12-12-2022 CITY OF EDGEWATER FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday, December 12, 2022, at 4:00pm TRUSTEES PRESENT: Justin Nickels James Binder Herb Epstein David Blair Ron Hayward TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Pedro Herrera, Sugarman, Susskind, Braswell & Herrera (via phone) John Thinnes, AndCo Consulting David Kelly, Bowen Hanes & Company Michelle Rodriguez, Foster& Foster Jason Haynes, Plan Member 1. Call to Order—Justin Nickels called the meeting to order at 4:03pm. 2. Public Comments a. Jason Haynes asked about pension improvements specifically additional accrual service (AAS) time and COLAs. b. Justin Nickels explained the board's authority was to administer the pension plan as it was written, they did not have the authority to change or improve benefits in any way. Benefits must be negotiated between the Union and the City. 3. Approval of Minutes a. September 19, 2022, Quarterly Meeting Minutes The Board approved the September 19, 2022,quarterly meeting minutes as presented, upon motion by James Binder and second by Herb Epstein; motion carried 5-0. 4. New Business a. Annual Service Provider Review— Bowen Hanes & Company i. The board reviewed the contract and David Kelly explained fees were basis points (bps), 1%was 1 bps, and they were being charged 45 bps which was less than %2 of a percent. The board agreed by consensus they were very happy with Bowen Hanes's service. 5. Old Business— None. 6. Reports (Attorney/Consultants) a. Bowen Hanes, David Kelly, Investment Manager i. Quarterly Investment Report as of September 30, 2022 1. David Kelly reviewed the individual plan holdings. The board did not have any comments or questions. b. AndCo, John Thinnes, Investment Consultant i. Quarterly Investment Report as of September 30, 2022 1. John Thinnes reviewed the market environment over the last quarter and commented it was a relatively good year. John commented even though they did not have real estate to prop their numbers up they still ranked higher than the majority of their peers. John commented with one manager and more equity than other plans, he liked their strategy. John commented they had cash ready to be deployed in bonds when David Kelly was ready. 2. The total fund net returns for the quarter ending September 30, 2022,were -3.04%, outperforming the policy benchmark of-5.51%. The 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year trailing returns were -15.15%, 4.59%, 6.03%, 8.20% and 7.58%, respectively. Since inception (12/01/01), the return was 5.71%, underperforming the benchmark of 6.21%. c. Sugarman, Susskind, Braswell & Herrera, Pedro Herrera, Plan Attorney i. Elimination of the Line-of-Duty Injury Health Insurance Benefit 1. Pedro Herrera commented he would submit a proposed ordinance to the City Attorney for his approval before it went to the City Commission for first reading. 2. Pedro Herrera reviewed the gift giving reporting requirements under the State ethics law. 3. Pedro Herrera advised the board his office would make a donation in the board's name to the American Red Cross Hurricane Ian Relief fund in lieu of a holiday gift. 7. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action a. Foster& Foster, Michelle Rodriguez, Plan Administrator L FPPTA Membership Renewal The Board voted to renew their FPPTA annual membership, upon motion by Ron Hayward and second by Herb Epstein; motion carried 5-0. ii. Educational Opportunities 1. Michelle Rodriguez reviewed educational opportunities there were available to the board. 8. Consent Agenda a. Payment Ratification i. Warrant#92 b. Invoices for payment approval i. None c. Fund activity report for September 14, 2022, through December 5, 2022 The consent agenda was approved as presented, upon motion by David Blair and second by James Binder; motion carried 5-0. 9. Trustees' Reports, Discussion. and Action a. At the board's request Michelle Rodriguez gave a brief explanation of the AAS that was recently adopted by the Police pension plan. 10. Adjournment– Meeting adjourned at 5:04pm. 11. Next Meeting – March 13, 2023, at 4:OOpm. Respectfully submitted by: Approved by: c Michelle Rodriguez, Plan Adm to stra -tin Nickels, Chairman Date Approved by the Pension Board: JAPmA 15, a-023