09-23-1957 - Regular u Q I U (J .-'. :?EGUT..Jill !JEETD;G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIJE CITY O? 3ffiE;JATE..11., FLORIDA, HELD SEPTEHTI~1 23rd, 1957. The 2egular l'feet'i."1g of the Cit;jT Council of the City of Edge~':ater, Florida, held Septerrber 23rd, 1957 vIas called to order by l'Ia;jTor George O. SedO\'lick at 1:30 P .1_. ROLL CALL l~yor George O. Sed~.~ck Councilrr:an D. L. \/ashburn Counci 1 'l".ml C. G. Teague Counciln;an H. John Councilm3n B. Farrell City Clerk Frar~ F. Dippery City Att'y Fred ~. Brar~on, Jr. Present Absent Absent Present Present Present Present The minutes of the Regular EeetL"1g held Septe~ber 16th, 1957 ~1ere presented to each CounciL'l"An for their approval. Motion by Councilrr~"1 John these rrinutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by COQ"1cilrr~n Farrell ~"1d by vote CJL~~IED. C OH:JJNI CATIONS A letter ~as read from Briley, \:ild & Associates regarding the advertising for bids on Test~;e11s and 2 - an iiells to be situated out Park Ave. Discussion followed and motion duly made by Councilrran Farrell that Advertisement for bids on these wells be placed in the Ne\'i' Snwrna News and the NeHs Journal, one each 1'leek for two consecutive .'leeks. Seconded b;jT CouncilJr1~ John and by vote CA-1lliIED. Roll call vote being as follovlS:- Councilman ~ashburn Councilman Teague Councilman John Councilrran Farrell E~Tor Sedgwick Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea RESOLUTIONS A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING .-^J'!D EEQ.UESTIHG FLOB.IDA PO~'JER. & LIGHT COI'1PANY TO RE1JDE..11. ELECTRIC SERVICE HITHDJ Th"E A':tE..A.., HEREIN DESCRIBED, UNDFR THE PROiJISIONS OF THE FJ..Al!CHISE G&~JTED TO SAID COHP.lIJ\1Y BY ORDIl'!'ANCE NO. 151 OF THE CITY OF EJX}~iATE.t1. The above Resolution granting the Florida Power & Light Comp.wy authority to furnish electric service to that part of Florida S:10res Unit }7 ,.Iithin the corporate Limits of the City of Edge\'later was read by the Clerk and motion duly made by Councilman John this Resolution be adopted, as long as New Srrc'rna Beach has no objections, seconded b:l' Councilma."1 Farrell and b;j' vote Cl\.RIZIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- CouncilTJ:1an 1/ ashburn COlmcilman Teague Councilman John Councilman Farrell Eiyor Sedgwick Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCES OF.DINANCE REQUIF..H!G THE .\.PPROVAL OF THE VOLUSIA COUNTY HEALTH UNIT PRIOR TO TH~ INSTALlATION OF SEPTIC T.l..rlli:S: AIm REQUIRING SUCH .'lPPROVAL AS .\. CO~mITION PRECEDENT FOR THE LSSUAl'ICE OF A CITY BUILDIEG PEill'ITT, IF A SEPTIC TANK TNSTALL- .h.Tlm! IS TO BE USED IN CONJUKCTIOH -;:ITH TH~ BUILDING, A~!D PROVIDING lUID ESTABLISHDG PENALTIES FOR THE IlIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE: AI\ID PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTI\~ DATE. The above Ordinance .'las previousl~r tabled and again a motion was du13' made by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman John and carried that this Ordinance again be tabled until a later date. ~ o I o CJ .. .. OP.DINAHCE /1170 RESTRICTING THE USE OF STP..Kr.;TS Dr F,]X}ElfATER ACRES SUBDIVISION Hr THE CITY OF EOOE"v!ATER, FLORIDA. The above Ordinance was read in full by Attorney Brannon and motion dul;)T I!l3.de b;)T Councilw~n Farrell, seconded by Counci~~ John this Ordinance be adopted and passed by the vote of the City COUl1Cil of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a Regular Meeting held on the 23rd d~T of September, A. D. 1957. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman l'Tashburn Councilman Teague Councilman John Councilman Farrell E~.yor Sedgwick Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman John, seconded by Councim.an Farrell and carried, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and k~he Ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the CitJT Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 23rd day of September, A. D. 1957, and l~pproved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows:- CouncilT!1~ l'lashburn Councilman Teague Councilman John Counci~n Farrell lfa,yor SedVvick Absent Absent Yea Yea Yea OLD BUSINESS ~~Tor Sed~vick ask ~~. Brown about the survey on the proposed Sewage System in Edgewater Acres Subdivision. J.!r. Brmm advised the Engineers, Russell & Axon were working on it and he would have the Engineer's and their report at the meeting of October ll:th. Attorney Brannon Has instructed to have ready for the neJ\.-t meeting a.11 Ordinance calling for Bids on '\'later "Jells, bids' to be opened at the meeting of October 14th. Hr. Brown ask .:l.bout the status of the Railroad Crossing at Ocean Ave. }~or Sedg1~r:ick stated he h.:l.d received no ~'Jord on this work so far. There being no further business Councilw~ Farrell moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilrr>~ John and b:'jT vote CAR-RIED. Time 2:10 P.E. Hayor ~~..R ~ ~df~ Councilman Councilman ~~~ C our.. ci1.rr>.a..l1 counci]m9~~ AT'fFST:.J,auJ;~ .f)#J Ci t;jr Cler-