10-20-1958 - Regular ~ '--' u .' ..".. fi u v RFJ}UL4.R E3ETING OF THE CITY COUKCIL Or<' THE CITY OF EWillTATZit, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLOnIDA, HELD OCTOBER 20th, 1958. TI1e Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held October 20th, 1958 "las called to order b~r Hayor George O. SedgHick at 7:30 P.K. ROLL CALL f~yor George o. Sedglrick CounciL-rr..an H. \':. Broga Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilrnan R. J. HenrJr CouncilD..an B. ?arrell City Clerk Frank F. DipF€ry City Att'y John E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. No~r~ Fire Chief Fred Garlick Trash Collector Jol1n Wood Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent The }linutes of the Regular Meeting held October 6th, 1958 were presented to each CounciJ..ma.l1 for his approval. Hotion by Councilr.1a.n Henry these J!'inutes stand approved as subrritted, seconded by Councilrran Broga and by vote CAJ1RIED. BILLS & ACCOUl1TS Florida Power & Light Co. Lloyd Cox Co. Ford's Gluf Service He"l England Advertising Co. ~t50.23 16.92 22.34 19.85 Motion by Councilrr..an Shaeffer these bills be paid and be made a part of the rrinutes, seconded by COlli1cilman Farrell and by vote Cfu~~IED. COHI,'lJNI CATI ONS Letters were read from ~agnuson Properties, Inc. and Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department. FESOLUTIONS None OR.DIN-A.NCES ORDI~~~CE #213 M'~lIDING SECTION 16 OF ORDINANCE NO. 8 OF THE CITY OF EDGffi1ATER, FLOI'JDA. The above Ordinance "las read in full by Attorney Chisholm and motion duly made by Councilman Henry this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Shaeffer and passed by vote of the City CClli1cil of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regula::.~ meeting held on the 20th day of October, 1958. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilrr..an Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea CounCi~t~l1 Henry Yea CouncilJ!'an Farrell Yea }~yor Sedguick Yea Upon motion duly rraGe by Counci~r~~ Shaeffer, seconded by Councilrran Farrell and carried, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second readi...~g 'ilas ,.,aived, and the ordinance 1'laS ordered put upon final passage. Ii .. v .- ~ v I..",J Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said cOlillcil held on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1958 and approved as provided by la11, the vote of said council on roll call being as f ollm^ls :- Councilman Braga Yea Councilr.~~ Shaeffer Yea Co~~ciL~an Henry Yea Counci~r~ Farrell Yea l'~ayor Sedg1\rick Yea OLD BUSINESS Letters froI:l Vvalter Knapp held over from the last regular meeting i'lere again read by Attorney Chisholm and discussed. Letter on an established bulkhead. Itr. Knapp was called upon and stated a state conservation official had assured him that all that was necessary for any comnnmity to do, VIas the Council to pass a resolution that the mean high water r.uu~k shall be the bulkhead line and that any dredging and filling done beyond that point l1Iu.st be done after application is l~de to some specified body who ~Qll investigate the proposition and issue a license if it is merited. }Iayor Sed~Qck then suggested that l~. Knapp contact the conservation department and have a representative come before the Council at the next regu~ar neeting. Letter pertaining to Zoning. This vIas discussed .....'idel:y and cO!1T.lented upon from the floor and the COlillcil members. It 'tras suggested this be set up in an Ordinance as a stop gap Q~til the routine procedure on a final zoning ordinance was drafted. Attorney ChishoLm stated the same procedure would have to be followed on this as a reD~lar ordD1ance. Attorney ChishoLD then vIas instructed to draH up a notice to be inserted in the neHspaper for a hearing before the Council and Zoning Board. NEW BUSINESS The neil1y organized Contractors presented an Ordinance to be acted upon. Mayor Sed~'Qck stated this ordinance was desirable in some instances and in some it i'las not, and he ,'lould like to hear vrhat the Council had to say as each Counci~an had a copy of srune to study before the meeting. Council- ma.n Henry stated 1.:1'. Read ivas present and proba.bly Hould like to speak for the Contractors. IT. Read stated he was Secretal~ Treasurer of the Organization and all the Contractors had been ask to be present, but there 1"lere only about four or five present, but he would anSi1er any questions pertaining to the proposed ordinance. }~yor Sedgvdck ask P~. Read if this proposed ordinance was acceptable to the whole organization or if there had been a lot of con- troversy over it. }h~. Read stated there was no controversy over. it and it was practically a cOPJ of the ordinance used in other cities such as DeLand, Da;y-tona Beach, Holly Hill and !\Iei'l Srrnfina Beach. It i'laS stated the eXaJT'i.l1.a- tion fee \':as rather high, but Er. :dead stated that Has ilrrr.aterial as the present contractors would not have to take an examination. Cmmc:..lman Shaeffer stated he had read the ordinance thoroughly and v:as not in favor of a ;~,250.00 exarrination fee as he thought ~plOO.OO i'lOuld be sufficient. Er. Be~~ett stated this fee had been changed several tunes, but as far as the initial fee viaS concerned it Hould be O. K. ~~th the organization to put in a fee they thought best. lh'. Read stated the County fee was ;,~250.00. After a lengthy discussion it was decided the City Council would meet rQth the Contractors at their neA~ meeting ~~d c~ne to some Q~derstanding. Fire Chief Garlick requested perrr~ssion to purchase 100 ft of Fire Hose. l!ayor SedgHick stated this could be purchased for .j1.85 per foot instead of the usual ,)2.20 ,,;hich 1Hould mea.~ a great savings to the City. Chief Garlick also stated he needed a 2~tr Gate Valve. This ,":as discussed and motion duly ~.ade by Counci~f~~ 3haeffer the City purchase 100 ft. of Fire Hose and a 2~n Hydrant Gate Valve, seconded by CouncilJr..an Henry and by vote CARRIED. 2011 call vote being as follows:- .. it ....; v ~ v ~~. CouncilwBn Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Her~y Yea CounciLTBn Farrell Yea }~yor Sed~~ick Yea }J.~. :5'razier stated the Edge\.,atel~ Business Hen's Association ,':e:-e p:-omoting the sale of plates for cars advertising 2dge:':ater and thOUg::lt the City ..muld be interested in advertising on City vehicles. These plates priced at ,~l.OO each. r:otion bJT Councilnan Shaeffer the city purchase plates for all City vehicles, seconded by Councilwan Farrell and by vote CAEL~IED. lietter from the Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department. Th:L" letter stated Fred Garlick had been re-elected Fire Chief a~d also gave the~names of the officers of the department. l:otion bJT CounciL'TIa!1 Henry, Fred Gar lick be appo-l nted Fire Chief, seconded by Councihr~ Farrell and by vote Ck~qIED. ~otion also made by Counci:LlJ':8.n Henry the names submtted as of:icers in the kdepartreent be accepted, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CAIL~IED. Discussion on appraisal of la...~d on ~~&f'Street. It vIas decided to have Er. Grafton or fIT. Robertson appraise this la~d and if a fair price could be arrived at to offer this land to }~. & Krs. Herresbacher. ~~. Wm. Swith from New SnWrDa Beach discussed Nith the Council a possible bus route in. the City. ~.Ir. Swith to ro.ake a survey of the Cit::r and establish the route to be served and report back to the Council. llotion by Cu~~ciln~n Shaeffer that }b. Snuth be given a 30 days grace for trial runs and then tell us when he can operate. Seconded by C01mcilJrl.an Henry and by vote CA.l1RIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Cu~~cDUran Broga Yea CounciLT:8.n Henry Yea CouncilJrl1L~ Shaeffer Yea CounciL~~ Farrell Yea }~yor Sedbwick Yea There being no further business Councilman Farrell_moved \'le do no\'l' adjourn, seconded by CouncilwBn Henry and b:v vote CA",i.L'1TID. Time 8:40 P.L. "\ Councilman l<ayo'1::' Councilman Councim.an ATTEST:~~",/ LJri!:;t Cit:r. rk (