January 3rd, 1966, was read. ~1ayor Armstrong thanked the City Clerk and the Building Official for the above reports and for the excellent manner in which the reports were submitted. CO!vll1UNI CATIONS A letter was read from Myrtle Fay, Secretary-Treasurer of the Library Board, dated December 16th, 1965 stating the Board met on December 15th at 7:40 P.M. in the Library. Listed in the letter were the names of those vTho attended the meeting and the officers elected. The letter further stated the by-laws 1vere discussed and some changes were made. A copy will be sent to the Mayor and Councilmen as soon as possible. A letter was read from Myrtle R. Fay, Secretary-Treasurer of the Library Board, dated December 30th submitting their approval of sending Librarian Ruth Driskel and Chairman Mrs. Hennig as delegates to the Library Conference to be held in Tampa, Florida on January 12th, 1966. Hrs. Putnal will substitute for Hrs. Driskel all day Wednesday, January 12th and half a day Thursday, January 13th, 1966. Estimated cost of the trip - $40.00. Motion duly made by Councilman 11alls we officially accept the appointments by the Library Board as presented in the letter dated December 16th, 1965, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Mayor Armstrong suggested the Library Board send two or three members to the meeting in Tampa as they are the ones who instruct the Librarian as to what procedures to use. Councilman Walls said he thought the Library in Edgewater is just about as fine a library as could be expected. He felt the Librarian should go to the meeting as it would be very beneficial. Motion duly made by Councilman Walls the request of the Library Board to send 11rs. Driskel and Mrs. Hennig to a meeting in Tampa be approved, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. ORDINAf\'CES Mayor Armstrong explained the reason for the next ordinance. The change of pay for the Building Official was requested by the Building Official. According to an agreement made some time ago, his pay would revert back to $225.00 per month after the Sewer Project was completed. The extra money was given to him when he had so much more work to do during the project. ORDINANCE N1H1BER 474 CHAr\'GIFG THE COMPENSATIOF OF ADOLPH LABONDE, BUILDn:G OFFICIAL FOR THE CITY OF EDGE,.JATER, FLORIDA. The above ordinance was read in full by City Attorney Mathas and motion duly made by Councilman vTalls this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular Heeting of said Council held January 3rd, 1966. The roll call vote was unanimous. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Walls, seconded by Councilman Cairnie the requirement of reading Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered put into effect immediately at the regular meeting of the City Council held January 3rd, 1966, and approved as provided by law. The roll call vote was unanimous. Page 2 of 6 pages .6 o Q " () RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION ~TUl1BER 104 EXPRESSING THE DESIRABILITY OF A FATIOl'TALLY OPERATED SEASHORE PARK IN SOUTHEAST VOLUSIA COUNTY, AFD AUTHORIZn~G THE CITY CLERK TO FOmiARD COPIES OF THE RESOLUTIm: TO THE SECRETARY OF n~TERIOR UDALL, AND TO UNITED STATES SENATORS, SPESSARD HOLLAND AND GEORGE A.SHATHERS, AND TO U. S. REPRESENTATIVE A. S. HERLONG, JR. The above resolution was read by City Attorney Mathas and motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie this resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Walls and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular Meeting of the said Council held this 3rd day of January, A.D. 1966. The roll call vote was unanimous. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Armstrong said the City has not received another bid on the Fogging Machine since the last council meeting. Motion duly made by COQDcilman vlalls we sell the Fogging Machine to the Mosquito Control at the price specified, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. l\TET:l BUSINESS The Bids on the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel were opened by City Clerk Helen W. Jones. The Bids were as follows: Gasoline Standard Oil Co. 25.4i per gallon Gulf Oil Corp. 26.9i per gallon DIESEL FUEL Standard Oil Co. 15.4i per gallon Sams Oil (:;orp. 16 .9i per gallon Hotion duly made by Councilman 1'lalls '\.,e accept the low bid of Standard Oil Company for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for the City of Edgewater for the following year, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Motion duly made by Councilman Walls all other bids be rejected, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote "ras unanimous. Hotion duly made by Councilman Halls we return unopened the bid of Ttlatkins Ford Co. for a new police car and put out specifications for a new bid, seconded by Councilman Beboington and by vote CAR~ED. The roll call vote was unanimous. The Council returned the Bid of Watkins Ford since they only received one bid. They would prefer to have competitive bids on the Police Car. The Council agreed not to specify a $50 penalty if not delivered on a certain date, as this seemed to stop some of the companies from bidding. Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we advertise for an Accounting Machine to do the work necessary to be done for the City, seconded by Councilman Walls. Councilman ~'lalls said we should be sure to look to the future. Buy a machine to handle the future work load. The roll call vote on the above motion was unanimous. Tom Groover, Briley, Wild & Associates, read a report on the Water Extension Program dated January 3rd, 1966. A copy of the letter was given to each,6ouncilman. Page 3 of 6 pages ~ u o o JII (J HISCELLANEOUS Motion duly made by Councilman Bebbington we accept the audit from Genter & Batten, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CA..11.RIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman Walls: For the past several months, the Fire Department has been trying to get a reliable communications link between the Dispatcher and the Fire Station. This co~munications link is vital to the safety of our community. Before the Fire Equipment leaves the station house, the driver should know the exact location of the Fire. rfinutes lost in obtaining this information adds to the danger of the fire getting out of control. After much complaining to the past administration, a cheap intercom unit was installed. This unit has proven to be very unreliable. Po Action has been taken to any of the pleas to have this situation corrected. Motion duly made by Councilman Walls that a Bell Telephone System be installed between the Fire Station and the Dispatcher immediately, seconded by Councilman Bebbington, and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Cairnie inquired as to what kind of a telephone system would be installed. Councilman Walls said any reliable communications link. It doesn't necessarily have to be a telephone. The roll call vote on the above motion was unanimous. Councilman ~valls: The roof on City Hall leaks very bad. the walls and floors. Not only does this unsightly mess and dry up, but the unmeasurable damage to the structure immediate corrective action. Shopping around for the cheapest possible price and repeated inspections by the prospective repair personnel has delayed and further damaged the roof until immediate attention should be given the matter. The slightest rain floods require time and labor to clean of the building requires Motion duly made by Councilman Walls that this much needed work be accomplished without further delay, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. Mr. LaBonde, Building Official, said a number of firms have been contacted t.o fix the roof. One of these firms is suppose to come down and do the work but hasn't arrived yet. Mayor Armstrong said you can't make them come down if they don't want to come. The roll call vote on the above motion was unanimous. Councilman Walls: Ninter is officially here. Although we have had a mild one so far, there is no reason to believe that the entire season will remain congenial. The Garbage Truck for the Florida Shores Pick-up is operating with doors that will not close. Not only is this a safety hazard, but the fact that there is no warm place for the operators to return to between stops is a detriment to their health and welfare. Repeated efforts have been made to have these doors replaced or repaired. Till this day, no action has been undertaken. Motion duly made by Councilman Walls that immediate corrective action be taken to repair or replace these defective doors, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman Walls: Most of you are aware that Edgewater has very fine boat docking facilities. R&~ps are excellent for the launching of boats and is utilized by many sportsmen from far and near. There remains however one hazard in the launch and docking operation. The ramp between the runways have little or no. protection against boat damage. From a suggestion for a simple remedy, partial corrective measures were taken by securing a split salvage tirerat one point of contact. Further suggestions to complete the job by insUiling additional bumpers along the ramp have been disregarded. Page 4 of 6 pages .6 o Q o . . , ~ Motion duly made by Councilman 1falls that additional bumpers be installed on our docking ramp as soon as possible, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Cairnie suggested the City contact the County and see if they wouldn't do some of this work on the dock. The roll call vote on the above motion was unanimous 11ith the exception of Councilman Cairnie who voted Nay. Councilman Walls: Each of the various departments within the City organization purchase their ovnutility supplies such as soaps, powders, paper, towels, tissues, and so forth. Buying in these small quantity lots increases the cost to the City. The most probable solution to this expenditure would be a central procurement division buying the needed supplies at reduced rates. The cost savings and reduction of labor in handling small bills from each department would more than offset the cost in maintaining proper control of the materials. Motion duly made by Councilman Walls a central procurement system be established to buy and control these utility materials, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman Walls: It is the general policy in industry, business establishments of all types, and even in government organizations to allow employees morning and afternoon coffee breaks from 5 to 15 minutes. These short rest periods from the routine task of the day have proven statistically to increase the efficiency of the employees. It is my understanding that our City employees are not afforded the opportunity to increase their efficiency in this manner. 110tion duly made by Councilman T"lalls that a policy of mid-morning and mid-afternoon coffee breaks be established for all Edge11ater City Employees immediately, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman ":Jalls: Our Hayor is a man of many talents. He can be observed almost any day performing anyone of his skills in the operation and maintenance of our cities functions. He might be seen stringing Christmas Tree Lights, helping to remove motors from plugged pumping stations, inspecting constructing sites, operating road maintenance equipment, and many other varied task too numerous to mention. This is commendable and I do cowmend him for his dedication to duty. However, these are the duties and functions of other departments within the City. The time and effort of our Honorable and dedicated Mayor could be better utilized in duties more fitting to the dignity and prestige of his office. For example, supervision and administration of City Hall operations, coordination and dissemination of developments on official city business 11ith the councilmen, and many other task specifically designed for his attention and action. Motion duly made by CounciL~an Walls our Honorable Mayor be directed to refrain from performing the detail task assigned to our City Employees and apply his available time and effort to the more dignified duties of Mayor of Edgewater, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman Bebbington announced that the new vmter conrections will be started in a day or so. They will be made according to who w~de the connection fees first. Councilman Bebbington said last year the police department had 99 arrests and 70 warning tickets. There is too much speeding going on. There are too w~y of stop signs. We have issued enough warnings. Everybody knows the law. have to be cut out. I don't want the City to be a police trap, but the law same for everybody. violators The 1varnings is the Motion duly made by Councilman Bebbington the Police Department clamp down on speeders and violators of the traffic laws, seconded by Councilman ~alls and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Page 5 of 6 pages " u o o " u Mr. Cliff Mosher asked why there is no longer any sulphur water over at the City Park. Mr. LaBonde said it was closed up some ~ime ago by the State. The Council said they would look into putting a spigot so people could get some sulphur water. Mr. Ralph Beach asked that some work be done on the Park at the South end of town. Motion duly made by Councilman Bebbington we hire a part time man to take care of all the parks in the City, seconded by Councilman ~'Talls and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was un~~imous. Mayor Armstrong said he is not pessimistic about the power situation. He said he didn't believe Pe\"l Smyrna Beach has gone to sleep on it, but we have heard no word on it. The City Clerk 1"laS authorized to contact the new members of the Zoning and Planning Board and call the first meeting of the Board. There being no further business, motion duly'made by Councilman Walls we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and there were no objections. Minutes taken by Marie Robinson. time 9:05 P.H. p~-Ja~~-Y~ HAYOR ~ ~/ - ~ /;/ \ ..~~"'I ~tJCILl1AN / '*.)~.~ " "- A;~) ITY C <RK Page 6 of 6 pages r ~ .{h'.,,(_ ( ~ TC(