Bill - Abolish Town of Edgewater - Create City of EdgewaterTO ffi W."ITIED AN ACT AMRPPM SECTIONS 8, 10, lls 17, 136s 138 and 1401 NEPEALIRG SROTIOR 19; ADDING NEW SECTIONS TO BR D7g1G5AT7D SECTIONS 129 (a) AND (b), OF CRAPM9t 27532, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1951, BERG THE CRAPT?R OF THE, CITY OF rWWATER, 1N VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR VOTING DISTRICTS AND gTTALIFICATIM!S NECK WARY FOR COM1IGUM AND MAYOR) BY DECREASIRG T±E NMORR OF MEETINGS mR MONTF; RY RSPRALr;G THE PENALTY *OR ABSEICE FROI RW MLAR CITY COONC17 MEATr4GS1 BY ADDr ; A RECALL PROVISION; BY SPECIFrM GROMW- FOR R^,CALL; BY FHOVIDIMG FOR A D-TFWI?EIT TTAT TO CANVASS RF,^MRNS; BY PROVIDING FOR THE NONIRATION OF CANDIDATES FOR TRR O17FIC3" OF CTTY COUNCILMEN AND MAYOR; BY PROrMIRG FOR T}!R ELECTION OF COURCIIMM AND MAYOR; TO REPEAL ALL LAWS OR PARTS OF LAWS INSOFAR AS TPER CONFLICT OR ARF. IRCOFSISTERf WRA THE PAOVISIORS TFEREOFI AND Ir. PROVIDE PDR A HETI tMMI. BE IT EHACTZD BY TM LEGISLATURE OF TPR STATE OF FLARIDAs Section 1. That Sections 8, 10, 14, 17, 136, 138 and 140 of Chapter 27532, laws of Florida, Acts of 1951, entitled, PAN ACT TO ABOLISH' THE PRESENT MORICIPAL GOVERRIENT OF THE TOWN OF ?DWWATFR, IN VOLUSIA COMITY, FIORIDA, A*T, TO CRBATE, ESTABLISH AND ORGANIZE A NMNICIPALITY TO BE HROWN AND DRSIGRATED AS THE CITY OF ED:EWATER, IN 77, COMITY OF VOLUSIA An STA^E OF FLORIDA, AND TO D?FIDB ITS SENATORIAL BOURDARIES AND PROVIDE.' FOR ITS Oor',RN- MEMT, 7IIISDIMTON, PMRS, FRANCHISES AND PRr7IITGES, AND TO PRDVLDP. FOR A R1WNRIDI0011 ; are hereby amended to read as follows Section 8. CREATION OF THE CITY MMICIL. - TERM OF OFFICE - FIRING COMPENSATION - CREATING VOTING DISSTRITS. There is hereby created a City Council of five electors of the City, elected in the manner hereinafter provided, who shall hold office for two years Derinning on the first Wednesday after the first Nonday in November of the year of each general City election. That Edwin P. Fuller, Raymond T. Friedley and such other Councilman of the Town of Edgewater as nay be aloft" in said town, prior to this Act becoming effective, #hall be and constitute and are hereby naneP, and designated as, three -1- members of the first City Council under this Charter, and they shall serve as Councilmen eider this Charter until their respective terms expire under their elective term of office for which they were elected to serve as Councilmen in and for the Town of Edgewater. The said Edwin P. Fuller shall be and is hereby declared the Mayor of the said City of Nd^ewater, and he shall be and serve as Mayor under this Charter until the first shdneeday after the firat Monday In November, A. D. 1951. As sow as practicable and not later than fifteen (15) days after this Act goes into effeety the said Edwin P. Fuller, Raymond T. Friedley, and other Councilmen as may be elected prior to said date shall meet for the purpose of organising and constituting theasolves as the City Council of the City of FA�ewtar, Florida, at which time the said members s',all call an election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November, A. D. 1951, or as moon thereafter as is practicable, for the election of three members of said City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to serve for the period of two years or until their successors respectively are appointed or elected. Said election shall be held in accordance with this Charter and the 'Laws of the State of Florida. That it is further provided that there shallbe called a special election in accordance -Ith this Charter for the election of one councilman to serve for the period of one year from the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1952, said Councilmen bein& elected to fill the office of Councilman held by Raymond T. Friedley whose term expires as of that times said election to be called and held in accordance with the nrovisionm of this Carter. There shall be held a general City election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1953, for the election of four Councilmen and Mayor, each to serve for a period of two years from the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday in November of said election year, and then thereafter a general, election shall be held in said City bieuaially on said date. The members of tle City Council shall receive as compensation the sum of Three Rmxhr d Dollars 4300.00) annually, payable monthly. -2- The Mayor of the City shall receive as compensation the sum of Fong Hundred Dollars ($400.00) annually, payable monthly. That the City is hereby divided into fora voting districts as followat Voting district one shall be the area described set Bsginninp at the intersection of the middle of the Gabardy or South Canal and Riverside Drive; thence southerly along the wet right of way line of Riverside Drive to the intersection of the aforesaid wet right of way line of Riverside Thrive and the north right of way line of Riverview Drive; thence westerly slong the north right of way Jim of Riverview Drive to its intersection with the east right of way line of D. S. Fi.phway No. 1; thence westerly from the aforesaid intersection in a straight line to the weat corporation limits; thence northerly along the corporation limits to the middle of the Gabardy or Soutb Canal; thence easterly followlnp the middle of the Oabar$y or South Canal to the point of beginning. Votinp, district two shall bet The area lying south of the southerly boundary of voting district num- ber one and north of a line btginnine where the middle of Park Avenue intersects Riverside Drive; thence westerly alonm the middle of Park Avenue to the west corporation limits. Voting District three shall bet The area lying south of the southerly boundary of voting district num. bar two and north of a line beginning where the middle of New Hampshire Avenue intersects Riverside Drive; then Westerly alone the middle of New Hamshire Avenue to the intersection with the east right of way line of D. S. Highway No. 1; thence westerly in a continuing straight line to the vest corporation limits. Voting district four shall bet The area lying south of the southerly boundary of voting district three and north of the south Corporation limits. That one Councilman shall be elected from each of the four voting districts as described above by the vote of the persons residing within that particular voting district. Section 10. OTTALTFICATTOTTS OF idE'NBF.RS. Nembere of the City Council aball have the qualifications of electors and shall be taxpayers on real and personal proerty within the City limits and must reside within the voting district "ron, which they are elected. -3- Section 14. MOOR. The mayor shall be elected biennially at the same time as the other members of the City Council provided that the Mayor shall be elected by the voters at large. Section 17. MKnTNG3. At 7:30 P. M., on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November in the years iThen election of Council- man is held, the newly elected Councilmen and Mayor shall assume the duties of their offices. Thereafter, the City Councilshall meet at such ties as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution; except that It shall meet regularly not less than once each month. section 136. CANVASS of Rr ms - CNRPI mry of riLA,minit. The result of the voting at each polling place, when ascertained, shall be certified by return in duplicate, signed by the clerk and a majority of the inspectors of election, one copy beinf delivered by such clerk and inspectors to the Mawr and the other to the Cit, Clerk, both of whom shall transmit such returns to the City Council at a meeting to be held at 400 P. M. on the day following the election. At such seat- ing the City Council shall canvass the returns and the result as shown by such returns shall be by the City Council declared to be the result of the election. The City Clerk shall, sot Later than noon of the second day after the election, furnish a certificate of election to each person shown to have boss elected. Section 138. WWTNATiO*' OF CANDIDATES - PETITIONS ?nR PLACE ON BALLOT. Candidates for the office of City Councilman or Mayor shall be nominated only by petition. The now of any inalified elector of the City shall be printed iron the ballot to be used at each regular municipal election as a candidate for the office of City Councilman or Mayor, if there is filed with the City Clerk a petition in accordancz •.dth the folloving T•rovisions, to -wit, (a) Such petition shall state the name of each person whose name is presented for a class upon the ballot and that he is a candidate for the office of City Councilman or Mayor. (b) Such petitions shallbe signed by at least twenty-five duly registered, qualified electors of the City residing within the voting I n district of the candidate. Such petitions for the candidates for ?ayor\ahall be Signed by at least twenty-five duly registered, qualified electors of the City at large. Section 140. NOMINATION AID ELFcmv - pmc,"i)M ;MN Tr? V Tg The candidate receiving the highest amber of votes for the office of City Conncilmn in each voting district shall be declared the winner of the election and shall together with the Mayor comprise the City Council of the City of Ndgewater, Florida, The candidate receiving, the highest rumber of votes for the office of Mayor shall be declared to be the Mayor of the City of Fdgewater, Florida, A tie vote between any two or �e candidates running in a regular or special municipal election shall be decided by lot to be conducted by the City Attorney. Section 2. An additional section shall be added to Chapter 27532, Taws of Florida, Acts of 1951. an,1 shall read as follows: section 129 (a). RFQALL FROC"I R% Upon the presentation to the City Council of said City of a petition or petitions sipped before the City Clerk at the City Fall and not elsewhere, by registered voters of the voting district of said City from which the Councilman so petitioned against was elected or in the case of the Mayor by registered voters of the entire City, in number equalling forth per cent (40%) of the registered voters or the said voting district or of the entire city respectively, asking for a recall of any Coumcilaan or Mayor, it shall become the duty of the City Council to call an election within 30 days after the presentation of the-etition or petitions to fill the place or places or any officer or officers, so petitioned a,-ainst, such eledtion to be held in accordance with the provisions for rerilar municipal elections. the officer or officers petitioned against, may be candidates for the offices held by them respectively at said elections. The terns of the officers so recalled shall emire immediately, and their successors shall take the oath of office on the day following the. election, and they shall hold office only for the unexpired re;nilar term. (b) Any petition Par the recall of any Councilmar. or Mayor shall be vo"ld, unless it is bared upon one or more of the following charges specifically Bet forth in the petition, in detail sufficient to inform the Ceune7]nco or Mayor named therein of the-eneral nature of the -5- of the charge and the alleged facts upon which it is founded: (1) malfeasance, (2) misfeasance, (1) nonfeasance. Section 3 All laws and parts of la^s in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section A,. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or n-on its becoming a law without the approval of the Covernor, for the purpose of selling,, holdinc and canvassing the results of an election as provided in Section 5 hereof, but the remaining portion of the Act shall not become effective as a law until this Act has been ratified by a majority of the qualified electors who participate in an election as provided in Section 5. Section 5 (a). The changes and additions to the Charter of the City of Edgewater, Bet .forth in this Act, shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Csdgeweter at an election to b� called b- the City Council of the City of Edgewater, such election to be held price to November 1, 1953 . The provisions of this Act shall be submitted to the electors in such form as to allow approval or disapproval separately and individually of each section of the City Barter ananded, changed or added. The adoption or refection of any motion submitted to the electors shall be by majority vote of those voting at such election. (b) Notice of the election provided for herein shall be niven as the notice of genera,} city elections is given. The City Council shall make provision for conducting such election and shall canvass the results thereof in the :sinner provided for canvassinr> general City elections, P