09-16-1957 - Regular u Q c (, r \ REGUIA..i1 1.iEETIHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EIGK\"rATE..fl, FLORIDA, HELD SEPTElIBER 16th, 1957. The Regul~r Neeting of the Cit:7 Council of the City of Edge"Y!ater, Florida held September 16th, 1957 was called to order by ~~yor George O. Sed~~ck at 1:30 P.H. ROLL CAlL Mayor George o. Sed~~~ck Cormcilm3.11 D. L. ~'[ashburn Cormcil~an C. G. Teague Cormcilman H. john Cormcilm~~ B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippe~J City Att'y Fred R. Br~~on, jr. Present Absent Absent Present Present Present Present The Einutes of THE Regular Heeting held Septe!llber 9th, 1957 were presented to each Cormcilman for their approval. Motion by Council~zn Farrell these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Cormcilman Jolm and by vote CARRmn. JESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROTESTING TO THE STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLOF.IDA THE CON- STRUCTION OF U. S. HIGHNAY NO. 1. The above Resolution protesting the !!'.:ll1!ler of construction of U. S. High1'!ay No.1 in the City of Edge1'later, South of Orange Ave. to the South Citjr Li!llits was re~d in full by Attorney 3raP~on and motion duly made by Council~~~ Farrell this Resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman John and by vote CA..1iP..IED. Roll C~l vote beL~~ as follm1s:- CormcilJ!1.an 1'!ashburn CormcilJ!1.an Teague Cormcilmm J olm CotIDcil!llan Farrell Najror Sedp,~ck Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea A PROCLAHATIm! PROVIDDJG FOR THE CALLING AND THE HOLDU!G OF A REGu:LA,,-q ~T'RCTIOH OF THE CITY OF EDGE:fATE.fl, VOLUSIA COmIT'l, FLOF.IDA. The above Procl~Tntion setting the date for a Regular Election to be held Noverober 5th, 1957 in the City of Edgewater, Volusia Cormty, Florida vIas read b:{ Attorney Brannon and motion duljr !ll..3.de by CouncilJ!1.an Jolm for its adoption, seconded b~r Councilman Farrell and by vote CAR-i1IED. Roll call vote bei.l"lg as follows :- Cormcil!!'nTI :!ashburn COtIDciJ.n1..a."1 Te~gue C otm ciJ.r...an J 011.'1 Cotmcilmzn Farrell }!a.jror Sedgdck Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea OF.DINM!CES AN ORDINANCE :.!€}!DUn ORDINANCE NO. 67 OF Tl~ CITY OF EDGE:'JATEE BY CIW!GHn THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TA.1C FOR GASOT.TNE FILLUTG STATIOl'!S. The above Ordinance '-Ias read in full by Attorney BraI'~on, motion duly made by Councilm~ Farrell for its adoption, seconded by Councilman JoP_'1 and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of September, A. D. 1957. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Hashburn Councilman Teague Counci 11'''.'1''1 J olm Councilman Farrell Y.ayor 3edg':Iick Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea "'" v u u u Upon motion duly wade by Counci1m~'1 Joh~, seconded by COlUlci~~an Farrell and carried" the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second readiJlg ,,.:as ,':aived, ~d the Ordin.:J....'I1ce ,,:as ordered put upon final passage. Passed b:l the vote of the City Council of the City of I:dgei'later, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of September, A.D. 1957, and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as folloi'ls:- Councilman ~:.3.shburn CO~'I1cilm8n Teague Counciln'an Jehn COUJlcilman Farrell l-~or Sedg"dck Absent Absent Ye.3. Yea Yea Ordinance on Septic Ta.J1k Inspection by the Volusia County He~th Unit was tabled until the next neeting 1'1hen there "!ould be a full Council. Attorne;T Brannon gave his opinion on the proposed se":a.ge system to be put in by Er. Brovll1. i:otion b;1' CounciL"UlIl John this be tabled until a full Engineer's report be submitted. Seconded by Councim.a.n Farrell and by vote ClL~lIED. Rell call vote being as follows:- COlfficiJr.an :,ra.shburn Counciln'~'I1 Teague CouncilI!'.a.'1 J or~'1 COlUlciln'.a.n Farrell Eayor Sedghrick Absent ~. + .n.osen~ Yea Yea Yea Attorney Brannon's OplnlOn on Signs was not read as Ifr. 1:0yna.l-J.a.'1 stated he a..'I1d Ix. Bergoffen had settled the sign question satisfactorily. C OOFJNI CATIONS The Clerk read a petition signed by ten residents of South Riverside Drive objecting to the issuance of a License to 1:1'. HUJTck for the purpose of :lepairing Boa.ts & Hotel's. After a discussion it ...;as decided to keep this petition on file for future reference. 19;: 3USIN.ZJS Discussion on Special Police for Florida Shores. Hotion duly made by Council- Iran Farrell that p~ Kulsa and 1:arren Gunther be appointed Special Police for Florida S~ores Area, seconded by COUJlcilman John and b:r vote CARRIED. lhyor Sed~Qck announced the telephone rate for an 8A~ension of the Fire Department telephone to the Driskel residence would 'oe ~~9.03 per month. The Council thought this was rather expensive, and the Clerk informed them the CompanJr vlill call on Tuesday and inform her if there was an~r change due to the rate furnished the City according to the Franchise. COl;.:mrrCATIOHS /' Tne Clerk read a letter from Mr. ~. P. Smith of Edgewater Acres protesting the hauling of shell ~d dirt over the streets ,~hile they were in bad condition due to rains. Hr. Brmm stated he would get a grader in and repair the roads if the City would draw up an Ordinance forbidding heavy truck the use of the roads, making it read kfor local delivery orJ..:r. Attorney Brannon l'1'aS instructed to dralv up this Ordin.2.nce and have it ready for the next meeting. u u -. u I U . . NE:1 BUSINESS ~alter Bennett ask about the five acres the City is to acquire from Florida Shores for Industr3r. He stated he is Horking in conjunction i,1i th the C. of C. of New SrrcTna Beach to get an industrial site for light industry. There being no further business Counci~~ John moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 3:15 P.I'~. , I':ayor f.uu;-{? 0 ,.J;;..df' ~A Councilman .' Councilman Co~cilm~ ~~ C(Jlmci~~r~ ATTE3T~ JJ g; ~ City Clerk