06-06-2022 - Regular104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
City Council
Mike Thomas, Mayor
Christine Power, District 1
Gigi Bennington, District 2
Debbie Dolbow, District 3
Jonah Powers, District 4
6:00 PM Council ChambersMonday, June 6, 2022
Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mayor Mike Thomas, Councilwoman Christine Power, Councilwoman Gigi Bennington,
Councilwoman Megan O'Keefe, and Councilman Jonah Powers
Present:5 -
City Manager Glenn Irby, City Attorney Aaron Wolfe, and City Clerk Bonnie ZlotnikAlso Present:3 -
a.Regular Meeting - November 1, 2021
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bennington, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to
approve the Minutes of November 1, 2021. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
b.Regular Meeting - December 6, 2021
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
approve the Minutes of December 6, 2021. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
a.Proclamation - NSBHS Girls Beach Volleyball Team - 2022 State Champions
Mayor Thomas read the proclamation into the record.
b.Proclamation - Ryan Geary - 2022 Weightlifting Individual 2022 State Champion.
Mayor Thomas read the proclamation into the record.
c.Proclamation - Cole Crkvenac - 2022 Track & Field Individual Javelin Throw State
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Mayor Thomas read the proclamation into the record.
d.Proclamation - Waste and Recycling Workers Week
City Attorney Wolfe read the proclamation into the record.
Doug Petit, a candidate for the Volusia County Council at Large, informed Council of his plans if
James Collier, 3033 Silver Palm Drive, discussed the Ordinance pertaining to hurricane shutters and
the possibility of certain residents having to pay for a waiver of said Ordinance.
Jeremy Scott, 3223 Travelers Palm Drive, thanked Council for their service and expressed his
displeasure over how the water bill shut off is handled and how they could possibly handle it in the
future. He also thanked Councilman Powers for returning his call and talking through his concerns.
Councilwoman Power suggested that perhaps he was sent an email but wasn't sure exactly how
residents were notified. Bridgette Vaissiere, Finance Director, explained some issues with notifying
everyone on the shut off list. Councilman Powers advised that they could change something in the
printing process itself to more adequately inform residents; Council discussed a text alert that
automatically notified residents or an extra slip in the bill itself. Ms. Vaissiere said she would look
into it.
Council discussed the benefits of being able to warn residents before their water is shut off to avoid
the additional costs for everyone.
John Fioretti, 2603 Travelers Palm Drive, had a complaint about lack of communication via the City
Manager and Code Enforcement not seeing eye to eye with the Building Department; citing code
violations happening on Travelers Palm and an issue with DR Horton.
Mary Morris, 3039 Silver Palm Drive, said she hoped Council took regulating air-bnb's & short term
rentals seriously as she lives next to one and it is unpleasant. She had called the non-emergency
number and Code Enforcement but the problem still remains. Council assured her that they were
working on it as it was a relatively new issue that had been brought to light.
Rich Dill, 2108 Mango Tree Drive, complimented the Police Department for their quick response but
said that the City needs more Fire Rescue and to work on the speeding problem.
Councilman Powers asked if they could discuss the DR Horton accusations; Mr. Irby said they could
discuss it at a later time.
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Mr. Irby requested to remove item 7a from the Consent Agenda.
Councilwoman O'Keefe announced that she would be resigning at the conclusion of the meeting;
reading a letter she had written in relation to that. She recommended Jim Mcginnis be considered for
her position.
Mayor Thomas presented Councilwoman O'Keefe with a plaque to commemorate her service to the
Mayor Thomas stated that since Councilwoman O'Keefe's resignation was a shock to most citizens,
he felt as though they needed time and the ability to apply for the position. Councilwoman
Bennington explained the process for appointing and the election for the residents.
Mayor Thomas commended Councilwoman O'Keefe for her service; saying that she taught him a lot
and provided a different point of view. He appreciates her diligence and her care for the citizens of
City Clerk Zlotnik asked for confirmation on how they'd like the process to go; Mayor Thomas said
he would like the position to be advertised so the public knows about it; Ms. Zlotnik asked if they
wanted individuals to fill out an application and if they wanted all the applications received on the
agenda, Council concurred that they did.
Councilman Powers had nothing at this time.
Councilwoman Power reported that she had a TPO Executive Committee meeting; Councilwoman
Bennington asked if they had picked a director yet and Councilwoman Power said yes, someone had
accepted the interim position.
Councilwoman Bennington reported that she had attended the Honors Ceremony with Mr. Irby and
they had given four (4) scholarships to students; she also attended a celebration for Mike Mallardi; a
98 year old veteran who received the Medal of Honor for being apart of the Ghost Army in World
War II, hosted by the AmVets.
7j pulled for discussion.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
the Consent Agenda excluding 7h and 7j. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
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a.Professional Services Agreement Renewal - Surveying Services
b.Professional Services Agreement Renewal - Arborist Services
c.Requesting Approval and authorization for the City Manager to enter into an
agreement Precision Building Services, for Janitorial Services (RFP 22-GS-05)
d.Purchase of trailer-mounted bypass pump for continuity of operations at sewage lift
e.Request to Piggyback Volusia County’s bid for Fuel Purchases
f.FEMA Technical Assistance Consulting Services
g.Requesting approval of award and authorization for the City Manager to enter into an
agreement with McMahan Construction Company, Inc, for Metal Grating
Replacement and Concrete Repair at the Water Treatment Plant (ITB 22-ES-06) in
the amount of $115,000.
h.Requesting waiver of Purchasing Policy - Section VIII - Competitive Procurement for
Wrecker/Towing Services
i.Requesting award of and authorize for the City Manager to execute the contract to
American Design Engineering Construction, Inc, in the amount of $1,948,663.81 for
the Construction Services for Hart Avenue Drainage and Water Main Improvements
project per terms and Conditions set forth in ITB 22-ES-03.
j.Parking Agreements 4th of July Fireworks
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
approve item 7j. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
a.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2022-O-11 - Fire Services Special Assessment
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing.
Councilwoman Bennington asked if all Veterans would be covered; City Attorney Wolfe said no, just
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those who qualify for a 100% exemption from Ad Valorem taxation.
Mayor Thomas explained that what they're trying to do is make everything on an equal playing field
amongst the citizens of Edgewater. He referenced a call from a resident who had heard an incorrect
increase amount; Councilwoman Power pointed out that they're looking at adding firefighters.
James Collier, 3033 Silver Palm Drive, said the amount he saw was $295 per household.
Councilwoman Power and Councilwoman Bennington informed him that the $295 was the first and
the highest amount on the scale that was looked at. Mr. Collier stated that the City and Council had
approved all new buildings going up and that fire support had always been paid by property taxes.
He asked why they couldn't go to Volusia County to ask for the additional revenue to cover what was
needed. Councilwoman Bennington explained that the City had to have their own.
Fire Chief Lariscy explained the auto aid agreement that the City has with the County and New
Smyrna Beach.
Councilwoman Power further expounded how they are trying to mitigate the non Ad Valorem taxes
and the Ad Valorem taxes to gain a balance to offset the fee.
At Mr. Collier's request, City Attorney Wolfe told him that this is an enabling Ordinance that would
allow Council to make an exemption from the special assessment for Veterans who qualify for the
100% Ad Valorem exemption; this includes Veterans who were honorably discharged and have a
service related total and permanent disability.
Councilwoman Power said that the exempted Veterans aren't paying taxes right now and would not
be paying the new fee either.
Mayor Thomas closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Ordinance No. 2022-O-11. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
b.2nd Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities
Grant Program
Melissa Fox, Fox Enterprises, notified the public and Council of the City's eligibility to apply for a
small Community Block Grant.
No action necessary.
c.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2022-O-09; amending the Police Pension Plan.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
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City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing.
Councilwoman Bennington asked for clarification of the amendment; mentioning that when she was
previously on the Police Pension Board, members were difficult to find.
Mayor Thomas wondered if they were going to be able to get enough from the outside; Mr. Irby said
that the Police Chief thinks they will.
Mayor Thomas closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilman Powers, to approve
Ordinance No. 2022-O-09. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
d.2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 2022-O-10; Amending the General Employees’
Pension Plan
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if it was just to allow past employees to serve; Mr. Irby confirmed that
it was.
Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing.
Councilwoman Bennington felt it was a good idea.
Mayor Thomas closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
approve Ordinance No. 2022-O-10. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
e.Resolution No. 2022-R-09; Mid-Year Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.
City Attorney Wolfe read the Resolution into the record.
Bridgette Vaissiere, Finance Director, provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mayor Thomas opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Keefe, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
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approve Resolution No. 2022-R-09. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
f.Resolution No. 2022-R-12; Sun setting the Environmental Advisory Board
City Attorney Wolfe read the Resolution into the record.
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mayor Thomas opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
approve Resolution No. 2022-R-12. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
a.Request from the Economic Development Advisory Board to Approve
Appointment(s) to the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO)
Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) - Bliss Jamison with alternate Rebecca Crews
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing.
Councilwoman O'Keefe commented that there were strong applicants; Councilwoman Power gave a
little background on Bliss Jamison with Mayor Thomas commenting that she does a good job.
Mayor Thomas closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to appoint
Bliss Jamison with alternate of Rebecca Crews to the Transportation Planning Organization
Citizens Advisory Committee. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
a.Request City Council Approval for Beer Garden at the Independence Day
Celebration and Fireworks Event July 4, 2022
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Councilwoman O'Keefe said she didn't have a problem with it; Mayor Thomas asked for details of
the event. Samantha Bergeron, Parks & Recreation Director, explained that for safety reasons, the
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fireworks will take up the entire boat ramp at Kennedy Park so all other activities will take place at
the City Hall complex.
Councilwoman Power asked if there were time frame requirements for the beer garden and if they
would have to advertise that. Ms. Bergeron stated that if Council wishes for the beer garden to be
closed before the fireworks, they're happy to oblige.
Councilwoman Bennington questioned if the space mapped out in the parking lot was sufficient
enough for the beer garden; Ms. Bergeron assured her that the tent being rented and the area
allocated for it was enough.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if they were using local breweries; Ms. Bergeron informed Council that
AmVets is using their liquor license for the occasion and they get their supplies through Budweiser.
Councilman Power pointed out that people would have to stay in the Police protected area in order
to drink; Mr. Irby stated that due to the cost of each beer, he isn't anticipating any issues.
John Fioretti, 2603 Travelers Palm Drive, asked who is responsible if there is a public intoxication
situation that more than one police officer is capable of handling or if ambulatory services are
required. Council assured him that there would be a heavy police presence.
Chief Lariscy informed Mr. Fioretti that all the Department Directors and the City Manager have
created an action plan; all of those issues are resolved in writing and available to the public.
Councilwoman O'Keefe stated that there would also be a heavy load of employees on duty that day
as well. Ms. Bergeron advised that the AmVets bartender and volunteers are all trained to ensure
that the public is not over served; it's their liability and insurance. Mr. Irby confirmed that the City is
not responsible, it falls under the AmVets.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
a Beer Garden in partnership with the AmVets at the upcoming Independence Day
Celebration and Fireworks Display of July Fourth 2022. The MOTION was APPROVED by
the following vote:
Yes:Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe and Councilman
4 -
No:Mayor Thomas1 -
b.Approval of Reimbursement to New Smyrna Beach Housing Authority Development
Corporation for Affordable Housing in Edgewater
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Councilwoman Bennington confirmed with Mr. Irby that via the agreement, they had to reimburse
the money.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilman Powers, to approve the
reimbursement of $75,000 to the
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New Smyrna Beach Housing Authority Development Corporation from the CRA fund. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
c.Indian River Property Discussions
City Manager Irby provided a staff report and recommendation.
Councilwoman O'Keefe asked how much property there is and the contract price; Mr. Irby informed
her that the cost was $2.4 million and it was 79.3 acres of land with the lake taking up 55.4 acres,
this will give them buildable uplands of 23.9 acres. Councilwoman O'Keefe asked if it was east or
west of the trucking center; Mr. Irby said it was east of it.
Mayor Thomas asked if the City would have access to the lake on the property; Mr. Irby stated that if
they bought it, it would belong to the City but they are waiting on a survey as Dale Williams contends
that the lake does go with the property. Mayor Thomas inquired if the City could build a boat ramp
and open it to the public, Mr. Irby said they would have to acquire the property first.
Councilman Powers asked for clarification that the $2.4 million was just what Mr. Williams would
like to receive for the property, that it wasn't in any contracts and the City was just doing its due
diligence to keep moving forward with the process. Mr. Irby said that was correct.
Mayor Thomas felt it was a good deal because they are running out of property and that it would be
halfway between Florida Shores and the Deering Park; mentioning the offer that Deering Park had
made to build a new City Hall and the City's ability to use the Covid Funds.
Councilwoman O'Keefe pointed out that there is a house being rented on that property; she asked if
anyone had been in contact with an appraiser and a surveyor or if there is a time limit for the
appraisal because things are backed up. Mr. Irby said he had relayed those concerns to the realtor
who believes it will be done this week. Mr. Irby told Council that the survey had already been ordered
by Mr. Williams
Councilwoman Bennington's only concern was the truck stop located next to it and it's appearance;
Mr. Irby assured her that Chief Lariscy was already on top of that and they have already been cited
before for violations.
Council then discussed the perks of having a lake on the property.
Rich Dill, 2128 Mango Tree Drive, spoke about the possibility of expanding Fire & Rescue with the
purchase of such a large property, the possibility of utilizing the current City Hall property to expand
parking for the boat ramp and the future City Hall location.
Councilwoman Bennington commented on the need for more space for employees.
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James Collier, 3033 Silver Palm Drive, asked Council if there had been an environmental assessment
done; Mr. Irby assured him that there had been one done at one point and there would be another
one completed.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to direct
the City Manager to begin due diligence toward the purchase of land owned by Dale
Williams on SR 442 and authorize the Mayor to execute the sales/purchase contract. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilwoman O'Keefe
and Councilman Powers
5 -
a.City Clerk
City Clerk Zlotnik reported to Council that Qualifying for the 2022 General Election is being held
next Monday the 13th at noon through Friday the 17th at noon for Mayor and Districts one (1) &
three (3). She informed Council that June 19-22, both she and her assistant Monique would be out of
the office at a conference in Orlando but records clerk Lisa Bloomer would be in the office until 2
p.m. daily. She reminded Council of a budget workshop on June 27th at 6pm, that City offices would
be closed Monday July 4th and that the Council Meeting would be held on the 11th.
b.City Attorney
City Attorney Wolfe provided an update on the Ingles litigation.
c.City Manager
City Manager Irby informed Council that the owners of a piece of property on Park Place inquired if
the City would be interested in purchasing the house; staff had met to discuss and believed that given
the right price, it may be a good thing to consider if they are going to sell the property City Hall
currently sits on as it may add value. In order to move forward with that, there would need to be two
(2) appraisals and then be brought back to Council for consideration.
Council gave Mr. Irby consensus to move forward.
Jeff Bracey, 196 Westbrook Circle, Oak Hill, expressed his support of the City buying the property off
of 442 behind the truck center.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Thomas adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Monique Toupin, Assistant to the City Clerk.
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