09-13-1954 - Regular II " v (.) w v R"Rr.rn lIP T\~~WrT1\Tr. 01" THF. r,T'l'V r,nTTNen OF 'rHl;; r:1'l'Y nF F.T)Gf~W~ 'l'r.;R, F'T,nRTl)/\ HELD S~~PTp'MRRR 13r,n i 1, 95}'. f\ Rp~lll ~r IvTpptil1E" of t~p r,it;r r,nl.1ncil of' thp r,ity of' Ed.?;pwAter. Flnrid~ w~s C"'Allerl to nrdpr ~y MA;rn,... Genr:rp 8. T,eAr, Septemhpr 13th, At 7:30 p.w:. RnIT r, A TT M,gynr Geor:re F. lOA"" r,mlnrl1mAn r,.r.. ShApff'pr r,n,,"C"'ilmA"} A. T-h)''lsPY (;n'1l1ci1mAn R. Tpp li'""pemAn r,ollnrilTTlAn P. N. I,(wplAnd (;jtv r,lprk FrAnk F. 1)innprv Pn11C"'e n~f'iC"'er F""Ank No~mAn St,...ppt, 'ill~ervisor .TohT) Wnod Prpc;ent. Prec;pnt Prpc;ent. Absent Prec;ent AhsPnt 'Prec;enr Prpc;ent Minllt.ps of' A mpetjn"" held Al1D'l1st Qth were reAci Anrl Moti.Ol1 mAdp ny r,olll1cill11,gn r,nvelA'nd to aC"'~P!'t the min"tes As'reAd, secnnried hy Councilman Shaeffer And hy vntp r.AcRIRD. RTTIS Rr Ar,r.nTTWr.s 1\1 (' a C't inn t A k An on m 1 t s tAn din D' b j 11 s . OFFICB~RS RT;;POR'l' No (;lerk's C~sh Stat.ement or Rllde-et report made dne to t}1e AbsenC"'e of the Clerk. r.m,WTTNIe A'rTONS A lettpr' of' res;D'natinn nf r.ounC"'ilrn,gn FrepTl1An was reAct. Mntion by r.n1lt1d lmAn Sh~ef'fer to accept his resienati nn, seconded hy Cn1tncilrnAn LovelAnrl. ~nrl hy vote r,ARRIED. Roll call vote heine- AS f'nllnwc;:- r.nuncilmAn ShAeffer Yes (;o11ncilman Hussey Yes (;ollncilmAn Loveland Yes MAyor LeAr Yes ORDINANCES AN 0RDINANCEAP'PRnp!FA'T'I1\TG TtF.VENTTES Tn RJ~ (;OU Br.TEn FnR 'T'HB r,T'T'V nF EDGRWATF:R, I!OT,TTSIA r.nTTN'T'V, FTmnT1A FnR 'rUR li'I,Sr,AT, YE4R REriINNINri NOVE]V[BER 1) 19')4) AND RNT1ING n(;'T'm~F:R )], 1955) TO 'rHR VARJOTTS I'l'E!v"S I OF 'rHE CITY RTTDGF.'r. ' The Ahove orrlinPlYlce WRS rPAd in f'l1l1 and motion rn::!de hv CouncilmPln Shapffer to ~dopt t.hic; ordinance, seconded hy Councilman LovelAnd and pas~ed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, FloridA, Fit R re!?"lllar mp.etine: held nn the 13th dAY of Se:ptemher 1954. Unon motion dll1 v mRde hv r.rH'nci lman SnAPffer And ~econded by r,ounci1mAn LoveiAnd ~nd cRrried, the requirement of readine SAid Ordinanre 11pon second reacting WAS waived And t.he Ordin~nce was ordered put upon finAl pAssRfe. PAssed hy the vote of t.he City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, At ,g ree-ll1,g r meeti nf of sa id Council held on the 13th dAY nf Septemher, A.n. 19')4 and Approved AS provided hy LRw, the vote of said CnunC'il nn rnll call hein~ 8C; fnl1nws:- r.ounrilmAn Shaeffer Yes r,ol1nci 1 mAl1 H11sc:;ey Yes r,01mci 1man LovP1ann Yes MAynr teAr Yes c, u u 11 o ORDTNANCE NO. 71 PROVTIHNr. 1"nR 'T'HF. PAT~~ OF 'T'AX"A'T'TnN FnR 1\T.L PROPKR'T'Y TN THF CTTY OF EDGE1,IJATER1 VOTUSTt\ r:nTTWry, FTl)RTnt.\, FOR THE YEo\R A.D. 1954, THE 4tTTHORT ZING THE Nn'T'IFH;'\ 'T'ION OF THE rJ1IT,LAGF: 1'0 THE l' AX 4.3SESSnR OF VOTJTSIA COTTT\T'T'Y) FT,ORTDA. 'T'he a'hove' orriinAnce WAS reAri in full ~1T)d moti(')n m.qce OV COlJncilrnan Loveland to A~ort this ordinAncel se~onrlerl oy MAyor L~ar Anri passeri by the vote of t.hp r:itv r,01lnei1 of the City of EdgewAter, Florirla, At a reglJ1Ar meeting held on tne 13th dAY of Sertember 1954. Unon motion dlJ1.v mAne bv COllnciJm.qn LovelAnd and secondect hy COl1neilmAn ShAPffer And' carried, t.he reClllirement of re.qdinCT sairi Ordinance un on seccH1d rearli nCT WAS wAiveri Anrl t,hp nrdi nAnN) -'wac; ~ ~ ordered rllt lJpon fi11Al rA~qa~p. Pac:sed by the v()te of +he Gity C()lJnri 1 (')f the City '(')f Rci:::ewAt.er, 1<'1 orirla, At 8 re~1l1 Ar meet.; ne of sAirl (:()1}'1ri 1 he1 rl (')11 the 13th da.y of Sert,emher I .l.D. 19')h ,gnrl "~!lrmTerl. :::l~ rr(')v; rled by 1 AW, tne v()te ()f c:,qirl Connci1 (')n r()11 ~,qll beinCT :=1~ fI")110'.7s:_ '-- r:O~nc~lrnAn ShAeffer r:!')'11"1~i 1 mRn Hllssev C(,)ll'1~i 1 mpn T,ovp18nri ~If,gvor T,e~r Ypq Yps Yes Yp.s nRTFNAT\Tr:P, NO.7? \PPOTN'T'Tl\Tr A r:()TT~Tr:TT1'v"\N Fnn 7,01\Tf;;!f}. 'T'n 1<'PT 'T'tf~ VACANCY CREAT~n RY /\ r'1<~STr.l'J4'T'TCIN c1T\1f) P110VTnTNr. Fnp, nn T,~~Nr.'T'H 01" 'T'FRM nF n1"FIr:R ~Nn Fnp, r:nWPRNSAT10N ~0R S~RVTCES. 1 'T'he Mhovp orriin~ne8 1,'~<:; rp~rl in f1l11 ,qnrl rroti'"1n m~rl.8 rv r:olm~i,lm,qn Sh~8ff'pr t(') ,qrjont, this ()r~in~Y11"p <:;P.~(')Y1rl.Prl rv r:"'''n~i1m~n T,(')vPl~'1rl - - ~ } . Anrl n;:jqqp1 rv thl'> votp !')f' thl'> Citv r:Oll11('il of the r:itv ()f EOCTPwRtp.,.. 1<'lor~r'l,q At;' 'Y'pP"lll,qr mepti'1CT nl'>lrl '"111 the l1tl, rl!:1'T of' ~P1"to""hpr 10~lt.. I _ _ _" I Unon '1"(')tinn rl1l1v m,qrip rw r,('I")11"i1m~n Sl,;:>off'or ",,..,,.1 C:"'~!')nr!pil hv r.nll'11"ilm:::ln T(')vpl;:>nri ..,..,~. ('~'~'Y'ipri t-hl'> 'l'>P(1"~.....p,,.,p'1+ I")f' Y'A'1r!inc'- c:')~r! 0....rl;.,~nl">p "1"011 '31'>~()'1" rp'H-'lin("" 1"~"" wqiv,:>('i :::ln0 t-ho r,'Y'rl~'1"')11">P~l.'Q'" ~ ~ '"1rrOrp0 :-'1Jt ";,('In fin'll r.QQc;'1~p. D~C:Qor! h'T tnp v(')tp (')f' tho r,;t-v ('('I"",("il ()f tnp rit,v ()f Erlp'l'>w~tr:>r 1"1 ('I....i-b ~t ;:> rOlJP1;:>r l"'1pot,illC'" ()f SRi ri r.oll)"\I">i 1 'hpl n- 1")11; tno ~1 It'l · r!~'r (')f' ~l'>n+.l'>mnpr ".n. lCl)J,-~nri ,qnnr(')vpn AS 1"'Y'l")vinpri 'h17 1~\11 t.hp .. .. , ;. -- ..... oi 1 vntE" of q,qjri r:01J'1~il on '1"(')11 cRll hPillP" ':l~ f(')llnlN~._ r.nl,..,~i l"",gn Sh':l offor Yo<:; r:"'l1'1~i1"'1An H1Jc;qp~r Ypc; !;o1J)1("il"'1Rn T(')vol,gnn Yec; M~vor TARr Yps nRT)T1\TL\Nr.';;; ilJn. 7'3 APpnIN'f'TW-:' Al\T:J f)f,"'srril\TL\'T'TMr. ~ RnARn 0F EXAT\HNERS nF' PT TTlVRRRS Am, Pi TT~r'RnTr. r:mJ'T'RI'r:TnRs 17nn 'T'HR r:T'T'Y nF 'l;~f)r;R1'H, 'T'F'P vnT ncn \ r-;n1TNTv} FT,nRTT) 1\ . '1'np An!')"o ('I....rl~n"'nl"o 1.-"1C: 'Y'I'>Rri in f'111 ,q'1ri mnti(')11 mRr1e hv r:011Y1("ilrnRn H"sc:pv t() ~rlont t,nic; ()rrJin,qn~e SP~ol1"ipn hv r(')"'1rilmRn- Shqeffp.r :=1nri ~ } . ""Rc:~erl. 'hv thp V(')t.o ()f r,np r:i1"" r,(')"'1~il (')f t,nP. Cjtv of Rrlrrow~tpr J.... ... .. ,,_. , 1<'1 (')Y>i riA I At :=1 'Y'o:r'11~r mpeti ne- np}rl on tne 'It.h rlRV of Sprterr'hPl'" I 1 OSI, . TT!,on motinn rl.111y ""Ano 'hv r:()"Y1('il"'1~11 SnRE"ffpr Anri se("onrlprl hv r(')"'1~i1!'1'1a.n HllC:sPv Rrrn ~'lY>riprl thp. rp.l"J1JiremeY1t ('If rp"lrliY]CT c:;;ljr! } "0 nrrliy]~'11"e 1Jnon sec(')nrj ....(\8rli'1p' WAS NAi'/P.rl ,~:mrl +hp nrrlin.gn~p. WA~ or~ ererl 1"'1l+" lln()11 fi 11R 1 n.:=1 ~ <:;R;;'P. . - ..... ~ \ \ P"''3spn rv the votp of tne r.5t.v C01Jneil of tnp r:it17 of F,rlCToW;'ltpr . . -- , Florirl~, At .!'l re:"lll:1r rnppti'1:" (')f sAi~ r.olJn~il nelrl (')'1 tnp 11th ri.!'lv (')f Sp!'tom'hprl Q.D. 19l)lt. Anrl ,g~rrovoil AC: rr(')virip.rl ry 1:::lW1 tnp V()te of sRirl r:(,)l1n~i1 (')'1 '1"(')11 ~Rll rp~n:" "S f(')11o\<,'3:_ Cn"ncilmRn Sha.effp.r r.(')l)nl"i11T1.:=1n Hl1<:;~PY r.(')'m~i1"'An Tovo1:1'1ri MAyor T,ear YI'>S YP<:; Yes Yec; " I \...I Q u v NF,VJ PHS Tl\JF..S S C()ll"'cilm~n T,(wp.l~,.,rl 1'l"0verl .::! Rps011lt.;on he nrAwn ,,~ t.n the pffe('t- t.n~t, thp r,l p,...k sn01l1 r1 h::Jve tne ;:n,nrov::Jl of ~t 1 pRst three memhers of tnp r,it,'T C01lnCil hefore. j SS1Jirw ::J'" n(,C1Jn- ~t.i0n~1 l-icensp to ~ny n~w h11s;neSses. W0ti0n-0n T<es0';Jtion withrlr;n'ln ::Jfter m11<"'n clisr.1Jssion. DiQ('l1ssion 8ho1Jt Cl1T'istenson nOllse on qiversjop Drive whicn sno1110 'he torn down. Tnere bein~ no further b"siness CouncilmAn SnReffer moverl we 00 nOW Arlj~1Jrn, seconclecl 'hv COUDC; lrnRn Hllssev .!=l1'1r1 lw vote CARRI[,;n. Time R:20 P.M. Ivl::J yor .J!~~ f .~/ r:mJnci 1 mEln C01lrlC; lmRn o. It~~~ ~:::J Cound lmpn r:n1lrlCi 1m,qn -- " ATTEST: ~f:if7 jliiinllt.ps foT' this meptine: tAKen 'hy~ttorDe~T Chjsnolm. ..._~