Appointing Deputy Town Clerk - 06-30-1951 ~ ;' Vi \",.I , o RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPOH!TIHG A DEF1JTIY TOWN CLERK OF THE TOVm OF EDGE'I'lATER, VOL USIA COlTh"'TY, FLORIDA. WHEPJl~S, The Town Clerk of the Town of Edgeweter, Volusia County, Florida, is ill and unable for the present time to carl~ on his duties as said Town Clerk; and whereas it is necessary tlmt the business of said tovlU be transa.cted in the uSU2.l ma.n.ner: and further that there is no official or assistant that can carry on with the work 2.nd duties of said Town Clerk; it is in due con- sideration of the aforesaid conditions that a Deputy Clerk be a~pointed to carry out the duties, obligations, and responsibili- ties of the Town Clerk: NOW, TIIEREFOP.:E, BE IT RESOLV.8D BY 'rEE TO'i::: COUNCIL OF TFI:E TOWN OF EDGSI'7ATER, FLOP-IDA: That BeUsLQArgent , be and she is hereby appointed Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to assume all the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Town Clerk: of the Town of Edge\'l8ter, Florida; that the said Deputy Tm.lU Clerk shall abide by all rules and regulation, ordinances and General Laws that apply to the Town Clerk, and shall carry out the duties, obligations auQ responsibilities of the Town Clerk, and shall do all things thc.t the Town Clerk rnay do just as fully as the Town Cler~ might do. This appointment hereby made shall be for such time as in the judgment of the TO\'Tn Council it shall be necessary for the best interest of said town, and nmy be revoked at the pleasure of said Town Council. . .II '-" '-' '> Vi.' I '-"I It ,vas moved by Councilman Friedley -' and seconded by C oUilcilrnan Fuller that the above and foregoing Resolution be ado~ted by the Town Cauncil of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, and be agreed upon and made a part of the mil-lUtes of this meeting, held the -3..Q.th__ o.ay of Jun~ A. D. 1951. The motion carried, the result of the Council being as follows: /~ ~~~- i,fayor.. ouncilman J{??-~ .~I 9 ~~ COl.illcilman ATTEST: ~~?~ ,~ . O"vT Clerk, or Deputy To\'m Clerk.