2002-O-16 ORDINANCE NO. 2002-0-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; REPEALING SIX (6) LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ENACTED BY ORDINANCE #2002-0-03; REPEALING SECTIONS 210-52(b )(1), 230-70(a), 310-16, 336-4(2), 339-3(a)(1) and 680-20 RELATING TO THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 70-NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; RESTATING SECTIONS 230-50, 680-8 AND 680-11; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION AND THE UNIFIED CODE COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTING PROVISION, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. On February 11,2002, City Council adopted Ordinance #2002-0-03 which adopted the Florida Building Code together with nine (9) local amendments to Chapter 1 (Administration) and to the National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC);and 2. The local amendments adopted by the Cities of Edgewater, Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Ormond Beach, and South Daytona (collectively, the "Respondents") were challenged by the Florida Home Builders Association, Inc., the V olusia Home Builders Association, Inc., Stan Shirah and Florida Pool and Spa Association, Inc., (collectively, the "Petitioners"); and 3. Petitioners and Respondents subsequently entered into a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement whereby six (6) of the nine (9) local amendments adopted by Ordinance #2002-0-03 would be repealed and the Petitioners agreed to take no further action to challenge the other three (3) local amendments, leaving those three (3) still active. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida as follows: St! UGk till ongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-16 1 PART A. PART B. PART C. -.".- LOCAL AMENDMENTS RELATING TO TPtt NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 70 - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC), FURTHER DESCRIBED AS SECTIONS 210-52(b)(1), 230-70(a), 310-16, 336-4(2), 339-3(a)(1) and 680-20 ARE HEREBY REPEALED. LOCAL AMENDMENTS RELATING TO THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 70 - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC), FURTHER DESCRIBED AS SECTIONS 230-50, 680-8 and 680-11 ARE HEREBY REST A TED. NOTICE TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION. In accordance with Section 533.73(4)(a), Florida Statutes, the City Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Florida Building Commission within thirty (30) days of enactment along with forwarding an additional copy by electronic means. PART D. NOTICE TO THE UNIFIED CODE COMMITTEE AND VOLUSIA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy ofthis Ordinance together with a copy of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement to the Unified Code Committee and Volusia Council of Government. PART E. CODIFICATION. Provision of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections ofthis ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts C through I shall not be codified. PART F. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. Shtick Huongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2002-0-16 2 ...... ....., PART G. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not effect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any persons, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART H. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. P ART I. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilwoman Rhodes and Second by Councilman Brown, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on October 7, 2002, was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt X - Councilman James P. Brown X Councilman Myron F. Hammond X Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes X - Councilwoman Judy Lichter X StlOGk tl.rough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 3 2002-0-16 After Motion by Counciii.an Hammond and Second by Coalman Brown the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt Absent Councilman James P. Brown x Councilman Myron F. Hammond x Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes x Councilwoman Judy Lichter x PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 21' day of October, 2002. ATTEST: I!, Susan J. �'4�udsicmlh ('ih ('Icrk For the use and reliance only by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and legality by: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire City Attorney Foley & Lardner St ack dnough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2oo2-at6 V. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O/F�EDGEWyA,TTER, FLORIDA By:- N/AOd� Q 2"'b'f Mayor -vice Harriet Rhodes C���n7' tirrh Robin L. Matusick 1` Legal Assistant Approved by the City Council of the City of Edgewater at a meeting held on this I day of October 2002 under Agenda Item No. 6-a ::>c.r j.J ",..c J.~:..co rI'\:UIWI: rUL!:;, I 0; 1,...":.KUi~C.r<. AU' U."UL' '"'l..:) Jugn"tNlX Page HHZ '-" AUG-)S-82 iSles FROM,FOLEY & LAROMER IO:48764~4;J I"'PlC;;~ 2/S BEFORE TIm VOLUSIAlFLAGLEK COUNfIES CODE COMPLIANCE REVIEW BOARD mE FLORIDA HOME BUILl)ERS) ASSOCIATION,. INC_,. THE ) VOLUSIA HOME BUlLDERS. ) lNC-. and STAN SHIRAH. and ) FLORIDA POOL AND SPA ) ASSOClA TION, INC-3 ) ) Petitionm, ) ) vs. ) ) THE ClTY OF DAYTONA ) BEACH. FLOlUDA. THE CITY OF) EDGEW ATER, fLORIDA. THE ) CITY OF ORAt~QE CITY. ) FLORIDA. DIE arY OF ) ORMOND BEAca FLORlD~ ) THE CITY OF PORT ORANGE, ) FLORIDA.. and mE CITY OF ) SOUI'H DAYfO~ FLORIDA, ) ) Respondents. ) ) ~U1tAnON AND SETTlf1t~ A.gu:~l\1ENT WHEREAS the Respondents have aUopted local ameodmcnts to th~ Florida Building Code; ~ 'WliatEAS Petitioners are involved in the constnJction tx'ades in the Respondent municipalities and ~ governed by. and a:ffected by, the local ameD<lments to the building ~ adopted by the ~DCknt$; and, WHEREAS Petitioners ba~ chaJleogcd the local amendments as adopted by the R~enQl ~ the VolusialPlagler Countic:i Code CompIiaDCe Revi~ Board pursuant to the prc~isiolls of Section 553-73,. Fkmda SlalUles; and,. WHEREAS the \l'I1d.c:r$ignecl attorneys ~ the Respondalt municipalities 8D"cc th~ Witb the exception of the local am~rlwents related to Sections 230.50~ 68~ and 680-11. the local amendmmts adopted by the ~ndc:nt mwncipalilies do not meet the statutory Y1M~_1 ~ wt9Clt*:lj;4_ - - ~ar~UL(~~ ~l9htfax Pa.ge 88J AUO-19-fJ2 16.85 FRQJ\OI.EY & LARDNER IO,q,.,76QS17Q3 l"'ACE 3rs mteria for local amcodments to lhe Florida BwlcJing Code as contained in Section 553.73. F/(JrUf4 Statrltes; ~ WHlmEAS ~ final hecing on Petitio~' challenge to the local mnendmclltS is scheduled to be beam by the VQ1usia/f]agler COUUti~ Code Compliance Review Board 011 Augus[ 20. 2002: and, W'HEREAs the parties signing below believe that the p~osed sdUernenl of this proceeding as 5tated below is fair cd equitable and is couistQl with the provisions and intent . . or the Florida Statutes goveming rite building code; ~ WHEREAS all parties hentQ acknowledge that this StipulatiOlI and Settlement AgreeJ:nem can only be imp1euJ.ented by official action of the Respoud.ent mUnicipalities and that the uodcrsigned attorneys. for the R.e$pondem municipalities do not hav~ the authority 10 bind ~ juri$dictions; BE rr ~ORE AGREED: I. Each of the \1Ddetsigm:d artorneys for the Respondeat muuicipalitie:; I8J:ees to present this Stipulation and Settlement &greemeut to his or hc:r ~ve govemiDg commissiOn within 30 da.ys of the:: exeeution of this agteemeot,. If the governing Commission ac;ccpts the terms and conditions contained herein. they $hall adopt an ortIifUtJCe repealing the local amendlnents to SectioDS 210-S2(bXI), 230-70(a1310-16, 336-4(2), 339...3(a)(1) and 680-20 and any other local technical 8DleD4menr to tho Aorida BuiJdiD,g Code DOt li~ in Paragraph ~ below, within. 60 days of the execvtion of this aueement. 2. The Petition~ agree not to rake ~y further attioll tQ dWIenge the lOCal amen&ncnts to the Florida Bui1irIXlg CO<!e rvbded to Se<;tiotuJ 230.50> 68Q-S au(! 680-1 t upon !he repeal oflbose loea1 aten<lments listed in Paragraph 1~ abov~ In the event that any Respondeut mUIJ..icipality does J1CJt Ipprove this Stipulation a;ld Sett:l~ A~c:m and. does DOt repeal those kx:a1 amcnclme:nts listed in Pmagrapb 1~ above. PetitiO!1QS nlily challenge all of the local amendmCDts in that municipality. By ~eting Uno Ibis Stipulation <U1d Settte:coem Asr~ Petitioners are not agr.eiug that att)' of the local amendments meet the criteria {or local amend~ to the Florida Building Code. 3. The Respondent IDI1nicipafuiC$ agree that, upon ~ce of this Stipulation and Settletuent ~ aDd repeal of those Ioea1 amen4ments list<:d in p~ 1. above. they $ha.U notify the Unified ~ Committee and shall Teq1lesl that the UlIifonn Code Committee "'"~.1 ~""'~Ml ::J.r.r ~KUM'~ULeY & L~~UNeK ..3 "''''' 'VJ,:'<:::S &U'U;;;~f~; - -n-lgnU-aX Page 8EM .. ..O"'POs.ay':~ EDGEWAT~~.4.?.=".:J 104 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE POBox 100 - Edgewater. Flc:rida 32132-0100 . ~=-3245 SunCom 371-7005 with fbiI ~ ..at Scttl__ ~~ that ~se ... -mqtdm.4ta listed in hrqnph I. aboft, 1M r=peaJed in t!w bIpondeat ~- - ... - ~ ill aD ... jvdt6lfou CGIb~" Ute Unified Code .aca 4..... ~~aiucc. 4_ The p8Itie. ... to ftlqIaM dIM dMr V~ CcNatiw c;va Complienc. ~ BaIrd pIIce 1be abcmHtyJed __ ill ~ ... . period of 60 .,. 10 .now t!Ht l+llJ~WiYCI of lie R~ ~ to po.... tIdt ~ _ Scttllftlenl , ~ to .. pv.... GO~"'rlliGa ... eo ... ill ~V'fIl.. impl-.awiall Al.. IUd of60 cta)'l. PtdIioDa lid ~ ...~~ Ie'-'loc:al ""'m-'~ to it. P!Drida ~ CWeI-.s. iJJ ~4pb ~ ~ ___ j1IritdiGtiflll btbaw ~f~ 1IIOIe Ioca1 ~1l- JiICId m P-.mph 1, .... If.,. ,i.4~" JIDt ....~ dIG ~JNion .. ~-- ~ wllUu . ..,. of ita .__.t_ w .. . .... lIMe lGclal ~CI BIh4 ill P...-,h 1, Ilxno. __ thIl1:lmD ~ PMIJi....... may ~..... GbIU..... io tIh~a~~ ..,..u aftB lDCI1,.~.. ..J.~ by 1bM~~ 11I4 daiJ Sd,u~ ID4 ~ AIre-"'( t!aID be of DO ... OP 4IftilIat ... IWflIlCd to 1hM jW'iIldl" d.DIL s. l1U IIipuIati04 - ,..... AtP.IW~. ....... DO ~ or em. IIDIil """_4l1ytl-. tIJII~ .......ve., of... or..,............ IN.WD'NISS WRD.BoP w:a S5T CMI. HANDS GIiI1t* _or ....... 2G02.. POa PJ!I'lII\RGJl PI mtJDA JIOOI., AND SPA AISOCIATtON. !Me.: P01t PE1'lJ1ONI5aS pr 0lt'UlA HOIG 1IUItJ:J8IUI AUOCIATJON. INC., VOUJlIABcta BtJlI.DI!U ~T1ON, JNe...IIIIlSTAN SIIDtAB: ~ . . -~- PMlR.. DaAIy. ~~ ~~=~- AOC-J9-02 1~,5? FROM )8 AOMJNISTRA~ION FOR RESPONlJENT CITY OF ORANGE crrv. FLORIDA: Wllliam ~Blquitc FORRBSPONDENT ClTY OF PORTO~ FLOR11>A: Mal"prat Robart6, I!equirv tvn-.a"-'lIl'.l ~ ""M2-=M~ 4&J.-a.u'1l;;;I,1IlO::J.& '-"w ~U'U~UL"~ ~Jgn~rdX 10. 9(,)4 $-4? :.1008 POR RBSPONDBNT CITY OJ.' lIDGRW A1'BR,. FLORIDA: Scott 'CooJc1oa. ~ PORRESPONnEN"f CiTY OF ORMOND BBAClI. FWRlDA: SalIdra Up~l1I'Cb, F4CJlIi.-e FORRESPONDBNT CITY OP SOUTH DAYTONA.. FLOku)A: Scott S~ EiQuif"a rMu!:. Puge 885; ~/l: PACE S ( 10,30 FROM,FOLEY & L~RDNER SEP-13-02 . 'AU~-19-2002 MON 03: 32 PM ~Ofi, Me I NTOSH, COLBE FOlt RESPONDENT CITY OF DAYTONA BEACH, FLORrDA: Anthony Jacks~n. Esquire FOR RF..sPONl>ENT CITY OF ORANGE CITY~ FLO:RIOA: __W:L William Rei$chmann, Esquire FOR RESPONDENT C1TY Of PORT ORANGE, FLORIDA: Jay ^da1l1s~ Esquire a~' U :.:....-.~.; - n ignuax . FAX KO. 407't1tO 2379 FOR RESPONDENT CITY OF EDGEWATER. FLORIDA: Score Cookson. Esquire FOR. RESPONDENT CUi' OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORlDk Jay Adams. Esquire FOR RESPONDENT CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA FLORIDA: Soott SimPSOfl. Esquire Page BHG P. 02/02 AUC-19-&2 16~0S FRO~ JLEV ~ LARDNE~ FOR RESPONDENT ClTY OF DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA: Anthony Jackson. ~uire FOR RESPONDENT CflY OF ORANGE CIlY~ FLORIDA: William Reisebmamz" Esquire FOR RESPONDENT CITY OF PORT ORANGE, FLORIDA; ~ Jay . . ~-, ~""'~-~ &~'U4U~'~J nlgn~tdx P.we B8~ IP;41liJ1Ei'iEl1743 PAGE s/s FOR RESPONDENt CITY OF EOGEWATER. FLORIDA: FOR RESPOWENT CITY OF ORMOND BEAca FLORIDA: ~Od--\ 1 . Esquire FOR RESPONDENT CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA. FLORIDA: Scott Simpson~ Esquire . OS!i~/2aa2 13:48 25S973? FOR RESPoNDENT CITY OF DA YTONA BEACH, lLORlDA: Anthony Jackson. &quite FOR RBSPONDSNT CITY OF ORANGE CITY. FLORIDA: Williun ~bmarf&quir~ ( FOR RESPONDENT crzy OF PORT ORANGE, FLORIDA.: MBtDt'Gt Ro~. &quire 'rUt'~.1 ~~""IW -- - &~... '-"A U.A. Pdge B8B COaLE .eM) SlJoFSQ P4(,E 05 FOR REsPONDBNT CITY OF lIDGaw A TEk. FLoRIDA: Scott Coolcaon. Esquire FOR RESPONDHNT CITY OF OlU\{OND BEA~ FLORlDA: . Sandra UpcbUJCb,. :&quire FOR REsPC1NDBNT CITY OF soum DAYTON~ FLORIDA; &~./~ USiInpson, .