11-08-1950 - Regular " I V I U ~ v v I V " ;t:=GULAR l/liBTING OF THE TO',;N COUNCIL OF TH~ TO'lJ OF .i:DGE'....A TER, FLOdIJ~, H~LD IN TH~ TO~~ HALL NOVE~B~R g, 1950. Keeting called to order at 8:20 P. ~. by ~ayor-Co~ncilman E. 1. Fulle~. :10LL Cf\LL. layor-Councilman , P. Fuller Present. l!J. Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Presentt Councilman vi. T Todd Present. L. Clerk G. C. Jpargo Present. Attorney j\. . B. Hawkins Present. Larshal D. A. Thomas Present. Jtreet Jupervisor J. r... ~iood Present. *ORJINANCE No.181: AN OdDIN1NC1 PROVIDING FO~ THS RAT~ OF TAiATION FOR ALL PROF2RTY IN TH~ TO,~ OF EJG2WAT~1, FLOdIDA, FOR THE YEAR ~. D. 1950, PHOVIJING WHBN SUCH' T'L\!'.,0 SH.4.LL BECOKE JUi, ANJ BiCOlVi~ JELnnUEIJT l'.NJ BL 30LD FOE NON':'P AYlmNT; ANJ PROVIJING FOR JIJCOfNTJ IF PRID BEFOrlE l.\~CH 1st, 1951. Ihe above ordinance was read in f'111 and passed by the lm~mir101l:'3 vote of the mO'Tn ~~ouncil uf tbe Town of Edgevmter, Florida, at a regular m.eeting on the 8th (lay of November, A. J. 1950 Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the roquirement of read- ing said ordinance upon second reading was waived and this Ordinance was ordered put upon its final passage. Passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. at a regular'meeting of said Council held this ~th day of November, A. D. 1950, . and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows: Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes. Councilman Todd Yes. Attorney Hawkins reported that a hearing on the suit of Kiep vs Town of Edgewater, JudFe Fredericks had disolved the injuction and dismissed the bill of comr1aint. rittorney Hav;kins said that in his dlpinion this clears the vTay for action by the Council. Attorney Hawkins also reported that a stipulation had been entered by all Counsel agreeing to the dismissal of the condemnation suit and Judge Freiericks dismissed the suit. A RESOLUTION entitled: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN COUNCILIVlliN OF THE TOHN OF EDGETi'IATER, FLORIDA, TO ~NTER INTO A TElI:PORARY FHi\NCHI3E AGREEHENT \HTH THE CITY OF NK~; JT-'YRNA B '~ACH, SAID FR.,i.NCHI3~ .\GRt.:EI':ZIn TO BE FOn TH:S FURNISHING OF ELECT':?ICITY ANi) ~LECTRIC SER.VICE TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE Tm"TN OF EDGEVlA TER, BLORIDA. Before any action was taken on this resolution it was requested that the agreement be read, Attorney Hawkins complied readine: the agreement in full. This resulted in some discussion and brought out some points that it was thought should be in this agreement. .It wa~'moved by Councilman Todd that with the following reservations "No deposite on meters by property owners, uniformity of meter and deposit requirements~ no charge for street lights out over 48 hours", be adopted, which motion WqS duly seconded by ~ayor-Councilman Fuller and upon a roll call vote the same was duly adopted, said roll call vote being. as follows, at a meeting of said Council held this 8th day of November, A. D. 1950. ~ayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff No. ORDINANC~ No.182 Councilman Todd Yes. AN ORDINANCE REPSALINn ORDINANCE NO, L~( ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE FIXING RATES FOR THE SALE OF JLECTRICITY WITHIN THE TOWN OF EDGEWAT~R, FLORIDA. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Todd and seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller the foregoing ordinance was read in full at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, held November 8th, 1950; and upon roll call votE vote said motion was carried on first reading, the vote of the Couhcil being as Follows Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff No. Councilman Todd Yes. " \..., . ~ ~ J o I U ~ ORDINANC~ NO. 19); AN ORDINJ\NCB GRANTING TO THE CITY OF HE\<! SI~YRNA BEACH, FLORIDA I ITS 3UCCE3S0RS AND AJSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, OR ?RANDHISE FOR THE PERIO] BE BEGINNING NOVElv1B2R gth, 1950 AND ENDING JUNE 25th, 1956, reo CONSTRUCT, rv~AINTAnr A idJD OP r:RA. TE, IN, UNDEH, UPON AND ACROSS THE PRESENT :HJD GUTURE STREETS, A VErJUES , ALLEY3, HIGH~lAYS, BRIDGE3, EASElvl~NTS, AND OTHt:r? PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TOWN OF 1;~JGE\.TA TER, ,FLORIDA, AND ITS .3UCCEJ30[{S, EL~CTRIC LIGHT AND PO'JER LINES, TOG:"TI-IER WITH hLL TH~ NEC33SARY OR ~ESIRABLE APPURTENANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OS SUPPLYING SL~CTRICITY TO SAID TOviN AND ITS SUCCESSORS THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, AND TO Pt:RSONS AND CORPORATION3 BEYOND THE LIIv:I'fS TH~REOF, FOR LIGHT, HEAT, PO\'JER AND OTHER PUHPOSES, AND H;::FOSING PROVISIONS AND CONuITI0NS RELATING THEHETO. Upon motion duly maae by Councilman Todd and seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller the above and foregoing ordinance was read in full, on first reading ~nd passed by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. at a regular meeting there- of on November Sth, 1950, thevote of the Council being as follows; Mayor-Councilman Fuller Councilman Kuhlhoff Councilman Todd Yes. No. Yes. In response to requests for more street lights, Councilman Todd moved that the st street lights in the Town be increased up to and including 60 lights all told, seconded' by Councilman Kufulhoff and by vote CA~RIED. Mayor-Councilman Councilman Councilman Fuller Kuhlhoff Todd Yes Yes yes. Gouncilman Kuhlhoff moved that we do and by vote CARRIED. now ddjourn, seconded by Councilman Todd Mayor-Councilman Fuller Yes. Councilman Kuhlhoff Yes. Councilman Todd Yes. TIIVIE 9:)0 P. M. lvlayor-Counc ilm Councilman t// p. t/~ /VI 1, ~ Councilman ATTEST:A .~4 . T?J" clerl;':)~ J