2002-O-17 .... ORDINANCE NO. 2002-0-17 ...""" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; AMENDING SECTION 1-8 (GENERAL PENALTY; CONTINUING VIOLATIONS), SECTION 1-9 (ADDITIONAL COURT COST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT EDUCATION) OF CHAPTER 1 (GENERAL PROVISIONS, P ART II (CODE OF ORDINANCES); PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH AND MODIFY A SCHEDULE OF FINES AND PENALTIES; AUTHORIZING NOTICE TO THE COURT ADMINISTRA TORBY THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; EST ABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City of Edgewater, has adopted ordinances codified as the "Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida," and provided for general penalties in Section 1-8, of the City Code, consisting of a fine, not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment not exceeding 60 days with each day constituting a separate offense, all as authorized pursuant to Chapter 166 and Section 162.22, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 77 5.08, Florida Statutes, penal ordinances adopted by local governments are not designated as crimes or misdemeanors by state law; and WHEREAS, in 1977, Florida Legislature created Chapter 938, Florida Statutes, consolidating and categorizing all provisions relating to court costs, in order to assist the judiciary and all participants in the court system identify, assess, collect, and disburse court costs appropriately; and WHEREAS, to assist the court in assessing fines and costs for violations of the ordinances of the City of Edgewater which may come before the Court; the City Council wishes to adopt a schedule of fines for violation of all penal ordinances in the City Code, with court costs mandated by law; and 5t.t1"k thlOtlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 1 2002-0-17 ~ WHEREAS, the CIty of Edgewater wishes to be consilrtnt with the surrounding municipalities regarding a standardization of the schedule of fines and court costs; and WHEREAS, the City of Edgewater desires to have the Clerk of Court charge for offenses committed within the city boundaries in a similar manner to the surrounding municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City of Edge water requests that the Clerk of Court accept a designated fine from any defendant in a municipal ordinance violation case, whether the defendant was taken into custody or issued a Notice to Appear for the violation, and that the Court authorized an entry of adjudication withheld in each case for which such fine and mandatory costs are paid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida as follows: PART A. AMENDING SECTION 1-8 (GENERAL PENALTY; CONTINUING VIOLATIONS) OF CHAPTER 1 (GENERAL PROVISIONS), PART II (CODE OF ORDINANCES). Section 1-8 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 1-8. General penalty; continuing violations. Wherever in this Code or in any ordinance of the city, or rule or regulation promulgated by an officer or agent thereof, under authority of law or ordinance, any act is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or an offense or misdemeanor, or the doing of any act is required, or the failure to do any act is declared to be onIawful or an offense or misdemeanor and no specific penalty is provided therefore, the violation of any such provision of this Code, ordinance, rule or regulation shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days~ as authorized pursuant to Chapter 166. Florida Statutes. Each day any violation of this Code, ordinance, rule or regulation continues shall constitute a separate offense. ill} The City of Edlfewater hereby authorizes and provides for a schedule of fines and/or enalties for violation of all enal ordinances the Code. Said schedule offines and/or enalties shall be established and modified from time to time as needed b resolution of the City Council. PARTB. AMENDING SECTION 1-9 (ADDITIONAL COURT COST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT EDUCATION) OF CHAPTER 1 (GENERAL PROVISIONS), PART II (CODE OF ORDINANCES). St.d,:,k tldongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2 2002-0-17 S' .. '-' ectlon 1-9 IS hereby amended to read as follows: ...." Sec. 1-9. (a) Additional court cost for law enforcement education. There is hereby assessed by the city City of Edgewater, in compliance with Section 943.25(5) 3l8.18(ll)(b) and Section 938.15, Florida Statutes, an additional two dollars ($2.00), as quiGk G05t court costs against every person convicted of v iol.rting for violation of a state penal or criminal statute or state traffic law or convicted of v iol.rting a municipal or county ordinance or who admits to the commission of a traffic infraction, where said offense occurred within the Git) limit5 Citv of Edgewater. In addition, two dollars ($2.00) shall be deducted from every bond estreature or forfeited bail bond related to such penal statutes or ordinances. However, no such assessment shall be made against any person convicted -of \' iolatihg for violation of any state statute, municipal or county ordinance relating to the parking of vehicles. (b) All such assessments shall be collected by the appropriate court and shall be remitted to the city and earmarked for Glimillal j aMi", law enforcement education and training for members ofthe Edgc\lVatcr Police Department. The use and expenditure of such funds shall be in accordance with education and training programs for law enforcement personnel~ as determined by the chief of police and in accordance with Section 943.14(4) 938.15, Florida Statutes. PART C. NOTICE TO THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Ordinance and any related resolution to Mark Weinberg, Court Administrator, Courthouse Annex, 125 East Orange Avenue, Room #200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. PART D. CODIFICATION. Provision of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts C through H shall not be codified. PART E. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. StluGk tl.longh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-17 3 '-' ...., PART F. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not effect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any persons, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART G. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PARTH. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Hammond and Second by Councilwoman Lichter, the vote on the first reading ofthis ordinance held on October 21, 2002, was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt ABSENT Councilman James P. Brown X - Councilman Myron F. Hammond X Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes X Councilwoman Judy Lichter X St.dck t1uotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 4 2002-0-17 AfterMotionby Qouncilnoman Lichter and Second by Councilman Hammond the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt x Councilman James P. Brown x Councilman Myron F. Hammond x Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes x Councilwoman Judy Lichter x PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED [his 4th day of November, 2002. For the use and reliance only by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and legality by: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire City Attorney Foley & Lardner Shockt1novgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEW®ATER, FLORID/AA Donald A. Schmidt Mayor Robin L. Matusick Legal Assistant Approved by the City Council of the City of Edgewater at a meeting held on this ath day of Novyaysahar , 2002 under Agenda Item No. s-o 2002-0-17 E