Declaring Nominees - Special Election - 11-06-1951 ~~OIiq,.~~ r " \ BESOLUT ION DECLAIqNG'Tn, NO MENEES FOR TEE OFFICES OF CITY OOUNCILMEN;, OF THE CI'rY OF EmPMATER. FLORIDA, 'rO:BE ELECTED AT THE SPECIAL CITY EL~O'l,I(}N TO BE HET~D NOVEMBER 6TH, 19.51, AND PRO'VIDINGFOR 'I'm: PREPARATION Am) PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR, SAID ELEC'lION. ' "- ~\~. ., WHEREAS, Petitions have beenfi1ad with the Oity Olerk of the Oity of Edgewa.ter, Florida., 'ijo .have the names of ,T nnn H Gi bhs . 1JO"T~-rr1 T H::Jllcnt-nfl)^ Hl1ssp.y)Iip.Y'mAn ,Tqhn.E. 1l. Lp.mhp.~k '''1 " 'f"",fyrg r: ShA ArrAY' . placed on the ballot at the Speoial L . \. ~,::'ion to be held ~n November 6th, 19S1, for the offioes of ot 'the Oity Oounoil of the City of Edgewater, Florida. .- .lERF:Abo, The sa,id PeU ti ons are in p rope!'. order and. are signed by J requisite IItUi., '':':If qualified electors in said Oity; no\., :I!HEREFORE: n IT RESOLVED BY TEE Clfl' ..<1oo110IL OF THE CITY OF EDGl\:~lA'l'ER. I1'LORlDA.: SECTION 1. That the names 01! JJohl1 HT Gibbs t Hljw::lrrl T. Hf'lUghton. A. 'Hl1ss~4tHerman John. E~ A. l;,.emhec'k. r.rAwfmY'd c. Soa~ffer r shall be placed on off".icial ballot as nominee for the otfice of Oity O~1lmen of the City of Edgewater. Florida, for the term of two yea.~St and the llaid John H. Giltbs ~I()waY'p L. Halle-hton, A. Hussev, .H~rman ~ohn, E, A. Lembeck Qrawford c. Shae~fer . are hereby ~~lared to be duly nominated for said offices. to be filled at the epeci&1 City I!.'lection to be held on said 6th d<v of November. 1951. '1 be printed 650 official ballots ..,i th erforations so that both mav be readily torn ad white paper,for the Use of, the qualif1e~ Eleotion aforesaid. and that the said official iially the following for.m: