04-26-1950 - Regular . :' /' V . "'-" u . v "- ./ ... \wi ~ REGULAR 1lli~TING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWAT~R, FLORIDA HELD IN THR TOWN HALL ON APRIL 26, 1950. , Meeting oalled to ordor at 7:30 P. U. by Mayor~Councilmun E. P. Fuller. ROLL CALL. 1~yor-Counoilmnn Councilm~n Councilman Clerk Attorney Ma.rshal Street SUPQr~isor , E. P. Fuller H. O. Kuhlhoff Vi. L. Todd G. C. Spargo A. ~. Hawkins D. .8.. Thol'Jltj,s J. M. Wood Present. Presont. Present. Preserit. Present. Present. i'~bs.nt . READING OF MINUT~S. Tho reading of the minutes of the rogular m~eting held April 12, 1950 were r~~d. Councilman Todd mov~d these minutes be anproved ~s read, s~conded by Councilmn Auhlhoff and by voto CARRIED. BILLS .liIW ACC OUHTS. l~yor-Councilm~n C oun 0 ilrnn.n Counc ilm:m Fuller Kuhlhoff Todd. Yes. Yes YClS The following bills w.r~ re~d; J~s. Annie Lofton 1.50 Brewar Art Servioe 18.50 vihi tnoy Hardware Co. 3.25 Kiep Bros. 9.26 Be~uty Rost Cabins 3.00 Bane's Auto Servioe 6.00 David Britt 3.00 J~mes Harmon 3.00 M. Pedriok 3.00 w. T. McGinnis 3.00 J. R. lkMurr~y 4.00 Counoilman Todd movod these bills be approvod as road, paid and b. made part of these minutes, seconded by Counoilman Kuhlhoff and by voto ClillRIED. Mayor-Counoilman Fuller Councilman Kuhlhoff Council~n Todd E. F. Ban. Edward Kiop Frank Kiep Richa.rd Hanson David MoCalister D. Mattison Olen o. M~tth.ws City of Now Smyrn~ Beach 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 78.82 Yes. Yes. Y~s. RE?ORT OF O1tB'ICERS. Clerk reported thnt H. B. '-<.uimby ho.d called at the offiotl and said he had sean Mr. Bane in regard to a portable pump And th~t it would cost tho Town for this pump and tho noc~ssary acoessories tho sum of ~80.67, also th~t if this pump did not moet the r.pr.s~ntations of the Halg ~lmp Co.h. would reimburso the Town for all freight oh:lrges paid. Councilman Kuhlhoff movod that this'<pmpp with accossoriCls be purchasod ,~s.oonded by Counoilman Todd and by vote CARlUED. l~yor-Councilm3.n Fullor Yes Council~n Kuhlhoff Yes Council~~n Todd YClS Clerk roportQd that Commissioner Saxon after h~ving confarred with th~ County Attornoy,that all th~t was nccossa~y to changQ the namaoof n street was a motion by th~ Council.to this effQct.Councilman Todd mov.d that Attorney H=.wkins draw up t\ resolution ohanging the namQS of Rio Vista,Bigelow Drive ~nd llivorside Drive to Big~low Circle, socondod by Councilman Kuhlhoff ~nd by vote C~~RIED. M~yor-Councilman Fuller Yes Council~n Kuhlhoff YQS Councilm~ Todd Yes Clerk also reported that he had t~ken tha Deed to thQ Tovm H~ll to Attornoy Hnwkins at ~aytona B.ach for his oninion on the vnlidity of this Deed. Attorney g=.V& his opinion to tho Council which in no wise diffored from other ouinions tho Council h~d reoeived. Councilm~n Todd moved that Attornoy Hawkins famili~rizQ him self with the filos of the V.-I. A. suit to see what could b. doni to haston this suit to a s.ttl.~nt, sccondClo by lJAyor-Councilm~n Full.r and by vote Carried. l.: I L, u I V . v \ ~ Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yos Councilm~ Kuhlhoff Yes Council~n Todd Yes Councilm~ Todd informed th~ Council and townspeople prosont th~t G.roge E. Lear ownod :t lot of land in Highlt1nd Shorgs That he would swap with Mrs. Lewis who owns tho Lot on Park Ave. next to the fir. station if ~greeab10 to her and then he would don~te thLs lot for the purpose of recreation center for the Youth of tho Town. Councilm~n Todd mov0d that George Le~r be appointed Chairman of . con~itto~ to consist of Mrs. FlorGnco Swin~y, J~s Ellon Asp~r andtwo others to be appointed by ~~.Le~r,this committoe to moot with the youth of the town to determine what is requiros as a youth c.ntur ~nd report to tho Council the results of thi~r meeting, This committee to use tho Town Hall for its meetings, sQcondod by Mayor-Council- m3n Fuller and by vato CARRI&D. MAyor-Councilman Fullor Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff No. Councilman Todd Yos. Couno ilnn. n Todd moved th., t M:'irsho.l Thom.'l s remove tha fonce :.toros sod Sponc or St. sGcondQd by Councilman Kuhlhoff :tnd by votQ CARRIED. Mayor-Councilm~ Full~r Counc ilm~n Kuhlhoff Counc ilm:J.n Todd YQS Yes Yos ORDINAHCES. Ordimmco No.178 entitlod; All ORDIlUJWE ADOPTING AS A SANITARY COD1'<' THfi' RULli'S AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED BY THE FLORID11 STATE BOf.RD 01" H~ALTH PGRSUANT TO CHA~TER ~8~, }'LO~~IDA ~TNllUTES,194l,AND AMl.!lNDMEHTS THERii:TO, KNOWN'AS "THE SANITARY ,cOD~ OF lH.c....STA11~ OF ELOHIDA"; Aim PROVIDIN:G A PENALTY ]'OR THE VIOLATION THER~OF. The n?OV0 ordinanco wns rend in full and passed by thQ unanimous:vot. of tho Town Coul!cl1 of the Tovm od EdgQw:'ltwr,Florida tlt a regulo.r llllleting on the 26 dny of ~~6~dt1onDaul~5g^dO, seconded and unanimously carried, tho r~quirern.nt of reading said ordinanco upon soeotid r~~ding was waivod, and this ordinancQ was ord~rcd put \ upon its fin~l passage. Pass1)d by tho unanimous at a rQgular mo~ting of approvod as providQd b, vot~ said law, of tho Town Council of the Town of Edg&w~ter,Florida, Council h~ld this 26th d~y of April, A. D. 1950 and tho vot~ of said Council on roll cull bQing as follow~ 1hyor-Council~~n Fullor Yos Councilman Kuhlhoff Yos Councilman Todd Yos CGMMUIJ ICAT !ON S, Clork roportQQ having rec~ivod a Resolution p~ssed by the City Cornmis~ion of Ne~ Smyrna Be~ch,also an agreoment by the City of New Sm7rna Benc~ to furnl~h electrlc ity to Edgewator. Councilm.~n Tpdd moved that Attorney road thlS resolutlon abd agrooment and then thoy be laid on tho tablo until the regular meoting to bo held M<~y 10, 1950, seconded by Mayor-Coune ilmnn :B'ullor and by vote doclarod Cj~.RHI~D. M~yor-Councilm~n Fullor Yes Councilnnn Kuhlhoff Ho Councilman Todd Yos Councilm~n Todd movod that wo adviso ]'lorida Power & Light CO. through official chann'Jls :lnGl tJ.lso personally and through our Attornoy, that we havo such a proposal from New Smyrna Boach, and that if by M~y 10, 1950,at 7:30 P. M. when tho Council of tho Town of Edgewator again .si ts in regular meeting, we have not hoard further from thorn, a~ do not havo in our hands a writton agroomont to substantiato their oral agreemont at our meoting with thorn on M~rch 9th, 1950 that tho Council of tho Town of Edgowater will havo TO ASSUME that tho 1!'lorida Power & Light Co. has no intorest in Edgewator and does not dosire to acquiro us as a customor of thoirs ~nd that tho Council will on thnt date and at that timo sign a franchiso with Now Smyrn~ Boach and drop all court action against New Smyrna BeaCh, seconded by M~yor- Councl1rrnn Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Tho lottor accompanying ll~yor-Councilm,~ Councilman Counc ilman this motion is attachod and m~do part of Fullor Yos Kuhlhoff No Todd Yos thliso minutes. iii I V ..j I U .. ~ \." <.) I.. I:Frr E I? Councilmnn Todd moved that a copy of tho above",lastia'l1 with its attondant motion be mailed to all users of ~ew Smyrna Beach Electricity, seconded by M~yer-Ceuncil-, man Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayer-Ceuncilm:m Ceuncilman Councilman 1!'uller Kuhlhoff Todd Yes Absent Yos Councilm~n Todd moveQ we do now adjourn, secondedA by M~yor-Ceuncilm~n Fuller ana by vote CARRILW. TIME 9 :30 P. M. lIhyor-Ceunc ilm: ~. Councilnnn ... 1/ ~4/~. Ceunc ilm~n I/V: it ~ M . '-.. .... ATTEST ~ 4,./1. W'cr;Y~7~ ~