2002-O-12 '. '-' 'wi ORDINANCE NO. 2002-0-12 AN ORDINANCE DELETING SECTION 11-7 (CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY REQUIRED FOR CERT AIN OCCUPATIONS, FEES) AND REPLACING WITH SECTION 11-7 (ADMINISTRATIVE FEES; APPLICATION FEES, INSPECTION FEES); AMEND SECTION 11-8 (LICENSE T AX SCHEDULE); CHAPTER 11 (OCCUP A TIONAL LICENSES, T AXES, AND REGULATIONS) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEW A TER, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Pursuant to Section 205.0535, municipalities may increase the rates of occupational license taxes by up to five percent (5%) every other year by no less than a majority plus one vote of the City Council. 2. Occupational License Fees/Taxes were last increased in 2000. 3. The revised rate structure is more equitable than the existing rate structure. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edge water, Florida: PART A. DELETION OF EXISTING SECTION 11-7 (CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY; REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS, FEES) AND REPLACEMENT OF SECTION 11-7 (ADMINISTRATIVE FEES; APPLICATION FEES, INSPECTION FEES) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEW A TER, FLORIDA Stmck th1:ough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 1 ';. '-' ...", Section 11-7 is deleted as follows: See. 11-7. eel tifiutes of competenq, 1 equit ed fOI eel tahl ou:upatiolls, fees. (a) All individuals required by the, Codc, of Ordinancc,s to demonstrate qualificati~~~ ~s a prc,re~uisite to engag~~g in atry busines5 or ?ecupation. ~ itllin the cit" including, btrt not li~n~:e~ ~~, plum.oer5 and ekctIlclans (~ho arc nlentlOned heron for pmpNie5 of i1lustIatio~), ~~ ~e~~~ rt:quired to obtain a eel tifi~ate of compc,tcncy, ~hereupoll the license 5hall be issued b, t~e ~~t~ ~~~~ after pay ment ofthe requllc,d fee and upon pre5entation by the applic,ant of 5atisfactor, ev idencc. (a) That he: meets aU requirements ofthG Code of Ordinances ~hich atc, applicabk to such busine5s, profession or occupation. (b) That he has paid the applicable CUllcnt ocwpationallieense tax to and hol~~ ~~u:r~~~ occupationallicen5c tax to and holds a Wllent occupational license i5sued by a city or county or both, as thc, casG may be, ~hGle he maintains a pcrmanGnt busincss location or branch office, unless no such taXGS atG kvied by such cit, and county. (b) A eGltificatc of competency is rcquired as a prcrequisitc, to c,ngaging i~ ~~ :~~~ ~~~~::' profc5s~on or ocwpat~on ~ithou: rGgard to ~hGthcr th~ pGrs~n scc,king to ~~g~~~ in 5~~~ ~~~~e~, plOtts510n or occupatIOn IS rGqullGd to pa, an occdpatlohal hCGnsc, tax to ~ ~I~~. Z;~~::: :: the cost of issuing cach eGrtificatG of compGtGncy shall bc, paid by the applicants fur the vatious elas5ificatioI1s .15 follo~s. GcnGral contractor............................................................................ D uilding contractor........................................................................... Residential contractor....................................................................... ~lastcr clectrician.............................................................................. Journey Ihan Glectri(,ian..................................................................... l'~Gon sc,r v iceInan.............................................................................. ~{aster plunlbcr................................................................................. Journey Inan plumber......................................................................... Mechanical contractor, A, D, C......................................................... JoulnGYlhall meGhaniGal installGr and D GontraGtors......................... ShGet metal eontr actor....................................................................... Roofing conti actor. ........................................................................... Swimming pool contractor............................................................... Well and pump con:1ra(,tor........................... ........................ ............. Gas piping contractor....................................................................... $12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 7.00 7.00 12.00 7.00 12.00 7.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 It shall be anla~ful for atry indi v idual to engage ill atl' such business, profession or Stltlck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 2 ') ...... ..", occupation ~ithotrt complying ~ith the provisions hereof. Section 11-7 is replaced as follows: Sec. 11-7. Administrative Fees: application fees. inspection fees. Due to additional services provided by the City departments relating to the issuance of occupational licenses. the City shall administer the following administrative fees in an amount stipulated below: (ill License application fee. An applicant for an occupational license shall submit a completed application and a $20.00 non-refundable fee. Upon acceptance of a completed application. the application shall be forwarded to the Planning Department for processing and approval upon satisfaction of all requirements. including. but not limited to; the Department of Fire Rescue Services and Environmental Services for inspection and compliance with the fire and safety codes and utility requirements. No occupational license shall be issued until said applicant has furnished the city with their state sales tax number. as required by law. All applications for occupational licenses shall be submitted on the appropriate form as approved by the City. Dll Reinstatement fee. Anv business/person who holds an occupational license that results in an expiration. revocation or suspension shall be charged a $30.00 administrative fee for the reinstatement of the occupational license in addition to all required annual fees and other delinquency charges. W Inspection fees. Any business applying for an occupational license or any applicant applying: for a transfer oHhe license from one location to another. shall have an inspection pursuant to the requirements of the City. This inspection shall take place prior to the issuance of the occupational license. to ensure compliance with the codes. This fee shall be paid prior to issuance of an occupational license. The following fees shall be imposed for inspection services related to commercial and home occupational licenses: ill Fire inspection fees - businesslcommercial. Inspections required bv federaL state or other agencies. These inspections occur annuallv and include. but are not limited to any commercial business location. relating to an occupational license: Occupancy Type Annual Fee Amount Business/Commercial 0- 3.000 sq. ft $20.00 3.001 - 30.000 sq. ft. $35.00 Stl lick tmough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 3 '-"" ..,., 30.001 + sq. ft. $50.00 Mercantile o - 3.000 sq. ft. $20.00 3.001 - 30.000 sq. ft. $35.00 30.001 + sq. ft. $50.00 Assembly 0- 300 persons $20.00 301 - 1.000 persons $35.00 L001 + persons $50.00 Industrial 0- 3.000 sq. ft. $20.00 3.001 - 20.000 sq. ft. $30.00 20.001 - 60.000 sq. ft. $40.00 60.001 + sq. ft. $50.00 Stora2e Storage buildings (300 - 10.000 sq. ft.) $25.00 Storage buildings (10.001 and up sq. ft. ) $50.00 Rental units under 300 sa. ft. Exemot ill Fire inspection fees - home occuDationallicenses. Inspections required by federaL state or other agencies relating to home occupational licensing shall be an annual inspection upon submittal ohhe occupational license application and prior to issuance of the license. as listed below: Annual inspection....................................................... $ 20.00 ill Environmental services inspection fees - backflow devices. Backflow device inspections will conducted by the Department of Environmental Services and shall occur on an annual basis. These inspections shall include. but are not limited to any commercial business location. relating to an occupational license and shall be in an amount listed below: Struck tmongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 4 -', '-" ...." I . . I' . $ mtla InSpectiOn...................................................... 10.00 ill Reinspection fees. Any inspection trip made necessary by the responsible party or representative's failure to appear, shall in addition to any other fees, be charged an additional processing fee in the amount of$15.00. PART B. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11-8 (LICENSE TAX SCHEDULE) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEW A TER, FLORIDA Section 11-8 is amended to read as follows: Section 11-8. License tax schedule. The amount of the occupational license tax hereby levied for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within the city, pursuant to section 11-1 is set forth in the following schedule. Whenever any business, profession or occupation shall fall into more than one of the classifications contained in this schedule, the person engaging therein shall be required to pay the tax required for each classification. The following annual, except as otherwise stated, designated license taxes shall be paid to the city by persons, engaging in or managing or transacting the following businesses, occupations or profession within the city: 1) 2) Abstract or Title Company $ Accommodations for rent, apartments, motels, motor courts, cottages, hotels, boardinghouses a) 1 to 2 rental units b) 3 to 10 rental units c) 11 to 20 rental units d) 21 to 30 rental units e) 31 to 40 rental units f) Each additional unit 9ft:9-5 nlc Z6-:2-5 5Z-:5B 9ft:9-5 105.00 z+:oo License must be taken out for all rental units whether used or unused. (Does not permit dining room without restaurant license). 3) 4) Addressing, mailing or duplicating Advertising agency or trade inducement company Struck th1:ongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 5 %-:95 63:BB 82.69 27.56 55.13 82.69 110.25 22.05 38.59 66.15 ". ~ ""'" 5) Agents or agencies: a) Collection Agency 9ft:9-5 82.69 b) Credit reporting 52:5B 55.13 c) Booking agents 52:5B 55.13 d) Employment 52:5B 55.13 e) Private detective, detective agency (must register with police department) 9ft:9-5 82.69 f) Travel agents 9ft:9-5 82.69 g) Security agency 9ft:9-5 82.69 h) Mortgage Broker 9ft:9-5 82.69 1. Each additional %:Z5 27.56 2. Stocks and bonds 9ft:9-5 82.69 i) Other 4Z-:OO 44.10 6) Alcoholic beverages, spirits, beer and wine (under state supervision), state license required n/c 7) Ambulance service (not connected with hospital or funeral home) 9-3-:5B 77.18 8) Animals a) Kennel, state license required 68:25 71.66 b) Boarding, state license required 68:25 71.66 c) Grooming 3fr.95 38.59 d) Pet sitting %:Z5 27.56 9) Archery range 3fr.95 38.59 10) Armored car service: a) 1 - 3 vehicles 52:5B 55.13 b) Each additional vehicle t5:75 16.54 11) Arms dealer, handling those known as concealed weapons, alone or in conjunction with any other business (as defined in Chapter 790 Florida Statutes) 52:5B 55.13 12) Auctioneer 3fr.95 38.59 13) Auction shops 9%:9-5 82.69 14) Automotive: a) Sales 1. New Cars 13 1.25 137.81 2. U sed Cars a. 1 - 1 0 cars %:Z5 27.56 b. 11- 50 cars 3fr.95 38.59 c. 51 - 100 cars 52:5B 55.13 Struck tluongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 6 "-" 'wi d. 101 and over ~ 93.71 Definition - MOTOR VEHICLE means any automobile, truck, bus, recreation vehicle, motorcycle, motor scooter, or other motor powered vehicle, but does not include trailers, mobile homes, travel trailers, or trailer coaches without independent motive power. b) MINOR REPAIR SERVICE includes repairing and changing tires; lubricating vehicles; cleaning, adjusting, and replacing spark plugs; changing oil and air filters; replacing, adjusting, repairing, or servicing hoses and air filters; changing or otherwise servicing the coolant, automatic door lamp switch, battery, battery ground cable, battery hold-down strap, battery positive cable, battery-to-starter relay cable, oil filter, fan an alternator drive belts, fuses, headlamp foot dimmer, horns, ignition coil output wire, light bulbs and headlamps, ornamental accessories, power steering pump belt, wheels, except alignment, windshield washer tank, and wiper blades; any other minor service, which may be performed by persons without the skills and knowledge required of motor vehicle mechanics and helpers which the Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services has designated by rule to be a minor repair serVIce. State registration required 9-3-:59 77.18 c) MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP means any person who, for compensation, engages or attempts to engage in the repair of motor vehicles owned by other persons and includes, but is not limited to: motor vehicle and recreation vehicle dealers; garages; service stations; self-employed individuals; truck stops; paint and body shops; brake, muffler, or transmission shops, and shops doing upholstery or glass work. 9-3-:59 77.18 Any person who engages solely in the maintenance or repair of the coach portion of a recreation vehicle is not a motor vehicle repair shop. d) MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR means all maintenance of and modification and repairs to motor vehicles, and diagnostic work incident thereto, including, but not limited to, the rebuilding or restoring of rebuilt vehicles, body work, painting, warranty work, and other work customarily undertaken by motor vehicle repair shops. %:95 38.59 e) Pumps (Gas, kerosene, diesel) 1. 1 - 4 pumps Z6:Z5 27.56 StrUGk th10ugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 7 ~ ." 2. each additional pump 5:Z5 5.51 f) Auto Machine Shop 42-:00 44.1 0 15) Auto salvage 105.00 110.25 16) Aviation service 42-:00 44.10 17) Ball, concerts, parades, carnivals, circus, exhibitions (fees set by Council) (special activities) 18) Barbershop and cosmetology(retail sales must have separate licenses), state license required a) One owner operator 42-:00 44.10 b) Each additional operator %:Z5 27.56 c) Shoe shine stand n/c d) Manicurist & nail sculpture, pedicurist %:Z5 27.56 e) Tanning salons %:Z5 27.56 f) Other %:Z5 27.56 19) Bicycles for rent (not in connection with other business) %:Z5 27.56 20) Billiards, pool, electronic games, etc.: a) 1 to 10 machines %:Z5 27.56 b) 11 to 25 machines 42-:00 44.1 0 c) Each additional machine W:-5B 11.03 21) Boats, ferry and sightseeing, used wholly or in part as ferry sightseeing boats, each boat with passenger capacity as follows: a) Not to exceed 10 persons %:95 38.59 b) More than 10 not to exceed 50 persons 5Z:5B 55.13 c) More than 50 persons 9%:95 82.69 (Does not permit dining room without restaurant license) 22) Boats for hire: a) Canoes, rowboats, motor boards, inboard or outboard: 1. 1 to 10 boats %:Z5 27.56 2. 11 to 25 boats 5Z:5B 55.13 3. Each additional boat W:-5B 11.03 b) Fishing, cruising and/or charter: 1. One boat %:95 38.59 2. Each additional boat %:Z5 27.56 23) Bottling works, bottling or distilling water or soft drinks 5Z:5B 55.13 24) Bowling lanes, skee ball, etc.: a) 1 to 161anes 5Z:5B 55.13 Stmck tlllotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 8 .... ...., b) Each additional lane 5:Z5 5.51 (Restaurant needs additional license ) 25) Broadcasting stations: a) Cable 13 1.25 137.81 b) Radio 13 1.25 137.81 c) Television 13 1.25 137.81 26) Cabinet Shop (manufacturer and installation) (not to exceed 3 employees)(Over 3 employees, see Manufacturer)(Installer must have insurance) 52:5B 55.13 27) Car wash: a) 1 to 4 bays 3+:-5B 33.08 b) 5 to 7 bays 63-:00 66.15 c) Each additional bay tB:5B 11.03 d) Car detailing and window tinting (cleaning and polishing) 3fr.9-5 38.59 28) Carpet and rug cleaning 3fr.9-5 38.59 29) Cemetery lots (operated for profit) 9-&9-5 82.69 30) Citrus fruit shippers, place where orders for fruit are taken and filled or shipped (excluding packing houses) %:-Z5 27.56 31) Cleaning, pressing and dyeing (boiler inspection certificate must be presented) a) Cleaning and pressing pick up station 3fr.9-5 38.59 b) Self-service: 1. 1 to 10 machines %:-Z5 27.56 2. 11 to 25 machines 3fr.9-5 38.59 3. 26 to 50 machines 52:5B 55.13 4. Each additional machine 5:Z5 5.51 32) Coin-operated machine or devices: a) Distributors 52:5B 55.13 b) Each machine, see billiards, item (20) for amounts 33) Communication sites: a) Commercial 13 1.25 137.81 b) Cellular 13 1.25 137.81 c) Other 13 1.25 137.81 34) Computer software service (designing programs) 52:5B 55.13 35) Concrete mixing plants: a) 1 to 5 trucks 157.50 165.38 b) Each additional truck %:-Z5 27.56 Struck tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 9 t" 36) .... 'WI' Contractors, general or subcontractors bonds required: a) General, state license required b) Residential, state license required c) Builder, state license required d) Electrical, state license required: 1. Master 2. Journeyman Plumbing, state license required: 1. Master 2. Journeyman Mechanical, state license required: 1. Master 2. Journeyman Pool, state license required Subcontractors 1. Alarm systems 2. Aluminum installers 3. Asphalt maintenance 4. Awning (all types and/or storm shutters) 5. Cabinetry 6. Carpentry 7. Concrete, stone, brick 8. Dredging 9. Electrical 10. Elevators/escalators installation and maintenance 11. Fence installation 12. Fire sprinkler system 13. Floor sanding and finishing 14. Foundation or general excavating 15. Garage doors 16. Gas pipe installation 17. Glass and glazing 18. Heating, air conditioning or ventilation 19. Home maintenance and repair Any occupation that limits itself to cleaning, minor repairs, replacement, and general maintenance of a nature that does not entail work concerning the structure of a building mechanical, electrical, plumbing, gas, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, T3-:5B T3-:5B T3-:5B 5Z:-5B 26:2-5 e) 5Z:-5B 26:2-5 f) g) h) 5Z:-5B 26:2-5 5Z:-5B 3fr.1-5 Struck tlllongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 10 77.18 77.18 77.18 55.13 27.56 55.13 27.56 55.13 27.56 55.13 38.59 ~ ..., roofing, or any other function normally considered construction. Home maintenance and repair shall include, but not be limited to: minor repair of the interior and/or exterior of a dwelling; painting; caulking; minor repairs to windows and doors; and minor repairs to mechanical equipment, consisting of the replacement of simple air filters and the cleaning of interior or exterior units by washing or compressed air blowing. Minor repairs to plumbing consisting of the replacement of fixtures beyond the last manual shut-off valve shall be allowed. Hot water heater replacement, installation of new lines or additional fixtures, sewer or septic tank work, or gas piping shall not be authorized. No structural repairs, new additions, roofing, or foundation work of any kind is permitted. Adding, changing, and/or removing refrigerant, welding, pipe fitting, and duct work is prohibited. No electrical work except the replacement of lamps and bulbs is authorized. 20. House moving and demolition 21. Installation of prefabricated items, such as antenna, signs, etc. 22. Insulation 23. Irrigation 24. Land clearing 25. Landscape 26. Lawn (sprinkler installers) 27. Masonry 28. Mobile home set-up 29. Painters and paperhangers 30. Parking lot striping 31. Paving and grading 32. Pier/docks/seawalls 33. Plasterers, drywall, hardcoat, stucco, lather 34. Plumbers 35. Pressure cleaning 36. Roofing and/or sheet metal and tinsmith 37. Sandblasting 38. Satellite Struck tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 11 ~ 39. Steel, prefab 40. Structural steel 41. Swimming pool a. Installation b. Service 42. TV cable wiring 43. Tile, terrazzo, marble and granite 44. Tree surgery 45. Trucking and bulldozing 46. Well drillers 47. Windows and steel sash 48. Other 37) Delivery services: a) One vehicle b) Each additional vehicle 38) Distributors and home party sales (Avon, Tupperware, Fullerbrush, Amway, etc.) 39) Entertainment (Bands, orchestras, etc.) 40) Exterminators, spray service, state license required: a) One vehicle b) Each additional truck 41) Financial: a) Banks and trust companies b) Building and loan associations c) Finance and discount companies, liquidating accounts, whether purchased or not d) Money lenders, except banks or bankers whose business consists of or including taking, buying or selling assignments of wages or commissions earned or to be earned, etc. e) Personal finance companies 42) Fortune tellers, mind readers, gypsies and other nomadic people (see sections 11-21 through 11-25) 43) Funeral chapel 44) Funeral homes, including embalmer or undertaker and ambulance, state license required 45) Furniture packers, moving and/or storage: a) 1 - 2 trucks b) Each additional truck Stl uck th10ugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 12 -" %:Z5 27.56 W:-5B 11.03 %:Z5 27.56 %:Z5 27.56 T&-:9-5 82.69 W:-5B 11.03 1J6.50 143.33 136.50 143.33 136.50 143.33 136.50 143.33 136.50 143.33 78.75 each 82.69 each T&-:9-5 82.69 105.00 110.25 T&-:9-5 82.69 %:Z5 27.56 lIIlW' ....., 46) Gas companies, state license required: a) Distributing through pipe lines, natural gas (includes one truck)(franchised or other method devised by city council) 105.00 110.25 b) Bottle gas, wholesale merchant license required 5Z:5B 55.13 c) Bottle gas, retail merchant license required 5Z:5B 55.13 47) Gas contractors, installing container, piping (includes one vehicle), state license required a) Not connected with other business :::rfB-5 82.69 b) When connected with other business 5Z:5B 55.13 48) Gasoline, fuel oil, and other petroleum products, resident or nonresident (includes one vehicle): a) Wholesale 13 1.25 137.81 49) General repairs, permitting to carry stocks or parts necessary to be used in making repairs in shop hereby licensed, however, if any portion of such stock is sold in any manner, a merchant's license is required. Machine shop and welding (not working on automotive) 36:-15 38.59 Employing including owner and operator a) Notto exceed 3 employees (assemblage) 36:-15 38.59 b) Not exceeding 8 employees 5Z:5B 55.13 c) More than 8 employees, not exceeding 20 employees 13 1.25 137.81 d) More than 20 employees 199.50 209.48 50) Golf: a) Driving ranges or practice courses 5Z:5B 55.13 b) Course 1. 9 holes :::rfB-5 82.69 2. 18 holes 13 1.25 137.81 c) Miniature golf 36:-15 38.59 51) Hazardous materials Z6:Z5 27.56 52) Health fitness centers 5Z:5B 55.13 53) Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, and congregate living, operated for profit, state license required: Struck tmough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 13 --.,. ....", a) b) c) d) 54) 1 - 5 beds 6 - 12 beds 13 - 20 beds Each additional bed License must be taken out for all beds whether used or unused Housecleaning and janitorial services (including window cleaning domestic help excepted) Insurance adjustor company: a) Company with one adjustor b) Each additional adjustor Insurance companies (see also section 11-20, City Code) for the purpose of taxation, insurance companies are classified and defined as follows: a) Casualty and liability insurance, only on annual, semiannual, or quarterly premium basis and: 1. Bonds, including fidelity, court contracts and surety bonds and financial guarantees. Burglary insurance, including residences, bank stock, bonds and securities, safe burglary and holdup and messenger robbery. Liability insurance, including employers, public and automobile liability for personal injury, property damage and collision. Plate glass insurance. Workman's compensation insurance issued to employers or labor. Accident and health insurance only on annual, semiannual, or quarterly premium basis. Fire insurance companies, writing policies of insurance against hazards of fire, tornado and windstorms, use and occupancy, profits, rent, leasehold insurance, insurrections, riot and civil commotion, sprinkler, leakage, rain, fire, theft, automobile collisions; and marine cargoes and bills; and rail, mail express 3-6:75 9-3-:5e 105.00 5:Z5 3-6:75 55) 78:-95 %:2:5 56) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b) Struck tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 14 38.59 77.18 110.25 5.51 38.59 82.69 27.56 ..... c) shipments; against fire, collisions, stranding, sinking. Industrial insurance companies, (including funeral benefits associations or companies) writing life and or accident and health, insurance and funeral benefits on a weekly, bimonthly or monthly premium paying basis. Insurance agency, any person who represents or otherwise acts as agent for an insurance company as defined and or classified in this subsection or classification of insurance companies, or which operates or maintains an office or place of business in the city shall be deemed to constitute and operate an insurance agency. Fees to be paid by the company, includes representation by each agent. 1. 2. 3. d) 57) Casualty and liability companies Fire insurance companies Industrial insurance and funeral benefits association or company 4. Life insurance company 5. Each additional agent Laboratories, scientific and industrial investigation, if not connected with licensee's manufacturing enterprises Lawn service and care: a) Gardener and/or lawn care Manufacturers. The following businesses are classified as manufacturers and each person engaged in the operation of such business in the manner described are required to cover this operation by taking out a manufacturer's license as follows: Factory, permitted to manufacture and sell the products manufactured, employees include owner and operators actively engaged in such business. a) Not to exceed 3 employees (assemblage) 58) 59) Struck th10ugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 15 ...", *-r.95 38.59 *-r.95 38.59 *-r.95 38.59 *-r.95 38.59 Z6:Z5 27.56 13 1.25 137.81 Z6:Z5 27.56 *-r.95 38.59 '-' ...., b) Not exceeding 8 employees 5-2:5B 55.13 c) More than 8 employees, not exceeding 20 employees 13 1.25 . 137.81 d) More than 20 employees 199.50 209.48 60) Meat, fish and poultry products, packinghouses or storage 9-&:-T5 82.69 61) Merchandise mart (flee market) owner operator: a) Up to 4 spaces 9-&:-T5 82.69 b) 5 - 10 spaces 105.00 110.25 c) 11 - 20 spaces 157.50 165.38 d) Each additional t6:-5B 11.03 62) Merchants - Retail, provided license shall permit but one location when average stock of goods carried is as follows: a) Stock up to $1,000.00 Z6:Z5 27.56 b) Stock from $1,001.00 to $5,000.00 3645 38.59 c) Stock from $5,001.00 to $10,000.00 5-2:5B 55.13 d) Stock from $10,001.00 to $30,000.00 9-&:-T5 82.69 e) Stock from $30,001.00 to $50,000.00 125.00 131.25 f) Stock from $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 157.50 165.38 g) Stock from $100,001.00 and over 183.75 192.94 63) Merchants - Jobbing wholesaling, provided license shall permit but one location when average stock of goods carried is as follows: a) Stock up to $1,000.00 3645 38.59 b) Stock from $1,001.00 to $10,000.00 5-2:5B 55.13 c) Stock from $10,001.00 to $30,000.00 9-&:-T5 82.69 d) Stock from $30,001.00 to $75,000.00 105.00 110.25 e) Stock from $75,001.00 and over 141.75 148.84 64) Museums, historical, for profit (permission and fees set by council) 65) Newspaper publisher 9-&:-T5 82.69 66) Parking lots, for profit: a) 1 to 1 0 cars Z6:Z5 27.56 b) 11 to 60 cars 9-&:-T5 82.69 c) 61 to 100 cars 105.00 110.25 d) 101 cars and over 13 1.25 137.81 67) Pawnbrokers, not transferable 157.50 165.38 Each pawnbroker or money broker shall keep a complete and true record of all transactions Struck tmough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 16 ...... showing from whom the article was taken or purchased and to whom sold, which shall at all times be subject to inspection by the police department to the city, one copy of daily records being delivered to the police department. Violations ofthis subsection shall be punished by fine or imprisonment. (See section 11-27 and 11-28, City Code.) 68) Printing business 69) Private and social clubs 70) Private schools (religious, institutions exempt) a) Art color studio b) Automobile and truck driving c) Business d) Cosmetology e) Dancing f) Dramatic g) Flying instructions h) Kindergarten, nursery, or day care (state license required) i) Martial arts j) Model or charm k) Music (piano, voice, instruments) 1) Riding school or academy m) Trade n) Other 71) Professional The following professional practitioners are classed as professional and each person engaged in the practice of any such profession is required to cover this practice by taking out a professional license as follows: (Other county and state license compliance required if applicable) a) Accountants, bookkeepers b) Artists c) Acupuncturists, state license required d) Architects e) Astronomers f) Attorneys, state license required g) Auditors, state license required Stl uck tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 17 ....", 52:5B 52:5B %:25 T&-:95 55.13 55.13 27.56 82.69 -- ...." h) Chemists, state license required i) Clinic labs, state license required j) Computer consultant k) Drafting 1) Dentistry, state license required m) Embalmers, state license required n) Engineers, state license required 0) Engravers, embossing, lithographs p) Homeopathic or drugless physicians q) Income tax, tax consultant r) Interior decorators, designers s) Masseur, state license required t) Medical doctors, state license required u) Naprapaths, state license required v) Opticians, state license required w) Optometrists x) Osteopathic physicians, state license required y) Pharmacists (exempt F.S. 205.196), state license required z) Physicians, state license required aa) Photographers bb) Pilot cc) Podiatrists, state license required dd) Private instructors ee) Secretary ff) Security (must register with police department) gg) Therapists hh) Tree surgeons ii) Veterinarian, state license required jj) Taxidermist, state license required kk) Bondsman (state license required): 1. Each agency =tft:T5 2. Each agent Z6:Z5 11) All other professions =tft:T5 72) Real estate or rental agency, state license required: a) With one person designated as broker 3fr.9-5 b) Each additional salesperson Z6:Z5 (No license issued until state registration certificate is presented.) 73) Recording studios 52-:5B 74) Refuge hauling and recycling, for profit, (by Struck th10ugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 18 82.69 27.56 82.69 38.59 27.56 55.13 ........ ..., authority of the city council fees also determined by council) 75) Rent all (equipment & video) 5Z:5B 55.13 76) Restaurant, cafe and other public eating places, where food is served in connection with or separate from other business according to seating capacity: a) o to 50 seats also carry out 5Z:5B 55.13 b) 51 to 100 seats 9%-:9-5 82.69 c) 101 seats and over S9:Z5 93.71 d) Caterer service 36:-T5 38.59 Health permit certificate required. 77) Rinks 9%-:9-5 82.69 78) Saw mills 9%-:9-5 82.69 79) Service: a) Mail order 36:-T5 38.59 b) Parcel packing 36:-T5 38.59 c) Telephone answering services 36:-T5 38.59 d) Telemarketing 36:-T5 38.59 e) Housesitting Z6:Z5 27.56 f) Chimney sweeper Z6:Z5 27.56 g) Other 36:-T5 38.59 80) Shooting galleries 5Z:5B 55.13 Must be arranged and located as to be entirely safe and not a nuisance to adjoining property and approved by the city council and the police department. 81) Shows, carnivals, parades, concerts (fees set by council) 82) Solicitors: a) For magazines or periodicals (see section 11-26 City Code)( each solicitor required to register with the police department and receive a registration and identification card signed by the police chief) Z6:Z5 27.56 b) Going from house to house soliciting business, (each solicitor required to register with the police department and receive a registration and identification card signed by the police chief) Z6:Z5 27.56 Struck tll10ngh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 19 '-'" ,..." c) Canvassers (see section 11-26, Edgewater Code, must get permit from city) Z6:Z5 27.56 83) Storage warehousing 9-&:-T5 82.69 a) Boat houses or boat yards (keeping or storing) Z6:Z5 27.56 b) Garage and storage and parking for all types of vehicles 36:-T5 38.59 84) Swimming pools (public) 36:-T5 38.59 85) Telegram companies 5Z:5B 55.13 86) Telephone companies 5Z:5B 55.13 87) Theaters: a) Up to 500 seats 63-:00 66.15 b) 501 to 1,000 seats 9-&:-T5 82.69 c) Over 1,001 seats 105.00 110.25 d) Drive-ins 9-&:-T5 82.69 (If merchandise is sold, merchants license is required) 88) Trailers or mobile homes parks or camps: a) 1 to 9 trailer spaces 36:-T5 38.59 b) 10 to 20 trailer spaces 5Z:5B 55.13 c) 21 or more trailer spaces 9-&:-T5 82.69 Sales 13 1.25 137.81 89) Transportation: a) Chauffeurs, taxis, limousines or motor vehicles for hire (must get permit from police department.): 1. 1 to 5 vehicles 5Z:5B 55.13 2. 6 to 1 0 vehicle~ 9-&:-T5 82.69 3. Each additional vehicle 5:Z5 5.51 b) Wrecker service: 1. One vehicle 36:-T5 38.59 2. Each additional vehicle 5:Z5 5.51 90) Trucking companies (Freight): a) Each truck Z6:Z5 27.56 91) Unclassified 5Z:5B 55.13 92) Utilities 13 1.25 137.81 93) Vendors, concession mobile, health permit required 36:-T5 38.59 Struck tlnough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 20 ~ """'" PART C. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PARTD. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART E. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections ofthis ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts C through G shall not be codified. PART F. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. Stl lick tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 21 . . '-' """'" PART G. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Brown and Second by Councilwoman Lichter, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on July 8, 2002, was as follows: Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes AYE NAY X X X X X and Second by ~~ Mayor Donald A. Schmidt Councilman James P. Brown Councilman Dennis A. Vincenzi Councilwoman Judy Lichter AfterMotionby ~ a the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Struck tll10ugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 22 i.� u PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this IS day of July, 2002. ATTEST: For the use and reliance only by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and legality by: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire City Attorney Foley & Lardner Stmck-thnonglt passages me deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-12 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATEE�R, FLORIDA By: Donald A. Schmidt Mayor CaLrz�w k'.1/' Robin L. Matusick Legal Assistant 23 Approved by the City Council of the City of Edgewater t meeting held on this S day of �, 2002 under Agenda I m o. �.