02-04-1957 - Regular 6 o u o REGULAR MEEl'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD FEBRUARY 4th, 1957. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held February 4th, 1957 was called to order by Mayor George O. Sedgwick at 1:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor George O. Sedgwick Councilman D. L. Washburn Councilman R. T. Friedley Councilman H. John Councilman B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y Fred R. Brannon, Jr. Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The purpose of the meeting was to go over all bills and any other busi- ness that may come before the Council. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 28th, 1957 were read. Motion by Councilman John these minutes stand approved as read, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS A letter was read from Clifton McKinley asking for more money. He stated it was impossible to work for the wages paid at the present. There was no action taken after a lengthy discussion. NEW BUSINESS A discussion on hiring an extra Police Officer in order to relieve Po- lice Chief Norman from 24 hour duty. Also to allow one day a week off. Mayor Sedgwick was to contact Chief Norman and also talk to Chief of New Snwrna and try to find someone to work a few hours each day and one day a week. A proposed Ordinance of Council Procedure was read. A Plat of Pointer Construction Company, Inc. was presented. No streets are completely shelled, but the contract is let for the shelling. Motion by Councilman Washburn that the Mayor be authorized to sign this plat when deposit of $2,000.00 cash or bond be posted. This bond to be in force until streets are shelled. Seconded by Councilman Friedley and by vote CARRIED. Motion by Councilman Farrell the City furnish cement for walks at the Community Center as per map submitted. Seconded by Councilman John and unanimously CARRIED. 1. () o o o There being no further business Councilman Friedley moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 3: 45 P.M. Mayor f~ tlL1-P u-C_aj/_n'~ ~A Gounci-9)k~~ Gouncilmn If r k~ ~ ::: ~ ---. ATTEST~~;t!O~_ City Clerk 7 /I /