08-09-1954 - Regular n v u - - \.J 11 J MINTTTES OF 1'HB R F.mrLA 11 TvTERTTNn OF THE CI1'Y CnTTNCTT. OF 'T'UE CI1'Y OF EDGEWA'1'ER, FLORIDA l..mT.D ArrnnST 9th, 1954. Tpe o.eE:ul~r meet:.:i nO" ('\f the Cit,r Counci 1 of thp City of Eri~ewRter, Florin~ \'IA.S ('~llen t('\ orner 'hv.M~yor Geor~e E. IeRr Al.le:ust 9tn, 1954 Rt 7:30 P.M. ROLT. CALI M~y('\r Gp('\r~e F. LeAr Councilman C. C:ShAeffer r.()l1nci 1 TTlAn A. t111Ssey r.nuncilm~n R. 1p.e Freem~n COlln('ilyTl~n Percy N. Lovelann r.ity Clerk FrRn~ F. Oi~~ery rity Attorney John Chisnolm Pnlice Officer FrAnk Nnrman Street Supervisor John Wnod Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present The minutes of ~ ReE'lllAr Meetine: held .July 12th, 1954 were reAd. Motion bv Councjlman Loveland these minlltes stand annroved as read seconded"hy Councilman ShAeffer and by vote CARRIED:" RILTJS 8r ACCOTTN'T'S W. 1. Robertson, Ins. ,Jess Mathas New Smvrna Builders Su~ply John T". Jones SeErave Corporation Merson Clothers Ch~rlev's Weldin~ Shan Southe~n Bell Ter. 8r tel. Co. New Smyrna Chief of Police Edgewater Motors City of New Smyrna Beach J. H. Hancock Ed ~ew~ter Tr11ck Ston Joe Watkins Ford . Florida Power ~ Lip'ht Co. r.eor~e Sed~wick ~ Bond=Howeli I~mher Co. F. J. McMnrray Bane's Auto Service $266.28 " 6.00 9.02 52.00 61.69 45.81 3.50 34.18 3.25 159.20 129.86 13.80 36.~1 1.00 7.8() 33.75 10.57 9.33 22.70 Motion bv CouncilmAn Shapffer these hills he n~id and he made a part of the minutes, seconden hy Councilman Freeman and by vote CARRIED. OFFICEF{S HEPORT The Clerk read the Budget report anq the Clerk's Cash statement for the month of July, 1954. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE #68 REG1TLATING THE DISPLAY, SALE, STORAGE OR MAINTENANCE OF GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDISE IN 1'HE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; PPOVTDING FOR A PBNALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE TERMS HEREOF, A~D PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. The above OrdinAnce WAS read in full and ~otion made by CouncilmAn Freeman to adont this ordinance with Section 1 oeleted from ordinance and Section 3 be com~leted to read $300.00 or 60 days. Motion withdrawn. emmci 1 m~ n T.ovel ann then mArie a mnt i on to adont thi s ordinance AS read with the inclllsiofl of '~3()o.no or 60 days. in Section 3. Seconden by Councilman FreemAn and pAssed hy the vote of the City Counci] of the City of En~ewatpr, Florid,q, at ~ reEll]ar meetinp' held on tne .. ., v u u o 9th day of August, A.D. 1954. Upon motion duly mAde by CouncilmAn ShAeffer and seconded by Councilman Hussey And cArried, the requirement of readine said ordinance upon second rea.dine was waived, and the ordinance WAS ordered put upon final passa~e. PAssed hy the vote of the City Council of the City of Ed~ewater, Florida, At a reg1l1ar meetinE: of said Council held on the 9th day of August, A.D. 1954 and approved as provided hy lAW, the vote of said Council on roll call bein~ as follows:- Councilman Shaeffer ~ouncilmAn Hussey Coune;l~an Freeman ~011nci1man Lovp1and MAyor Lear Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ORDINANCE #69 AMRNDTNG SF;~TION TWO (::>)) 'T'HT?EE (1), AND FOTTR (4), OF ORDINANCE NUMBER SIXTY-SEVEN (67) OF T~.m CITY OF EDGBWATER; FLORID!\, RNTTTV~D "AN ()RDINAN~F. TMPOSING ~}'~RTAIN OCCUPATIONAL AND RTTSTNRSS TI~P.NSP, TAXES AND PROVTDTNr. FOR THF. PA~F.NT AND COLTECTION THET?H;OF AND PROVTnIT\lG Pf<;NAITTRS FOR 'T'HR VTOLATION HEREOF" . The ahovp 0rd;mmce WAS reAO ;1'1. f1l11 And 1T!ot;on T11Ar'le hv (";ollncil- mAn LovelAnd to ar'lopt this ordinAnce as reAd, se('onded"}-1y COllneiJ- m;:'m FreemAn A.nd nAssed hv the vote of the Ci tv C01Jncj 1 of thp Cit.v of ~;ne-pwAter, Florid-3., At a reglll.ar meeting he1r'! on the 9th dA.Y of j\l1e-lIst,~.D. 19')4. TTnon moti on 0111 v >r1AOP hv COllnei 1 mAn T,ove1."lnr'l. ~nd spconded hv (";0111'1.('; 1m;:1J'1. ShAeffer ':Inn ('~Y'ri eo the rpmli rement of re~oinp' ~<-'Iio ) . . orninAnce l11"'On seeono re~oinp' ~";:lc; ~'J:::JivP(i "1nrl the oroinAn"e WAC:: . - J oY'rl pren pllt npon f'i."" 1 p~ c:: C::~ rrp. PAssed hv the vnte of the Citv Co~~Y)"i 1 ()f' t-hp r.it,r of ~r'!rrpw"'t-pr. F1nrirl;:l . ~t ;:l rpP',,1.,,>Y' mppt~nC'. nf c::~irl r;()'~n('il hP1~ "1'1 thp ?t}, rl~v ; - ,...,f '~11P'1lc::t- '\.T1. 101::/, ",...,"1 ~.,.,n""""pr1 ,.,s nr""'virip~ "",,r 1"",' +h(> ,r,...,t,p ~f' - J -, oA. .. J. .., ""..,i-1 (1"',......i1 n1'1 rn11 I"'p11 hpi1'1!: ~f: fo11nw~'- rn""l(';l"";:ln q},,qof'f'or ('",,,,...,('i 1l"'!"> n p""" c:: "",'r r.()l1n('i1l'Y1Ar" t"rE'prn;1'1 r.n1'nl"'i 1m,qn T,nvp1 ;:lnd lVI,q,rnr I p,q!' Ypq, N,....~ Yes YOq YPf: 1\TR\',J RTT S T 1\TRS S :\ Pp+.it.inl1 'WAS nree;ented Anrl re~rl t,n th~ (";nllnril onie('t.inp- to thp increAse in 1i(,~r"e;p fppc:: 'l"\rp""~rihE'rl low OY'oiY)~n"e 1;67 of t.hE' ~jt'T nf Rozew;:d':p.r,-.p.q;-;SPrl ''It. q-rp€,lli.qr mept,il1E on .T~ly"12t,}1J jG5L.. . All C::1.rrn:-1t,l1rpc; on thic; netiti()r" ,^,,:~re re'-1n ;:Inn p motion W:::JS mRne '- . I bv r.ollnci1rnAn <)nAeffpr tl-li.e; npt,ition hp A('('ented ~no he rr;ven 01lP ('one; i ri erAt ion in rillP t. imp. ~eC()nri eo hv r.n1ln ~ i 1 m~ 1'1. Flls sev ;:lnrl h,r vote r.AqRIED. . . RemArl(s were heArrl On t.l,ic; e;nl,iel"'t from l'v"r. O'(";onnp11, Mrfl. H.811ioRV rAre T,()vp1 ;:1nrl J Mr. .Tnh,., J Mr. Mevprs, 'Mr. Kennerly, Mr. IVTI"'!'JfllrrRY, Mr. lirA7,PP, Mr. T;r"\~le, Mr. Hue;sev, r.~r. Frepm,gn Ano rvTAVOr T,ear. There hein:r no fll,...ther hllsiness, COlmcilmAn Frpem"ln moved we On now ;::jrljnllrn, secnnded lw r.ollr"\('ilm-1n ShAeffer ::l'1d hy vot.e r.4RRIED. Mayor JJ67~~;' ~ Cnu1'1('; 1 ""A~ " I ~ , \ \ PI v <.> r. 011n C; lrn::m o v r.o,,".cn.men ~J i~ ~JP~ (;()llncilrn.qn V L ~~ ct~~{!iJ'rI --- A 'T"T'F.S T :