04-01-1968 - Regular (; ~Q~' REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD ON APRIL 1, 1968 u , 1 J The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor William H. Cairnie at 7:30 P.M. on April 1, 1968. ROLL CALL Mayor William H. Cairnie Councilman Francis H. Norman Councilman David C. Ledbetter Councilman George r~. Dimm Councilman Calvin R. Dietz City Attorney Charles A. Hall City Clerk Elsie L. Ward Deputy Clerk Gertrude B. Dunn APPROVAL OF MINUTES Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held March 18, 1968 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion was duly made by Councilman Dimm that these Minutes stand approved as submitted seconded by Councilman Dietz and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. BILLS & ACCOUNTS General Government: Governmental Guide Southern Bell T. & T. Co. Hughes Supply Co., Inc. NevI Smyrna Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Lloyd Cox Co. Stubbs Sales & Service Edgewater Motors Xerox Volusia County Public Libraries Smokey's Automotive Service Gulf Oil Products Shafer Electric Co. Charles A. Hall Edgewater Volunteer Fire Dept. Water & Sewer Department: Southern Bell T. & T. Co. Del Chemical Corp. National Chemsearch Corp. Hughes Supply, Inc. New Smyrna Builders Supply Co. Badger Meter Manufacturing Co. B & H Sales Inc. J. G. Christopher Co. Shafer Electric Co. rlo 1 co C hem i c a 1 s 4.00 55.26 36.95 14.20 10.05 28.20 43.09 50.95 14.31 614.91 903.20 3.21 52.94 185.00 $2,016.27 34.50 241.18 330.55 22.42 40.95 419.40 65.88 23.50 19.50 233.75 $1,431.63 Motion was duly made by Councilman Dietz that these bills be accepted for payment seconded by Councilman Ledbetter and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. . Page One o u Q 11 U OFFICERS REPORTS Certification of POSTING dated March 19, 1968 was read. COMMUNICATIONS A letter from The Edgewater Shuffleboard Club was read asking permission of the City Council to build two new courts. Councilman Dimm asked how the money was going to be raised. Mr. C. Shell, President of the Shuffle- board Club said that the members of the Chamber of Com- merce have agreed to raise the money. He mentioned the fact that twenty-three clubs participated in the last tournament held in Edgewater. He said the present club is growing every day, and the need for additional courts has grown with the club. Councilman Dietz and Council- man Ledbetter both expressed favorable consent to the request so long as it did not entail any expense to the City of Edgewater. Mr. P. Bebbington asked if they could have permission to use the City equipment for ex- cavating and grading. The Council, after a general dis- cussion, agreed that they could use the machinery and equipment if the Club provided the material needed. Mr. T. Duane asked if the location of these proposed courts' conflicted with any other act~ities or areas in usel . Mayor Cairnie answered no, they were to be constructed directly east of the existing courts. Motion was duly made by Councilman Ledbetter that per- mission be granted to construct the courts, using the City equipment for excavating and grading, the club to provide the material seconded by Councilman Dietz and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. A letter was read from James L. & Ve1eda H. Budd asking for a variance of the remainder of their property for use in extending their trailer park. Motion was duly made by Councilman Dietz that this re- quest be turned over to the Zoni~g Board, seconded by Councilman Ledbetter. Mr. D. Armstrong asked if the City was in receipt of a check from the Budds to cover the cost of advertising, etc. Mra E. Ward, City Clerk, in= formed Mr. Armstrong that the City was in receipt of their check. Councilman Ledbetter asked if you still had to wait a year for a variance as he did when his request was given to the City. City Attorney Hall said he would check into the matter. A letter of resignation from Special Officer Edsall was read. Motion was duly made by Councilman Dimm that the resignation of Special Officer Edsall be accepted, sec- onded by Councilman Dietz and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 597 APPOINTING AND DESIGNATING PAUL R. REAM AS SUPERlNTENDENT OF THE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA AND SETTING HIS SALARY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. Page Two Jr v 'Q l.) J The foregoing Ordinance was read in full by City Attorney Hall and upon motion duly made by Councilman Ledbetter this Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Dietz and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edge- water, Florida at the regular meeting of said Council held April 1, 1968. r'l ay 0 r C air n ie, " Que s t ion? II Motion duly made by Councilman Dietz to waive a second reading of the foregoing Ordinance, seconded by Council- man Dimm and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. OLD BUSINESS Mr. J. Lodico wanted to know if the item in the amount of $750.00 to be paid to Cory, and read at the previous meet- ing, was for a similar service as one paid for a few years back. Mayor Cairnie informed Mr. Lodico that the bill was for a survey to gain right-of-way and easements. The Mayor then asked Councilman Dimm where the City stood on the bids for Life and Health insurance for the City employees. Councilman Dimm stated that the bids still needed considerable study. He said it would be surveyed again in the light of new employees, but it should surely be ready for presentation at the next Council meeting. Mayor Cairnie mentioned that the Council would have to meet with the Blue Cross representative. Councilman Dimm suggested that the employees be polled as to their prefer- ence. Mrs. H. Grayson asked in view of the resignation of Chief Witmeyer and the resignation of Officer Edsall, and in the light of Councilman Dimm's statement about new employees, if the City was trying to get rid of the whole police force. Mrs. M. Malachkosky then asked when the City was going to clean up Silver Ridge. She said that Mr. Alexander was given fourteen days a month and half ago and had since done nothing. The Mayor explained that Mr. Alexander had been in conference with the Council and had agreed to take care of the complaints in Silver Ridge. Mrs. Malachkosky asked that if nothing is done by the next Council meeting if she could have the minutes of this meeting read. She was told she could make her request and it would be granted. Another resident of Silver Ridge mentioned that the Council had been informed regularly of conditions and that some one had obviously "dropped the ball" because Mr. Alexander had not done one thing toward cleaning up the area. He under- stood from discussions at previous Council meetings that Mr. Alexander had been given a deadline of March 1, 1968. He also asked how one got a permit to construct houses. The Mayor explained that he had to submit a plan to the County Building Inspect6ri'which must conform to certain regulations. The Council was asked if it would do any good to take up a petition to have him refused a building permit. They were told that this could not be done as Mr. Alexander owned the property. The Mayor mentioned that Mr. Alexander intended to build five more houses. " Page Th ree .., u 'u ~ o If V Mr. Grant Hoover asked when there would be a new Police Chief appointed. Mayor Cairnie replied that the Council were taking their time and moving carefully so as to make sure they got the right person. NHi BUSINESS Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the City Council hire a building inspector. One who was under the age of sixty years. The motion died due to lack of a second. Motion was duly made by Councilman Dimm to advertise for bids on the paving of Monroe Circle. seconded by Council- man Dietz. Councilman Dimm said he particularly wanted to have the bids out now because the contractors are in the area, and it may affect their bid if they can just move their equipment a few blocks. At this time the Mayor said that on behalf of the Council he wanted to publicly thankthe New Smyrna Beach Police De- partment for their prompt assistance when one of our Pol- ice officers called them to come down here to Edgewater. Chief Hanson asked what was the pur-pose of a bond for a general contractor. City Attorney Hall said it guaran- tees that the work is done according to the Southern Build- ing Code. Chief Hanson, IIHas a bond ever been invoked?1I IICan the City be sued if the contractor doesn't live up to the guarantee?1I City Attorney Hall, "No, you take ur the matter with the Bonding company.1I A discussion ensued in light of the new law that all gen- eral contractors must have a State license. The law went into effect April 1, 1968. The Council was asked how the City would know if the contractors have complied. The City can only check when the contractor applies for a re- newal on his City license. Someone asked if the City of Edgewater has any Inspectors. They were informed that the City uses the services of the County Inspectors. Chief Hanson then apologized to the public for the disturb- ance during church services on Sunday when the siren went off. Mr. T. Duane explained that it was due to a faulty contact and that it had been repaired. Chief Hanson said there would be a test run of the siren on Thursday night. Councilman Dimm suggested an advertisement be placed in the paper before any testing of the siren. There being no further business. motion duly made by Councilman Dimm we now adjourn. seconded by Councilman Ledbetter and there were no objections. Time of Adjournment 8:05 P.M. Minutes taken by Gertrude B. Dunn Page Four I J U 'W" - ....... ATTEST: 4 ' it:r )/~ ./" A ..e~ . . S I E L. (.J R D, City C 1 e r k o J 1J / . '\ f . (\) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. "1 ~ '" -/~--~-~ cr-------- f'1ayo r -~- - - - ~o..~ncilman ~ ( ~ '() ~~::;;:X:--- --~~ ;?-c.- Councilman .c/ ~ ~ ~h/ ~ ~ Ut.---- c~~-~~ - ----- -- ----- __~~- __m____ _~__ -ouncilman ~ Page Six