06-06-1957 - Special I U - Q <.) u SPECIAL'MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EOOEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FIDRIDA, HELD JUNE 6th, 1957. . A Special Meeting ot the City ot Edgewater, City Council held June 6th was called to order by Mayor George O. Sedgwick at 1 :30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor George O. Sedgwick Councilman D. L. Washburn Councilman C. G. Teague Councilman H. John Councilman B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Attorney Fred R. Brannon" Present Present Absent -': Present Present Present Jr. Present The purpose ot the meeting Was to meet with Mr. N. E. Aldridge, Mr. Raymond Garcia" Manager Contractors who are interested in installing the proposed water distribution system. Mr. Tom Alcock ot Boston was also present. Mr. Garcia explained k the kind ot working contract they propose to install. A contract is to be submitted to the City Council at the meeting Mon~ June 10th. Mr. Alcock proposed he be appointed as tiscal agent tor the City to handle the sale ot bonds. This way the bonds can be sold to difterent individuals in smaller amounts and should move quicker. A new Bond Indenture to be drawn up and approved by Bonding Attorneys and a new Validation will be necessary. Mr. Alcock to have his proposition in writing tor Monday June 10th meeting. There being no further business Councilman Farrell moved we do now adjourn" seconded by Councilman John and by vote CARRIED. Time 3:30 P.M. '"