Appointing Deputy Town Clerk - 06-13-1951 . "I '-' '-' \..,i \"....,. , RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A DEPUTY Tmrn CLEEK OF TIm TO~lN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIM. ~lImREAS, The Town Ckerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, is ill and unable for the present time to carry on his duties as said Town Clerk; and whereas it is necessary that the business of said to"Tn be transacted in the ususal manner; and further that there is no official or assistant that can carry on "Ii th the work and duties of said Town Clerk; it i!'l in due con- sideration of the aforesaid conditions that a Deputy Clerk be appointed to carry out the duties, obligations, and responsibili- ties of the Town Olerk: Nml, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OOUNOIL OF THE TOliN OF EDGm'l_~ER. FLORIDA: That OBA~lFORD C. SHAEFFER. be and he is hereby appointed Deputy Tovrn Clerk of the Town of Edge\fater, Floridi\, to assume all the duties. obligations and responsibilities of the Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Florida; that the said Deputy Town Clerk shall abide by all rules and regulation, ordina..'Ilces and General Laws that apply to the TO\m Clerk, and shall car~- out the duties, obligations ffi1d responsibilities of the Town Olerk. and shall do all things that the Town Olerk may do just as fully as the Town Clerk might do. This appointment hereby made shall be for such time as in the judgment of the Town Oouncil it shall be necessary for the best interest of sa.ili to\'m, and ma:y be revoked at the pleasure of said Town Oouncil. ~ J '--' v ~ v I t was moved by Councilman Fri~dl~L_ Fuller and seconded by Councilman that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater. Florida. and be spread upon and made a part of the minutes of this meeting. held the 13th day of June. A. D. 1951. The motion carried. the result of the Council being as 'follows: ~,_:."' ~ G / k --;e-. ~' ,___~_:._L:.~c:: .;- ~. --- ~_-;l:/ ~ : ~ayor-Councilman .?' /?rC~ ' Councilman Councilman ATTEST: . ~ fi:f~ Tow lerk. 0 Deputy Town C erk.