09-09-1953 - Regular \., v v J THE r,:nJUT~S OF THE RSGUL.H.R MiETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWAT~R, FLORIDA HELJ SEPTEMB~R 9th, 1953. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Vice-Mayor C. C. Shaeffer at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL I~ayor-Counc ilman John II. Gibbs Councilman E. P. Fuller Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilman H. L. Haughton Councilman A. Hussey City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Attorney John Chisholm Police Officer Frank Norman Street Supervisor John Wood Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The ~inutes of the Regular Meeting held August 26th and a Special Meeting held oept. 2nd were read. Motion by Councilman Haughton these minutes stand approved as read, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS J. T. J one s John Wood F. L. lEdwards Florida Pro & Lt. Co. Pelican Press Chief of Police N.3.B. N.JJ Beach News Dwight's Title Transfer .;~8 .00 5.00 100.00 7.78 9.00 1.75 21.00 18.80 1.50 Motion by Councilman Fllller these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Haughton and by vote CARRIED. COIv:MUNICATIONS A letter was read from JI..r. C. A. Holland offering to purchase Pine Timber on Lot 13 West of the R.R. in the Sheppard & Sanchez Grant ". for the price of ~20.00. Mr. Holland is to be notified he cannot purchase the timber until a survey is made to determine how much timber is on this property. OFFICIERS RBPORT The Clerk read the Budget. report and the Clerk's Cash Statement for the Month of AUfust. RESOLUTIONS A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RE-REGISTRATION ~CCO~JING TO VOTING 8ISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF l::DGt,JATZR, VOLUSL\ COUNTY, FLORIDA. The above and foregoing Resolution was read in full by Attorney Chisholm and Councilman Fuller moved it be adopted, seconded by Councilman Haughton and by vote CARRI~J. Roll Call vote being as follo1;;s :- Councilman Fuller Councilman Hauphton Councilman Hussey Councilman Shaeffer Mayor-Councilman Gibb~ Yes " " " Absent v ~ u v J Motion by Councilman Fuller that the Clerk be instructed to mail a mimeoR,raphed 2~ postal card to all of the registered voters on the books notifying them of the necessity to re-register in order to vote in the November Election. Jeconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote CARRIED. ORJ)INMJCl<;S ORJINANC~ #42 SETTING THE aATE OF PAY PLR DAY FOR ALL CLERKS AND INSPECT013 AT GBNS~AL llND SPECIAL ELECTIONS HELD IN THE CITY OF EDGEWAT1~R, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. The above Ordinance was read in full and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meetine on the 9th day of Jeptember A.D. 1953. Upon Motion duly made by Councilman Fuller and seconded by Council- man Hussey, and unanimously carried the requirement of reading said Ordinance ~pon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passafe. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 9th day of Jeptember, h.D. 1953 and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call bei:J.g as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Fuller Councilman Haufhton Councilman Hussey Mayor-Councilman Gibbs Yes II " II Absent ORDINAN8t: #43 AlvIENJING SECTION 9 OF Ol1.DINANC~ NO. 16 OF THE CITY OF EDGE~fA Ti.:R, VOLUSIA. COUNTY, FLORIDA. The a bove Ordinance was re-1d in full and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of ~dgewater, Florida at a regular meeting on the 9th day of September A.D. 1953. Upon l'lotion duly made by Councilman Hussey and seconded by Cou:J.cil- man Haughton and unanimously carried, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was put upon final passafe. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 9th day of September, A.D. 1953 and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows:- Councilman Hussey Councilman Haughton Councilman 3haeffer Councilman Fuller Mayor-Councilman Gibbs Yes 11 II 'I Absent ORDINANCE /! 44 M-1Jc;NDING SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 17 OF THE CITY OF EDG8WATt:R, VOLUSIA COUNTY FLORI0A. The above Ordinance was read in full and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting on the 9th day of September, A.D. 1953. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Haufhton and Seconded by Council- man Hussey and unanimously carried the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the Wrdinance was order- ed put upon final passage. '- - "Ii v u ,. u v Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 9th day of 3eptember, A.J. 1953 and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call beine as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Fuller Councilman Haughton Councilman Hussey Mayor-Councilman Gibbs Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent NOTICES NOTICE of a Public hearing on September 23, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall in Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections to the zoninG of the lands East of Riverside Drive and lying between Hamilton Drive and Turgot Ave. was posted as per instructions. rJ~\j BUSINE~S d /j/.5f- The New Kower was discussed and a ~otion was made by Councilman Fuller to purchase this Mower from the Volusi~ Tractor and Imple- ment Co. at a price of ~357.30 less old parts to be turned in. Seconded by Councilman Haughton and by vote Cl\.H.RIED. Roll call vote beinf as follows:- /' Councilman Fuller Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Haughton Councilman Hussey MayorCouncilman Gibbs Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent There being no further business Councilman Hussey moved we do now ad,iourn, seconded by Councilman Fuller and by vote C"iRRI~D. Vice-l\Iayor COUNCI~~NdN4~ COUNCIU~AN I A TT )',ST : ~j /' a-ui,03. gtf;/;7 City Clerk C