09-13-1950 - Regular c I G ~ I U jI ~ v REGULAR rv1EETnrG OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWA TER, HELD IN THE TOVlN HALL SEPTEr/illER 13, 1950. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller. ROLL CALL. Mayor-Councilman . E. P. Fuller Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Councilman W. L. Todd Clerk G. C. Spargo Attorney A. E. Hawkins Marshal D. , Thomas 11.. Street Supervisor J. M. Wood Present. Present. Absent. Present. Present. Present. Absent. READING OF MINUTES~ The minutes of the regular 'meeting Kuhlhoff moved they be approved as and by vote CARRIED. held August 23, 1950 were read. Councilman read, seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller Mayor-Couhcilman Fuller Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes Councilman Todd Absent BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: City of New Smyrna Beach 81r84 Edgewater Motors $.13 Kiep Bros. 4.30 Dwight's 6.20 Albert Austin 32.00 Cecil Lofton 3.75 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel Co 17.82 W. S. Darley & Co. 3.36 Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that these bills be approved as read, paid and be made part of these minutes, seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes Councilman Todd ~bsent REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Clerk read his cash statement and budget report for the period August 1st to 31st, 1950. Marshal Thomas reported that the shoulders of highway # 1 at Park Ave, were in a very poor candition there being some deep holes which are dangerous to traffic. Councilman instructed the Clerk to write to the State Road Department calling their attention to this condition and that they should attend to this matter~at There being no further buisiness Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that we do now adjourn. seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote Carried. . Mayor-Council~an Fuller Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes TIME 8:30 P. M. Counci n Todd Absent Mayor-Councilma Councilman d 1'7, v;:;;.&~ ATTEST: Councilman Town Clerk