11-22-1950 - Regular tI I V .' '--' v I V ill \.J ~ It2GULAH LESTING OF THE TO~;;N COUNCIL OF THE TG ,IN OF' KDGEVoA TUt, FLORIJA, HELD IN THE TmJN HALL rJOVbHBER 22, 1950. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. ~. by Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller. ROLL CALL.. Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Councilman VI. T Todd L. Clerk G. C. Spargo Attorney A. E. Hawkins Marshal D. A. Thomas Street Supervisor J. M. Wood Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. ~~AJING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting held November 8, 1950 and the organization meetinf and the regular meeting held November 8, 1950 were read. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved they be approved as read, seconded by Mayer-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIBD. ~~yor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes. Councilman Todd BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; ',i. L. Robertson ~ 100.00 Beauty Rest Cabins 10.26 Frank J. McMurray .60 Florida Gas & Fuel Co. 15.00 3teve Pyevac 10.30 G. C. Spargo 1.00 Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that these bills be approved as read"paid and be marie part of these minutes, seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes. Councilman Todd Councilman Todd arrived to late to vote on the previous motions. REPOrtTS OF OFFICERS. Attorney Hawkins reported that in order to speed up the matters i have to take up as well as the passage of the Ordinances that were left from last meeting, I think it better that I first report on the Kiep vs Edgewater case. Mr Crofton has writtsr that he would like to dismiss this case and 'also agree not to appeal the case if we will in turn release the parties who made bond from any liability for danages as well a3 Mr. Kiep~ Of course I do not any unnesessary litigation and though it i~ is 'not with in my power to decide this matter I do earnestly sUfEest that this he dona. .ifter some discussion of this matter A HE30LUTION :lUTHORIZING THE TmVN COUNCIL OF THE TO~IN OF EDGEvlATER, FLORIDA ANJ THE ATTORIFY FOR THE Tmm OF EDGEWATER, FLORIJA TO ENT~R INTO ALL NECESSARY AGR~EKiNT3, STIPULATIONS, AND OTHER P~PERS IN ORDER TO PROp~rrLY DISPOSE OF AND END ALL LITIGATION IN THE CASE OF FRANK J. KIEP VS THE TO:'lN OF EDG3"\iA TER. The above and foregoing resolution introduced by Councilman Kuhlhoff and moved by him accordingly, be adopted, which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Todd,and upon a roll. call vote the sa~e was duly adopted, said roll call vote being as follows; at a meeting of said Council held this 22nd day of rJovember, A. D. 1950. Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. ~ouncilman Kuhlhoff Yes. Councilman Todd Yes. This resolution is attached and made part of these minutes. htorney Hawkins now stated that now this was done I man Kuhlhoff, in view of the settlement of the case many of the ordinances and resolutions by third want to suggest to Council- and the necessity of passinf --_if -\...; I V v ~ u - o .. . reading and with out any promrting from the other members of the Council, that you consider the advisability of voting in favor of the matter before you. Councilman Kuhlhoff agreed to do so. ORDINANCES. Ordinance No.182 entitled: AN ORDINANCE R~PEALING ORDINANCE NO.149 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE FIXING RATES FOR THE JALE OF ELJ~CTRICITY WITHIN THE TOWN OF EDGEvv'ATER, FLORIDA. The foregoing ordinance was read upon second reading at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida held on the 22 day of November 1950, and upon roll call the said motion was carried on second reading, the vote of the Council being as follows: R. G. Rienwald made to be workei out no COllncilman Kuhlhoff Town dump, seconded ~ayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff Yest Councilman Todd Yes. Ordinance No .183 entitled: AN ORDINANCE GR.\NTING TO TH~ CITY OF NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FLORIDA, IT3 SUCC~JSOaS AND AJ3IG~3, THE ~IGHT, PRIV~LEGE, OR FRANCHIJE FOR THE Pi:HIOD BEGINNING NOVEMBER 8TH, 1950 ANJ ENDING JUNE 25TH, 1956, TO CONSTRUCT, r1AINTAIN AND OPERATE, IN, UNDER, UPON AND ACR03J TH~ PR~3ENT AND GUTU~E STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, HIGHWn.YS, BRI0GBS, EASBrJIENTS, \NJ OTHr:n PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TO','JN OF EDGi'vJATER, FLORIDA, AHJ ITS SUCEE-3S0R3, ~L~CTRIC LIGHT AND POWER LINES, TOGJ';THEH \/ITH ALL TH.2; NECE33i\RY OR DESIRABLE APPUHTENA.NCES, FOR TIlE PURPOSE OF SUPPLYING ELECTRICITY TO SAID Tmffl AND IT3 3UCESSORS, THE INHABITANTS TH~nEOF, AND TO PERSONS AND CORPCRATIONS BEYOND THE LIMITS THEREOF, FOR LIGHT, HEAT,POWER AND OTHER PUPOSES, ~NU I~POSING PROVISIONS ANJ CONJITIONS RELATING THERETO. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Todd and seconded by Councilman Kuhlhoff the and foregoing ordinance was read on secilind reading and passed by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting thereof' held on November 22nd, 1950, the vote of the Council. on second teading being as follows: Mayor-Councilman Fuller Councilman Kuhlhoff Councilman Todd a report on the proposed dock. As there are still many action was taken. moved that the Town have F. L. Edwards dig a new ditch at the by Councilman Todd and by vote CARRIED. klyor-Councilman Fuller Councilman Kuhlhoff Councilman Todd to contact \J. b. 3woope.Jr. in regard to Yes. Yes. Yes. details Council instructed the Clerk the streets of ~dgewater. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved we vote CARRIE:D. Yes. Yes. Yes. surveyinf th do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Mayor-Councilman Fuller Councilman KuhIhoff Councilman Todd Todd and by Yes. Yes. Yes. TIMt: 8:50 P. M. r.:ayor-Cuonc ilmCln CounCilmanut O. ~LL~ ATTEST: Councilman Town Clerk.