02-28-1951 - Special v u u J SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN THE TOWN HALL ON FEBRUARY 28, 1951. Meeting called to order at 8:45 P. M. by Mayor-Council,an E. P. Fuller. ROLL CALL. Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller Present. Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Present. Clerk G~ C. Spargo Present. Attorney A. E. Hawkins Present. Marshal D. A. Thomas Present. Street Supervisor J. M. Wood Present. Police Officer F. w. Norman Present, Mayor-Councilman Fuller stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of receiving petitions of cahdidates for the office of ~own Councilman and such other business as may come before it. Clerk reported that a petition had been filed to place the mame of Raymond T. Friedley on the ballot of the special election to be held March 20th, 1951. Clerk reported that the petition was signed by twenty-five or more qualified electors and Attorney Hawkins advised that it was in proper legal form. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that the name of Raymond T. Friedley be placed on the official ballot, seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by voted CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS. . A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCILMAN OF THE TOVm OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA, TO BE ELECTED AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD MARCH 20TH: 1961, AND pR6vIDINQ FOR THE pREpARATION AND pRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SAID ELECTION. This Resolution was read in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, at its meeting held on the 28th day of February, A. D. 1951, the vote of the Council, being as follows: Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AND THREE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, THE 20th DAY OF MARCH, 1951. It was moved by Councilman Kuhlhoff and seconded bo Mayor-Councilman Fuller that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, and be spread upon and be made a part of the minutes of this Meeting, held the 28th day of February, A. D. 1951. The Motion carried, the result of the vote of the Council being as follows: Mayor-Councilman Fuller Councilman KuhlhofL made part of these minutes. do now adjourn, seconded by Mayor-Councilman TI?vffi 9: 00 P. M. Yes. Yes. These Resolutionsare attached amd Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that we Fuller and by vote Carried . MaYor_COUnCilma~ ~ councilman'/" t? ~~ , '- ATTEST: /r:7d~~