10-11-1950 - Regular ~ "'" .. ~ ..~~ ~ ~ ....' r //~J v ~ REGULAR ME:~TING OF THE TmlN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEVlATER, FLOHIJA HELD IN 'I'HiG TOVlN HALL OCTOBER 11, 1950. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller. ROLL CALL. Mayor-Councilman E. P. Fuller Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Councilman \,1 T Todd , . L. Clerk G. C. Spargo Attorney A. E. Hawkins rvlarshal D. A. Thomas Street Supervisor J. M. Wood READING OF MINUTES. Present. Present. Absent. . Present. Present. Present. Present. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 27, 1950 were read. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved they be approved as read, seconded by Mayor-Councilrnan Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayor-Councilman Councilman Councilman Fuller Kuhlhoff Todd BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. Yes Yes Absent, The following bills were read; Pentland & Robertson 200.00 Albert Austin 7.00 Frank J. McMurray 11.07 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel Co. 15.37 Elmer F. Banes 12.50 Councilman Kuhlhoff moved these bills be approved as read, paid and be made part of these minutes, sec0nded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayor-Councilman Fuller Councilman Kuhlhoff Councilman Todd Yes Yes Absent, Mayor-Councilman Fuller suspended business in order that the report of the Auditor might be read. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIED. Mayor-Councilman Councilman Councilman Fuller Kuhlhoff Todd RESOLUTION; AResolution ordering an annual election in the Town of Edgewater, Florida. This resolution was read in full. No motion was made to adopt this ~esolution.Councilman Kuhlhoff refusine to move its apoption. Yes Yes Absent. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved it be established as a rule of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, that any member of the Town Council who is absent for three consecutive meetings that such absence shall render the office occupied by such member automatically vacant and a successor shall immediately be elected ort appointed according to law. This motion was not seconded, Mayor Fuller stating that he could see no point in such a motion at this time. Mayor-aouncilman Fuller asked Councilman Kuhlhoff if he moved the adoption of the r~solution ordering the annual election. Councilman Kuhlhoff replied No. \ \ \ , \ \\ ~ ~ v \.I 'U J--~ Mayor-Councilman Fuller ~irected the Clerk to call a special meeting to be held Saturday October 14, 1950 at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of adopting the resolution orderin~ an ~nnual election. CounciIman Kuhlhoff moved that the Town of Edgewater request all other Attorneys other than the Town Attorney, Mr. Hawkins, to cease representing the Town of Edgewater in the siut of Kiep vs, Town of Edgewater and others. This is an economy measure as the town does not wish to be liable for such Attorneys fee. This motion was not seconded as there,are no other Attorne~s involved in this suit in the interest of the Town,?f Edgewater,Florida. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that TO-VTn Attorney Hawkins be requested to withdraw as C, Counsel for the defendant, Town of Edgewater in the suit of Kiep vs TOlin of Edgewater and others because there is no record on the minutes of the Town Council of M~. Hawkins having been employed to defend that suit on behalf of the Town. This motion was not seconded. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved that we do now adjourn, seconded bv Mayor-Councilman Fuller and by vote CARRIED. TIME 9:00 P. M. Mayor-Councilma Councilman ~II~. ~Lo/;I- Cuoncilman ATTEiT: ~ ~. ~. ~~#~#~~ .. terltm Cl{rk./ --