02-07-2022 - Regular104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
City Council
Mike Thomas, Mayor
Christine Power, District 1
Gigi Bennington, District 2
Debbie Dolbow, District 3
Jonah Powers, District 4
6:00 PM Council ChambersMonday, February 7, 2022
We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification.
Vice Mayor Bennington called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Councilwoman Christine Power, Councilwoman Gigi Bennington, Councilwoman Megan
O'Keefe, and Councilman Jonah Powers
Present:4 -
Mayor Mike ThomasExcused:1 -
City Manager Glenn Irby, City Attorney Aaron Wolfe, and City Clerk Bonnie ZlotnikAlso Present:3 -
a.Regular Meeting - July 26, 2021
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
the Minutes of July 26, 2021. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
b.Regular Meeting - August 2, 2021
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilwoman Power, to approve
the Minutes of August 2, 2021. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
a.Presentation - Gary Snider, Patriot Guard Riders, to provide an overview of their
programs and services.
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Cindy Black, 2923 Umbrella Tree Drive, hasn't had reclaimed water in a week and had heard from
someone that it had to do with the project on 442. Randy Coslow, Environmental Services Director,
denied this. Ms. Black referenced the mobile home park on US1 and the recently donated property on
New Hampshire; recommending that the mobile home park be moved there instead of allowing them
to continue putting trailers on US1.
Jim Cameron, 335 Bucknell Drive, Daytona Beach, expressed excitement over seeing the
Commercial Space Industry Opportunity Overlay. He had worked with Samantha Bergeron, Parks &
Recreation Director, in the past and had been a big proponent of this matter when it came before the
County back in 2020. He thinks it will be positive for the County and if they received prospects in
Volusia from Space Florida, it might expedite the process.
None at this time.
Councilman Powers reported that there had been a YMCA board meeting last week; 2021 had been a
good year for them and he is grateful for the work they do for the community and for Ms. Bergeron
and her staff for their assistance as well.
Councilman Powers asked if Council or Staff would be interested in doing an event for Arbor Day
involving a tree giveaway. Councilwoman Power suggested they use the money from the tree fund
for it; Mr. Irby said that they could do that. In relation to trees; Councilman Powers referenced a
controlled burn that was done recently, the complaints received and what is permitted. He asked if
maybe they could have a conversation over issuing permits just for fire prevention or if there are
pros and cons to the environment. Vice Mayor Bennington suggested passing it on to Darren Lear,
Development Services Director, to review the Code and make a recommendation because it was a
good idea to keep looking at the Code and updating it.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked Councilman Powers about the equipment at the YMCA after receiving
complaints that it was not up to par. Councilman Powers stated that if it was regarding the pool he
knew there had been supply chain issues; gym equipment inside was the YMCA's responsibility; the
facility itself, the City could address. Mr. Irby confirmed that the indoor equipment was the
responsibility of the YMCA's.
Councilwoman Power reported that a TPO meeting had been rescheduled due to a flooding issue and
that the process of finding an Executive Director was still ongoing but they had been given additional
resumes to review. She reported that she plans on going to the State of the County.
Councilwoman O'Keefe reported that on January 13th she had attended the Volusia League of Cities
Award Banquet at the Brannon Center but she was unsure of the date of the next one; City Clerk
Zlotnik informed her that it was May 26th. Councilwoman O'Keefe reminded everyone that the
Princess Ball is coming up next Saturday at the YMCA, tickets are $10.
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Vice Mayor Bennington asked what would happen if both she and Mayor Thomas were sick; City
Manager Irby deferred to City Attorney Wolfe, who said as long as the quorum of three (3) was met,
they could have a meeting. The three remaining members would have to decide who would run the
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
the Consent Agenda. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
a.Auditing & Related Services Continuing Services Agreement - James Moore & Co .
Addendum No. 1.
b.Third amendment to the interlocal agreement for fire and /or rescue service mutual aid
within Volusia County.
c.Requesting award of contract for the Two Inch Water Main Replacement FY 22
project to ThadCon Inc. and authorization for the City Manager to sign the necessary
d.Request to allow alcohol to be served, per City Ordinance Chapter 12.5, Sec.
12.5-1 (a) (2) and waive Sec. 12.5-1 (a) (3) to allow glass in Hawks Park, for a
one-time event.
e.Professional Services Agreement Renewal -Building Official Services
f.Kiwanis Field of Honor Request for Hawks Park
a.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2021-O-30 - Adam Dionna, requesting annexation of
21.49± acres of land located west of Old Mission Rd. and south of Eslinger Rd.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
There was no staff report as this was a second reading.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilman Powers, to approve
Ordinance No. 2021-O-30. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
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Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
b.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2021-O-31 - Adam Dionna, requesting an amendment
to the Future Land Use Map to include 21.49± acres of land located west of Old
Mission Rd. and south of Eslinger Rd. as High Density Residential with Conservation
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
There was no staff report as this was a second reading.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened the public hearing.
Cindy Black, 2923 Umbrella Tree Drive, noticed on the redistricting map that some of the properties
being annexed in aren't connected to existing properties in the City of Edgewater and that they are
going from eight (8) houses per acre to twelve (12); she's concerned that allowing them to put more
houses per acre will lead to more flooding in the small areas.
Vice Mayor Bennington said that the only thing she could answer for sure on redistricting is that the
properties are not in the redistricting area because they don't have any homes; it only counts the
number of homes that are built. Most of them won't affect the current redistricting, they'll likely
affect the next.
City Clerk Zlotnik suggested they cease speaking on redistricting until they get to that item on the
Vice Mayor Bennington asked City Manager Irby if he could answer Ms. Blacks question. Mr. Irby
explained that several years ago the City had entered into an Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement
with the County; this allowed certain properties or areas to be annexed in despite not being
contiguous to the current City limits. Councilman Powers added that in time it will all be pieced
together; Mr. Irby agreed.
Ms. Black said she just noticed on the redistricting map where they were annexing out in the County
and she was concerned with Police and Fire having to service them. Councilwoman Power
mentioned it was townhomes and that was why they were closer together; Councilwoman O'Keefe
felt that more roofs meant more money and therefore more jobs for Fire and Police.
Vice Mayor Bennington closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Ordinance No. 2021-O-31. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
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Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
c.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2021-O-32 - Adam Dionna, requesting an amendment
to the Official Zoning Map to include 21.49± acres of land located west of Old
Mission Rd. and south of Eslinger Rd. as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit
Development) and approval the of the associated RPUD Agreement.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
There was no staff report as this was a second reading.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilwoman Power, to approve
Ordinance No. 2021-O-32. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
d.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2022-O-07: Redistricting the City of Edgewater for
the purpose of electing City Council members.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mike Ignasiak, Chairman of the Redistricting Committee, stated he would be happy to answer any
questions Council may have. He assured Council that they followed all legal precedence and
requirements as stated.
Councilwoman Power asked about the population numbers on the maps as they are not all even. City
Attorney Wolfe did some analysis and concluded that map A is the closest, Map B is the second,
followed by maps D & C.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked Mr. Ignasiak to explain how they came up with their recommendation.
Mr. Ignasiak said they looked at the census growth itself; this made it easy for them because basing it
on the census numbers and trying to divide by population was the overall goal of the committee
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Ordinance No. 2022-O-07. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
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e.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2021-O-47 - Elliot Meadows, requesting an
amendment to the Future Land Use Map to include two parcels totaling .53± acres of
land located at 2943 and 2949 India Palm Drive as Medium Density Residential.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
Darren Lear, Development Services Director, provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked if it would be better to zone the parcels as Commercial considering
there is a restaurant and stores in close proximity to them. Mr. Lear explained that when you look at
the adjacency to residential, it breaks it up. There isn't much room to build commercially.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Ordinance No. 2022-O-47. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
f.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2021-O-48 - Elliot Meadows, requesting an
amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include two parcels totaling .53± acres of
land located at 2943 and 2949 India Palm Drive as R-4 (Multi-Family Residential).
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
Darren Lear, Development Services Director, provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened the public hearing.
Councilwoman Power asked about a parcel that is behind the neighborhood business to the East. Mr.
Lear explained that it is a platted alley and there's not much that could be done with it.
Vice Mayor Bennington closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilman Powers, to approve
Ordinance No. 2022-O-48. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
g.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2022-O-08 - An amendment to the City of Edgewater
Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Element to create a Commercial Space
Industry Opportunity Overlay
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City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
Darren Lear, Development Services Director, provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked how this came about; Mr. Lear stated that it was a coordinated effort
and deferred to Samantha Bergeron, Economic Development Coordinator, for more background.
Ms. Bergeron said this was from the Volusia County Economic Development Department who had
created the overlay district last year for unincorporated areas throughout the County to help
encourage commercial space industry companies, clean industry and higher paying jobs to be able to
locate and get here quicker. Companies all over the world are looking to locate closer to Kennedy
Space Center. The Chamber of Commerce and three (3) cities in Southeast Volusia have been
working together to bring similar language to their Comp Plans to be proactive in attracting these
kinds of companies and higher paying jobs to the area.
Councilwoman Power asked if New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill are underway with it as well. Ms.
Bergeron gave updates on both New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill, saying that the plan is to have
everything in place before the Economic Development Summit on February 24th.
Jim Cameron, 335 Bucknell Drive, Daytona Beach, said that the New Smyrna Beach Planning Board
did indeed have this on their agenda for tonight and he applauded Council and Staff for a good
coordinated effort.
Councilman Powers thinks that preparing as much as they can to try to draw in industry, not for the
sake of building but for the sake of adding jobs, is good for the City's wellbeing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to adopt
Ordinance No. 2022-O-08. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
h.Resolution 2021-R-37 for the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem
Special Assessments for Stormwater and Fire Services
City Attorney Wolfe read the Resolution into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilman Powers, to approve
Resolution No. 2021-R-37. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
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Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
i.Resolution No. 2022-R-04 - Approving the Advisory Board Meetings - Order of
Business and Public Participation Policy.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Resolution into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington opened the public hearing.
Councilman Powers stated he thought it was highly valuable to have a uniform method of stating
how things needed to be done and the level of professionalism that needs to be executed. Vice Mayor
Bennington thought that it was done for most boards already. City Clerk Zlotnik explained that all
boards have by-laws but these are specific rules of how meetings should be run and how they are to
be conducted.
Council commended Ms. Zlotnik on doing a good job.
Vice Mayor Bennington closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Resolution No. 2022-R-04. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
j.Resolution No. 2022-R-05: City Owned Real Property to be declared surplus for
donation to SE Volusia Habitat for Humanity
City Attorney Wolfe read the Resolution into the record.
City Attorney Wolfe provided a staff report and recommendation.
Celeste Lester, 410 Quay Assisi, New Smyrna Beach, a representative for Habitat for Humanity,
explained the process to get a Habitat for Humanity home and the types of homes built. She informed
Council that the homeowners have to help with the build and pay taxes, the City then gets the tax
Councilwoman Power stated that she has seen the property at 107 New Hampshire, acknowledging
that it wasn't in good shape nor was it a big lot. Ms. Lester confirmed with Mr. Irby that it was a 50
foot lot and said that they would fit the lot. She gave a brief overview of recent homes and
dedications that they've had.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked for more information on how people could get in touch with Habitat
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for Humanity for possible assistance with affordable housing. Ms. Lester provided that information.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked for some literature they could possibly post in City Hall; Ms. Lester
agreed and provided the website for Habitat as well. Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if local business
helped and Ms. Lester said yes and then invited Council to come down and help with the homes as
they are always looking for volunteers. Council went on to briefly discuss the different homes and
subdivisions built by Habitat in the area.
Cindy Black, 2923 Umbrella Tree Drive, said that this was an opportunity to clean up U.S. 1. The lot
on New Hampshire was very small; perhaps there would be other properties the City could donate to
Habitat. She expressed concerns over children living so close to U.S. 1 and the traffic.
Corrie Sapp, 3630 Travelers Palm Drive, spoke about her professional experience with Habitat, she
asked how the City determines surplus and the value of the land.
Councilman Powers said that looking at Pine Bluff, two sides of it are contiguous with commercial
space and then New Hampshire is embedded in the tiny mobile home area. He is unsure that anyone
would want to come put a half a million dollar home there. Mr. Irby pointed out that there are
several properties that are ill suited for half million dollar homes. Councilwoman O'Keefe thinks it's a
great opportunity for the City to give back.
Mr. Irby said that they did have money into the properties but by putting it back on the tax roles, they
should get it back in a few years.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilman Powers, to approve
Resolution No. 2022-R-05. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
None at this time.
a.Fire Chief requesting a temporary waiver of residency requirement
Mr. Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice Mayor Bennington said that if they're going to give him a temporary waiver, she would like to
do it for two years just so they don't have to do it again in a year if the Fire Chief needs more time.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if they could change the mileage parameters for the Fire Chief
because she knows the Police Chief isn't required to live in the City. Mr. Irby stated that he agrees
with her but it was in the Charter. Councilwoman Power asked if the Charter specifically said one
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year. City Attorney Wolfe said it didn't, just that Council may impose reasonable conditions such as
limits on the time of the waiver.
Vice Mayor Bennington reiterated that she would feel better if it was two years to avoid having to
deal with it again.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if Fire Chief Lariscy's desire was to live in Edgewater, considering the
current real estate market. Fire Chief Lariscy informed Council of his plans and said two years
would be sufficient.
Councilwoman Power pointed out that the Charter doesn't say anything about location as far as the
waiver. City Attorney Wolfe said it doesn't and that Council could give a complete waiver or give one
with reasonable conditions such as a limit on the time of the waiver.
Mr. Irby reassured them that the place Chief Lariscy was looking at was not much farther than his
current location. Council further discussed the waiver and time constraints.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilman Powers, to approve a
waiver of the residency requirement for Chief Jeff Lariscy. The MOTION was APPROVED
by the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
Excused:Mayor Thomas1 -
a.City Clerk
City Clerk Zlotnik reminded Council of the State of the County, the Ethics Continuing Education
Training, the launch party for the opening of the Yaupon Brothers Tea factory, the second Regional
Economic Development Summit and the ribbon cutting for the Henry Family Sensory Park.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if anyone could attend the ribbon cutting; Councilwoman Powers said
she could.
City Clerk Zlotnik informed Council of a workshop regarding stormwater fees on February 28 at 6
b.City Attorney
City Attorney Wolfe provided an update on the John Ingles case.
c.City Manager
City Manager Irby reiterated that the Princess Ball is scheduled for Saturday and Ms. Bergeron could
use help if anyone was able. Councilwoman Power said she might be able to make it to the Princess
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Ball by 7; Councilwoman O'Keefe said that she and her kids could help in the morning and she could
come back at night.
Mr. Irby advised Council that City Hall is completely out of room and while they have tried to find
affordable alternatives they have been unsuccessful. They had moved on to steel buildings and
planned on getting one big enough to house the City Clerk Department and records. The location
would be on Wilkinson, just off of Park Avenue. They had tried to get quotes on the building but the
prices are all over the place; therefore the only thing they can do is formerly bid the process. The
recommendation is for the City to build the steel building and in the future, it could be reassembled
elsewhere for other uses.
Council asked if the building would be insulated, hurricane proof and flood proof. Mr. Irby assured
them that it would be. Councilwoman Power asked how it would work budget wise. Mr. Irby said it
would be a budget amendment; he had conferred with Bridgette Vaissiere, Finance Director, that the
Clerks office is a part of all of the Departments as far as all of the Departments chipping in but
they're still discussing it. Councilwoman O'Keefe inquired over the estimates they had seen; Mr. Irby
said they were anywhere from $53,000 to $122,500. That was why they needed specifications and a
bid process.
Councilwoman Power asked if City Clerk Zlotnik was going to have a part in designing the office;
City Clerk Zlotnik said absolutely.
Mr.Irby informed Council that they have been in talks with Miami Corp about City Hall; he doesn't
have a lot of information but Miami Corp has agreed to pay for an architect
Cindy Black, 2923 Umbrella Tree Drive, discussed missed opportunities by the City to purchase
properties at the end of 30th to try and mitigate traffic. Councilman Powers said he had already
brought this up to Staff and that the property located behind Silver Palm is federally protected for
conservation. The City would therefore be unable to utilize it.
Ms. Black stated that she had seen roads be put in conservation areas before as a by-pass. Mr. Irby
explained that there is mitigation that can be done but the City is unable to afford it. They could, in
theory, use impact fee money towards something like that but then would be unable to use it
elsewhere. Mr. Irby said that it would be doable and was a good idea if it wasn't wetlands.
There being no further business to discuss, Vice Mayor Bennington adjourned the meeting at 7:37
Minutes submitted by:
Monique Toupin, Assistant to the City Clerk.
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