12-14-1953 - Regular '" n ~ u u .J REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEVATER, FLORIDA HELD DECEr~lBEn 14th, 1953. The Regular ~eeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held December 14th, 1953 was called to order by Mayor George E. Lear at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor George E. Lear Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilman A. Hussey Councilman R. Lee Freeman Councilman Percy N. Loveland City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Attorney John Chisholm Police Officer Frank Norman Street Supervisor John Wood Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Pres ent Present The minutes of a Regular Meeting held November 9th were read. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer these Einutes stand approved as rea~, seconded by Councilman Loveland and by vote CARRIED. The minutes of a Special ~eetin5 held November 23rd were read. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer these minutes stand approved as read, seconded by Councilman Lovela~d, and by vote C~RRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Dwight's Carl McCargar Florida Power & Light Co. J. T. Jones W. S. Darlev & Co. Edgewater Corner Market N.0.B. Chief of Police Fyr-Fyter Co. $12.98 6.50 7.80 24.00 4.63 3.04 9.75 615.00( Motion by Councilman Freeman these bills be paid and be made a part of the r:1inutes, seconded by Councilman Loveland and by vote CAHRIED. ~otion by Councilman Freeman the Audit report be given at this time by Kr. Frank Genter, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote CARRIED. The Audit report was then read by ~r. Frank Genter, a Certified Public Accountant and various questions ask. ~otion by Councilman Shaeffer we-accept the audit presented by Mr. Genter with a vote of thanks, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote C^~nIED. Motion by Councilman Freeman the outstanding City Leins of Old Tax Certificates and Lot Cleaning Leins be reviewed by the City Attorney to see what can be done legally to collect these leins. Seconded by Councilman Shaeffer and by vote CArtRIED. OFFICEfi.:::; REPOfi.T The Clerk read the Budget Report and the Clerk's Cash Ctatement for the month of November. COIv0ITNICA TIONS The Clerk read a letter from Adolph LaBonde resigning as Building Inspector. ,. .; l.t (.) <.) J Motion by Councilman Shaeffer, Mr. LaBonde's resignation be accepted, seconded by Councilman Loveland, and by vote CARRIED. A letter from the old Zoning Commission tendering their resignations as a body was also read. Motion by Councilman Loveland these resignations be accepted, second- ed by Councilman Freeman. ORJINANCES ORDINANCE #57 APPOINTING A BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR THE CITY OF EDGE- WATER AND SEr~TING FORTH THE COMPENSATION FOR SUCH SERVIC~S. The above Ordinance #57 appointing George O. Sedgwick, Building Inspector was read in full and motion made by Councilman Loveland to adopt this 0rdinance, seconded by Councilman Freeman and passed by the vote of said Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a Regular meeting on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1953. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Shaeffer and seconded by Council- man Loveland and carried the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading was waived, and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1953 and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Hussey Councilman Freeman Councilman Loveland Mayor Lear Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ORDINANCE #58 APPOINTING A CITY ENGINEER FOR THE CITY OF EDGBWATER, FLORIDA AND PROVIDING COliJPENSA TION FOR HIS SERVICES. The above Ordinance #58 appointing Wm. E. Swoope, Jr. City Engineer was read in full and motion made by Councilman Hussey to adopt this Ordinance, seconded by Councilman Freeman and passed by the vote of said Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a Regular meeting on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1953. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Loveland and seconded by Councilman Shaeffer and carried the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived, and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 14th day of December A.D. 1953 and arproved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call bein~ as follows:- . Councilman Shaeffer Yes Councilman Hussey Yen Councilman Freeman Yes Councilman Loveland Yes Mayor Lear Yes RE30LUTIONS A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A ZONING BOARJ FOR THE CITY OF EJGEWATER, FLORIJA. The above and foregoing Resolution appointinE David ~ashburn, Raymond T. Friedley, Ed. Kiep and Victor St. John to co~prise the zoning board was read in full and motion made by Councilman Freeman for the adoption of this resolution said motion being seconded by Councilman Loveland. Upon motion du ly P.'ade by Counc ilman Loveland and seconded by Councilman " v u u J Freeman and carried the requirement of I' eading said Resolution upon second reading was waived and upon roll call vote the said resolution was duly declared adopted at the regular meeting of said Council held on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1953, roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer Yes Councilman Hussey Yes Councilman Freeman Yes Councilman Loveland Yes ~ayor Lear Yes A RESOI.,UTION APFOINTING A PLANNING BOARD FOR TilB CITY OF EDGEWA TER, FLORIDA. The above and foregoing Resolution ~ppointing T. D. Peyton, Olen Matthews, Charles Lusch, Earl Tingle, John Gibbs, Herman John and E. P. Fuller and F.P. Cole to corrprise the planning ~oard was read in full and, motion made b. Councilman Shaeffer it be adorted, s;lirt motion being seconded by Councilman Freeman. Upon Roll call vote said Resolution was duly declared adopted at the Regular meeting of said Council held on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1953, roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer Yes Councilman Hussey Yes Councilman Freemari Yes Councilman Loveland Yes I\Iayor Lerlr Yes NSVV' BUSINESS The Clerk brought up the item of ~7h,.11 which had been left over from a collection taken up back in 1948 to make minor repairs to the City Hall. This amount had been layine in the safe and permission. was ask to deposit same in the General Fund. Motion was made by Councilman Freeman this $74.11 be deposited in the General Fund in the Bank of New 3myrna, seconded by Councilman Love- land and be vote CARRIED. The Clerk ask permission to purchase a new filing cabnet and safe for the orfice, selling the old safe to defray part of the expense of the new one. ~Cotion was made by Councilman Shaeffer the Clerk be permitted to pur- chase a new filing cabinet and safe in the amount of ~69.50 plus the delivery charges, seconded hy Councilman Freeman, and by vote CARRIED. ~otion was also made by Councilman Loveland to purchase six new road flares, same heing seconded by Councilman Freeman and by vote CARRI2D. A suggestion had been made to have different color cards for alterations and repairs. Motion was made by Councilman Shaeffer to use the white ones already on hand before making any changes, seconded by Councilman Loveland, and by vote cr\HRIED. An 18 Ft. strip of vacated land between the Welch property and the Jones property came up. Both interested parties would like deeds to this strip and motion was made by Councilman Frees:~~J;'h.e City Clerk and Mayor be given tne power to issue and execute1Uee~to each property owner covering their share. Seconded by Councilman Loveland and by vote CARRIED. There being no further business Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and hy vote CA~RIED. Time 9:35 P.I\~. " ~ u u o cf: co ~ Ivlayor ,. <I) r:pr.., L;.~ . . .r:/' </ ..., ~ ~?' Councilman C /') . ..{'.~_-r&I/ /~ .~ ......... Councilman !' ,(. ~ LJ<,:A l-t~ , ~ / Councilman 7 ;/ ~ ./../ ~.~,/ _ c/O' . (>f"/~-t:- /~.;::::-~o?&{"~ dJ! J!: U~~ J Councilman ATTEST: cJ~".1 f2) ~ City Clerk ill/