06-16-1954 - Special n '1. v u v v SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD JUNE 16th, 1954. A Special meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewaters Florida was called to order by Acting Mayor Cr~wford C. Shaeffer, June 16th, 1954 ~t 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Acting Mayor C. C. Shaeffer Councilman A. Hussey Councilman R. Lee Frpeman Counci~man Percv N. Lovel~nd City Clerk FrAnk F. Di~~ery and the following members of the Planning Roarn:- E. p. Fuller Herman ,John 01 j n Mat.thews Earl Tingle Present Present Absent Present Present Before taking 11p any business with the Planning Board the Council received fi~ures on tiAhilitv Tnsurance on the Street Denartment Truck. After ~ di sCll~sion q" Mot.i,.,n ~,,~c:; m~rle h" Caunci lman I.ove]Ql1n to purcha!-1e $1 nn > iJ0n - $'300 I (Inn T ; Rbi 1 i.t,~r Tnl'mr~l"lCP (,1l1 tl1P 'T'l"'ll(,Y in r1Q('p of the ~l"'ec:;el"l~ 901i('y of $5,ono~ ~1nlniJO( qp('n"ne~ hy Coun~ilmqn Hussev And hy vn~p CARRIED. A ('t. in!" Mavor Sl1R pff'pl"'~!-1k t.'h~+. the mi_ nlltp!-1 of t.he fi r~t, meet j nf ,.,f the P1Rnnil1~ B0Ard held Decemher 17th, 1954; be rPR~. ^ di9cuC:;Rion followed refarding the ~aving of c:;tl"'eet!-1 design~ted by the Planning Ro~rd and ~ motion was made by Councilman Lovplan~ to ~cce~t tl1e nl?nnin", bo~rd recommendations an~ notifv Mr. Saxon we nave. selected the following streets to he ~aved ~t his first orpor- tun it y : - - . Sanchez Ave. Zone f,l Riverview & ~onson Drs. Zone #2 Ocean Ave. Zone #3 Turgot Ave. Zone #4 Seconded 11y Councilman Hussey al1d hy vote CArried. Roll beinf as follows:- call vote Councilman Hussey Councilman Loveland Actinf Mayor Shaeffer In the absence of Mr. Peyton, Chairman of the Plannin~ Board, Mr. Matthews expressed appreciation for acceptine the boards recommendations. Yes rr rr There being no further business motion for adiournment was in order. Councilman Loveland moved we no now ad~ourn, ;econded by Councilman H1J!-1sey and by vote CARRIED. Councilman ~~( Acting Mayor Councilman Attest. <>-h,,,r/,,,.J,{j #(/ - Jity Cler'