Declaring Council Duly & Legally Organized - 06-23-1948 \ ....~ u u o RESOLUTION ---------- A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE TOVrn COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATB;R, FLORIDA, DULY AND LEGALLY ORG~~~IZED ill~DER THE 2ROVISIONS OF LAW AP?LICABLE THERETO ~RER~\S in accordance ~~th the laws of the State of Florida, and the Ordinances of the Tovm of Edgewater, Florida, one councilman was duly elected as }rovided by law for the unexpired term of Felbert F. Barker, at the special election held in said Tovm on Tuesday, June 22, 1948, Edvan P. Fuller being elected for said term. AND WHEREAS Edwin P. Fuller bas duly taken and subscribed the oath of office snd has filed same in the office of the Tovm Clerk of said Town, and has done and performed all other requisites for the holding of said office, AND WHEREAS the said r;POiNIl Council and each of the members thereof have performed all of their duties necessary for the legal creation of said CounCil, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE: TOVrn OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: That the To\~ Council of the To~~ of Edgewater, Florida, consists of the following three members, E. H. Lohman and A. Hussey ru~d Ed~Qn P. Fuller, and the said Council ts hereby declared to be legally and regularly constituted and organized as such, to function and perform its duties Q~der snd by virtue of the provisions of law of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of said Town, pertaining thereto, for and during their . .L, "-u (.) ~ respective terms of off-ice, and the said Town Council be and it is hereby declared to be and consist of the above named Councilman. It vvas moved that the above and foregoing Reso- lution introduced by Councilman [/ A~<Htl.BSOY and moved by him accordingly be adopted, which motion was duly c" ()) ~ seconded by Counci~man A........E.v P. l!'ullor and upon a Roll Call vote being taken the sajd Resolution was duly declared .oJ adopted at the offi cial orga..rli zation meeting of sai d Council held the .. 23rd day of June, 1948, the vote of said Councilmen on said Roll call being as follows: ~. Mayor Counci man 7'~ / .....~ c/ II-/~ Y<-1 ~/~ Councilman ~ .... ATTEST: A~1ieho Approved this 23rd day of June, 1948. ~ Mayor Councilman