03-25-1957 - Regular lJ Q Q u REGUlAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EWEWATER, FLORIDA HELD MAREH 25th, 1957. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held March 25th, 1957 was called to order by Mayor George O. Sedgwick at 1:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor George O. Sedgwick Councilman D. L. Washburn Councilman H. John Councilman B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y Fred R. Brannon, Jr. Present Present Absent Present Present Present The minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 18th, 1957 were presented to each Councilman. Motion by Councilman Farrell these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Washburn and by vote CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS A letter was read from Holland Asphalt Paving Co. quoting a price of approxi- mate $704.00 per square mile for a MC grade of asphalt at the rate of .3 gallon per square yard to settle the dust and give a wearing surface for approximately one year. This letter was discussed and prices to be ascertained on the equipment to do our own streets and buy oil by carload. A letter of Resignation was read from Councilman R. T. Friedley. Motion made by Councilman Washburn, seconded by Councilman Farrell, and unanimously carried that the resignation of Councilman Friedley be accepted. Further, the City Council thanks Councilman Friedley for his full cooperation ~~th this Council for his past services during the term of this Council, and regrets the necessity of his resignation for reasons of obtaining a pension, and ~dshes to let the people of Edgewater know that Councilman Friedley has been generously serving without compensation since January 1st, 1957. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Councilman John Councilman Farrell Mayor Sedgwick Yea Absent Yea Yea A PROCUl~TION PROVIDING FOR CALLING AND THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF EWE\'lATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. The above Proclamation was read in full by Attorney Brannon and motion made by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman Washburn this Proclamation be adopted, setting May 14th, 1957 as Special Election day. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Councilman John Councilman Farrell Mayor Sed~dck Yea Absent Yea Yea 11'9 AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A COUNCILMAN OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, Volusia COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT SPECIAL ELECTION. The above Ordinance was read in full appointing Stanley A. Seng, Sr. to serve as Councilman. Motion made by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman Wash- burn and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting on the 25th day of March, A.D. 1957. 1 V (.) o u Upon motion duly made by Councilman Washburn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and unanimously carried, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading w~s waived, and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council on the 25th day of March, A.D. 1957, and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Councilman John Councilman Farrell Mayor Sedg.-Jick Yea Absent Yea Yea At this point of the meeting Mr. Stanley A. Seng, Sr. vIaS sworn in as a Temporary Councilman and took his place at the Council table. IS'" AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A COUNCILMAN OF THE CITY OF EOOEWATER TO PERFORM THE DUTIES OF MAYOR IN THE ABSENCE OF THE MAYOR. The above Ordinance was read in full appointing David L. 'Vlashburn and motion made by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman Seng and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1957. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Seng, seconded by Councilman Farrell and unanimously carried, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived, and the Ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of a regular meeting of said Council held on and approved as provided by law, the vote as follo,is:- the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the 25th day of ~~rch, A. D. 1957 of said Council on roll call being Councilman Washburn Councilman John Councilman Farrell l'1ayor Sedgwick Yea Absent Yea Yea At this point Councilman Seng was informed of the letter on Oiling streets and it was again discussed, and suggested that this letter be tabled for the time being. A letter l'las read ~ho-BtWin.",c;~:~n signed by nine business people asking the Council to consider the passing of an Ordinance permitting the sale of Beer and Ale on Sunday between the hours of 12:00 noon and 12:00 midnight. This vIaS discussed and motion made by Councilman Seng, that the Council go on record as sanctioning the sale of Beer and Ale on Sundays from 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight. Seconded by Councilman Farrell. This was dis- cussed and motion made by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman Seng that the City Attorney draw up an Ordinance permitting the Sunday sale of Beer and Ale from 12:00 noon to 10:00 P.M. to permit Sunday sale of Beer and Ale only where the same is kept separate from any stock of liquor. A nel'\T street man l'laS discussed and Mr. William Rickelman was suggested as the best manfor the work. It was suggested that he be paid $1.50 per hour for the time being to see how things work out. There being no further business Councilman Farrell moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Time 3:10 P.M. u o o " J Mayor C7::\ I ,,--)L) //J) . councilmanlC-~~~rcr:7< I ~~,.;'/M~ counCil=~ /I ~ )) ~ I ~ . 7 Councilman councilnm/~~ /~?' ATTEST~ ~~&c ,::/, ~~~<-/ Ci ty CXetk __ / 1_/