11-03-1958 - Regular II "" ~ ..,. 4r: ~ '-" ~ "-' '-'" JEGUL.4.:1 KEETEJG OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E:;:X}E.iATER, FLORIDA, HELD Hovr.crmER 3rd, J-958. The 3.egula::> l{eeting of the City Coundl of the City of Edge1;,!ater, Florida held November 3::>d, 1958 ~';as called to order by Hayor George O. SedgvJick at 7:30 P.E. ROLL CALL I'ayor Geo:~ge o. .:3edg'.rick Councilnan H. ~I. Braga Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Counci~~ R. Henry Councilw~ B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y John E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. Norrr.a."1 Fire Chief Fred Garlick Trash Collector John Wood P::.~esent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The }linutes of the Regular ~illeting held October 20th, 1958 vlere presented to each Councim..a.rl for his aooroval. Notion by Counci1ma.l1 Henry these minutes stand approved as subwitted, seconded by Counciln~n Shaeffer and by vote CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Prisoner lees City of Ne\'l Sw.;)rrna Beach Charley's ;:!elding Shop Prentiss Hard\'Iare H. &~. B. Drew Co. Dvlight 's fr:own's Texaco Service New Smyrna Beach News Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Gulf Oil Products C. H. Sams :2.oger B. Quinc;jr Western Auto S~pplies Red & l:hite Store Kaeser & Blair, Inc. E..xpress Charges ~12.00 214.56 7.50 22.07 53.72 8.08 28.07 2.10 30.79 157.61 6.78 8.00 6.35 3.66 13 .43 2.31 Motion by COQl1ci~~l1 Shaeffer these bills be paid and be r.mde a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARLl.rED. COHl:.i1JIJI CATIONS Letters 'were read from Robert }'Tatthel'lS, Adolph LaBonde and Report of the Fire Chief Garlick on the yearly activity of the Fire Department. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE HO. 2lL~ RELATING TO TIm PUBLIC HEALTH, SA.?ETY A..\1']) \cJELFAP..E, PROVIDING FOR: TEE IESPECTION OF l::EAT AND 1-:EAT FOOD PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR HUHAN CONSUHPTION HI THE CITY OF E:cGEi':ATER, VOLUSIA. COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE SIEZURE, CONFISCATION AND CONDE11:ATIOH AND DESTRUCTION FOR FOOD PURPOSES OF UNINSPECTED, DISEASED, UNSOUND OR OTHE.:th'ISE U.NFIT FOOD. ENFORCEHENT OF RUIJ:::S AND REDULATIONS BY THE HEALTH OFFICER IN THE Amrrl:IST:1ATION of this act. penalty for VIOLATION ill"\:'D REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IE CONFLICT HZ.c'7E'iJITH. , I '-' ~ ..J " ~ J"". << .... "- The above OrdL"'1&"'1ce vlaS read in full by Attorney Chisholm and motion duly made by Councilman Shae~fer for its adoption, seconded by Councilman Henry and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular neeting held on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1958. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilrran Broga Yea Councilrran Shaeffer Yea CounciL~an Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea }~ayor Sedgvlick Yea Upon motion duly F~de by Councilw~n Farrell, seconded by CounciL~n Broga and carried, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance vms ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edge\1ate~, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1958 and approved as provided by Law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as f ollQ1.-[S :- COQ~cilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Her~y Yea Councilw~ Farrell Yea }~yor Sedg~~ck Yea ORDIEANCE t~2l5 APPROPRIATDJG REVEN1JES TO BE COLLECTED FOR THE CITY OF EIX}Eh~L\TER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLO?..IDA, FOR THE FISCAL YElu1 BEGINNINJ NOVill"mER 1, 1958, AND ENDING OCTOBE2- 31, 1959, TO THE VftJITOUS ITE~'~ OF TilE CITY BUDGET. ( The above Ordinance vTaS read in full by Attorney Chisholm and motion duly made by CounciLT~n Broga for its adoption, seconded by Councilrran Henry a~d passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular r.eeting held Novembel~ 3rd, 1958. Roll call vote being as follm'[s:- Councilman Broga Yea Council1r~ Shaef:er Yea CouncilF~1 Henry Yea CouncilirJL~ Farrell Yea Nayor Sedgv.'ick Yea Uron motion duly wade by COl4"'1ciln~n Shaeffer, seconded by Councilman Broga and carried, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading v;as 1-Taived, &"'1d the ordL"'1ance was orde~ed put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a ~egular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1958, and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council being as follows:- Councilwan Br.oga Yea Council1r~ Shaeffer Yea COQ~cilrr~ Henry Yea Counci~ Farrell Yea pmyor Sedg~Qck Yea An Ordinance setting forth Compensa.tion for a Building Inspector vIas read by Attorney Chisholm and tabled after discussion. ffayor Sed~,iLck stated he vlaS against any increases in salary this COITing year because of heavy financial commitments this year, and therefore, I ,.muld suggest that all salaries be held status quo until a future date and I Hould also like to suggest that Hr. LaBonde be given gas allowance. The salary to remain the sane, but he be given a credit card. CounciL~~"'1 Broga stated the increase w~s given to take care of the expenses of his car, but this ,'muld probably obtain the same results. CounciblaJ1 Shaeffer moved this Ordinance be tabled lmtil a suitable ordin&"'1ce can be Horked out, seconded by CouncilF~ Farrell and by vote CARtlIED. In the mean time arrangements to be made to cover gas and oil expenses of the building inspector and an accurate accotmt be ~~de of the anolmt of gas used a~d charged to his department. \..; ., '..J , '-' " J--:p; ~, . ' An Ordinance setting forth Compensation for Deputy Clerk was read by Attorney ChishoJJn and discussed. I~otion by C01L"lCilman Shaeffer this Ordinance be tabled seconded by Councilrran Farrell and by vote C.~~qIED. OLD BUSDESS 1-lr. Knapp reported to the Council a Conservation Official vlOuld attend the Decerr.ber 1st meeting regarding establishment of a Bul1C1eac: line. Appraisal on Spencer Street. No official report in "l'rriting ~~s ITade, but Hr. Grafton Trade an appraisal of this property and stated .:::85.00 1-/ould be a fair price, plus cost of appraisal and legal fees. ~lotion by COUl1CiL~~~ Shaeffer the City Clerk be instructed to t~ite a letter to ijr. & f.J>S. Herresbacher stating the Ci t;y 'dill sell a parcel of land 10 Ft. "Hide and 350 ft. long for ".100.00 plus legal fees. Seconded by Councilu'.8.n Farrell ar.d by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- CounciL~an Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Counci~~ HerU7 Yea COlillcilrr.an Farrell Yea l~yor Sed~dck Yea NEi BUSINESS Letter from Attorney !ciattheNs for his client Er. Unser to establish a bulkhead li.~e along the intracoastal 1.;aterways. ::r. Chisholm ,-/as instructed to "/rite Attorney l:atthews and advise him of the meeting ,1ith the Conservation Official. J:ayor Sedgwick stated there tad been no arra.tlgements to exter.d the vlater mains into Florida Sho:::'es and he :lad spoken to Lr. Eo;y-nahan about this and he had tenatively agreed to pay for the pipe line as far as the P~~l.road if the City "lOuld cave the bouleval~d this far. T:lis ,"'ould cost Florida Shores beh.!een '0,'4,500. and ,~5,000/and three hydrants v!ould be put in. ~':hen ask if the City nad to :'epay ?lo:~ida Shores, :Ia:lor Sedg"l..rick ansv.rerecl in the negative. Council- !ran Shaeffer stated the time vras cOIT'ing 1'lhen the people of Florida Shores "lOuld ,-rant this service and I do not see "Ii/here "l'Je 1;/ould loose, but Hould gain at least this much, so Hlly wait l1ith &~ opportunity like this. l:otion duly rrade by Councilrr~~ Hel"'-I'Y the :1a.yor be authorized to negotiate Hith ::.r. l-loynahan and arra.~ge for the Attorney to draH up the proper papers, seconded by Councilrrl8.n Farrell and by vote CARRIED. J.o11 call vote being as follovm:- COQ~cilr.an Broga Yea CouncilIT'al1 Shaeffer Yea Councilrran Henry Yea COlillciJJran Farrell Yea l~yor Sed~dck Yea Er. Privateer ask about the County ditch Hest of Zdge....later Acres. l'..a3ror Sedgwick stated he had a prelIDinar~l report before hin Hhich he had not had tirne to go over thOl~oughly as yet, but 1.:r. Bro':m ,-laS present and could anSl>ler any questions regarding this drainage. Er. Brm-m stated there Has a detailed map attached to the report and Er. Scott the Volusia County Engi~eer informed hi..m the main ditch 200 f"':.. Hest of the property ViaS clogged up and he llOuld contact Er. Hin...'lich about it as this was his responsibility. 11a.yor Sedguick stated he ,vas sure the City Council Hould cooperate 100% ....ath anything that could be done to relieve the people in this district and the comnittee on drainage ",~S Councilman Broga and COUllcil.,Yal1 Henry. l~r. Brovm stated the culvert on Ocean Avenue crossing was stopped up bJ- the Sirial"'_o fawily thro~ing trash into it and if this ....las opened up it \"lould help all the drainage. T~lere bei..~g no further business CounciL'11a11 Shaeffer moved l,'le do no"\'1 adjourn, seconded by Counci~2n Farrell ro1d by vote CARqIED. Time 8:30 P.N.. ....., ~ ~ ..' - 'V (.., e...J Eayor rJ:,fl"711' {J JJa~q-M IU'~ councilman~~ aJ,?3:r-; .. ~~~ --_.~ . ~ . ..-" Council1l'= =~; . m ~k 'Irk LJ4 Councilman ff,< [...../2/ -- .. ~ counCi~~~-r/ y~~~ . Attest~~~t ~# Cl .. CJler. /'