07-12-1954 - Regular p v v w MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. HELD .JULY 12th, 1954. .. J The Regular meeting of the City Council of the Citv of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor George E. Lear July 12th, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mavor George E. Lear Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilman A. Hussey Councilman R. Le~ Freeman Councilman Percy N. Loveland City Cl~rk Frank F. Dippery City Attorney John E. Chisholm Police Officer Frank Norm~n Street Rllpervisor John Wood Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Minutes of A R.ef"ulAr Meeting held ,June] 4th ann A Special Meetine held June 16th, 1954 were read. Motion by Councilman Freeman these minutes stand approved as read, seconded by Council- man LovelAnd and by vote CARRIED. BILl,S & ACCOUNTS John T. Jones Volusia Tractor & Implement Charles J. Hohn EdgewAter Motors Florida Power & Lieht Co. City of New Smyrna Beach Southern Bell Tel. Rr Tel. W. L. Robertson, Inc. Plvmoutn Rock Shirt Co. N.S.R. Police Chief OAtman & St. John Mather of N.S.B. Posta~e & Box Rental $32.00 12.74 25.34 154.66 7.80 130.63 35.3R 242.40 23.62 1.75 12.00 25.00 1.7? Motion hy Councilman Shaeffer these bills he naid And he made A n~rt nf the minutes, with the exception of the one. for insllrAnce with-We I.. Rohertwon, seconded hy Council m~n 111lssey ann hy vote CAR.RIED. Counrilman Sh~effer stAted he would contAct lfr. Robertson ~nd h~ve .q p0licy drawn 1lp for F:ire &- LiE"hteninE' on $12,000.00 on the Comwunity Center. OFFIC~RS R~?OR'J' The Clerk read the B1ldcret renort and the Clerk's Cash Statement for the month of tTune, ~19')4. . COMlVTTTNICATIONS A let,ter was reAd hv the Clerk from ]Vfrs. AnnC'! F1ll1er TT!~kincr ;:l comnlaint A~~inst her neip'hhor Mr. Rene. Motion WAq m~rle fo table this 1 ~~.t.er'~ by Councilman- Freeman, seconned hy Councilman Hussey. ORDINANCE'i 0RDTNANCR #67 TIViPOSINCi CERTATN OCCTT?ATTONAL AND RTTSTNESS LICENSE TAIRS ft~) PROVT0TNG FOR THE pAY~ENT AND COtTECT!ON THEREOF ANn PHOVTDINCi PENALTIES FOR. THE Vrrn.ATTON HF;REOF. " II v ,(,.J u o The above ordinAnce WAS reAd i.n full Ann. mntion mAde bv Council- man Shaeffer for its ~doption as writt~n, sec0nded by Councilman Freeman and passed at a reeular meeting of the City Cnuncil of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held on the 12th day of July, A.D. 1954. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Loveland and seconded by Councilman Hussey and carried, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second readin~ was waived And the ordi.nance was ordered put upon final passag-e. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 12th day of July, A.D., 1954 And approved as provided hy Law, the vote of said Council on roll cal] being as follows:- Councilman Hussey Yes Councilman Shaeffer Yes Councilman Freeman Yes Councilman Loveland Yes Mayor Lear Yes 4 discussion followed on Annrtments bein~ included in this Ordinance and motion was made by Councilman Hussey to have an Amendment drawn un listtn~ housetn~ and auartments not under the oHotel r:ommisslon. -' '-- . OLD BUSINESS r,ouncilman Shaeffer brought lJy-> the correspondence we have had with Mr. Rakestraw for the purchase 0f a strip of land helong- ine to the City which nlns alon~ the railroad And abbtts Mr. Rakestraws property. Motion WAS made bv Councilman Loveland the Clerk write a letter to Mr. Rakestraw ~loting him a price of $500.00 for this strip of land. Seconded by Councilman Freem3n ?nd by vote CARRIED. There heing no fl1rther business, Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by r,ouncilman Loveland nnd bv vote CARRIED. --:. Time ~:55 P.M. Mayor ~ct1/ I: ~y~ CnlmojlmanC/"~ ~ ~~/ Co>mcilman {7. #~ Councilman q~_~_~ Cnl'ncnman :j/~/--6.. (C-'<"_~ ATTB~ :~~,J ihf/7 Ci ty r:ler. (