11-21-1955 - Special I I ,.- v ~ l...J J SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .2:DGE\!"T..::n, HEIJ NOV. 21st, 1955. A Special Meetinf o~ the City Council of the City of Edgewater, held November 21st, 1955 was called to order by Mayor Georfe O. Sedgwick at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Geor~e O. Sedgwick Councilman D. L. Washburn Councilman R. T. Friedley Councilman H. John Councilman B. Farrell Citv Clerk Frank F. Dippery Cit~ Att'y Fred R. Brannon Jr. Present Present Present Present Present Pres ent Present This was joint meeting of the City Council and the Buildine Committee of the Community Center. Mayor Sedgwick called upon Joseph Wipperman, Chairman of the Building Committee whereupon Mr. Wipperman ~ave a report on the progress made and stressed continuing the building until its completion. Letters of resi~nation were received and attached hereto. Mr. Wipperman was given a vote of thanks for the work accomplished under him. After hearing from various members of the Building Committee and receiving suggestions a motion was made by Councilman John that four persons, one from each district be appointed as a Board of Governors and a chairman at large to be appointed by the Mayor. Seconded by Councilman Washhurn and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Yes Councilman Friedley Yes Councilman John Yes Councilman Farrell Yes Mayor Sedgwick Yes Mayor Sedgwick then ask each Councilman to name a member to the Board from his respective district. The following members were named. District #1 District #2 District #3 District #4 Sedgwick named John Harry Broga - Mrs. H. L. Haughton - J. Walter Bennett - David McCallister H. Gibbs Chairman. Mayor Councilman Friedley moved that the Board of Governors be author- ized to appoint any sub-corr~ittees, hire any agents or employees, and do any act necessary in the management, control and continue building of the Community Center, paying all receipts to the City Clerk, with all disbursements to 1 e by check signed by the City Clerk and Mayor. Seconded by Councilman Washburn and hy vote Carried. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Yes Councilman Friedley Yes Councilman John Yes Councilman Farrell Yes Mayor Sedgwick Yes ... , ."....,-.. 111 ~ '~. ---- - _. - ----~--- .-; v ~ v J There being no further business Councilman Friedley moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 8:45 P.M. Mayor Councilman Councilman t!?': ~~ A~EST:.-A~~ t/#;1 City I