Adopting Budget - FY 1947-1948 - 09-10-1947 ~ I \..., \",.J . o l1li ~ \ ~ RES 0 L UTI 0 N. A RESOLUTIONADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL NECESSARY AND GRD INARY EXDNSES AND SPEC IAL . , AND EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES FOR THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY,FLORIDA FOR TEE YEAR BEGINING OCTOBER 1st, A.D. 1947 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, A.D. 1948 WHEREAS,i t is the duty_ of the Town Counoil of the Town of Edgewater,Volusia 69unty,Florida to approve and adopt a budget of the expeoted expenditures for the year begining Ootober lst,1947 and endingSaptambor 30th 1948, NOR THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TCJNH OFEDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the fol1owiing budget be und the same is hereby adopted by the Town Cbunoil of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for all neoessary und ordinary expenses and all speoial and extraordinary expenses for operating amd maintaining the said Town of E~gewater,Volusia County, Florida, for the fisoal year begining Ootober lst,1947 and ending September 30~h,1948 STREETS. $ 1200 .QO I STREET LIGHTING. 960.00 SALARIES. 4620.00 LlGAL & ELEOTIONS. 760.00 MAYORS OOURT. 260.00 OFFIOE EXP.ENSE 460.00 EMERGENCY. 1600.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 200.00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. 100.00 TOTAL . 110020.00 .....- l., " - .... - .... ... --- - -, ~ v ~ v ... v '-' \..) The above and foregoing Resolution was introduoed by Counoilman alan O. Matthows who moved its adoption, whioh Motion was seoonded by Counoi1man A. HllRRAY and upon a roll 08011 vote the same was deolared adppted unanimously, the vote of the Counoi1 baing as follows, at a regular meeting of said Town Counoil, held at the V. I. A. Hall this 10th day of September, A.D. 1947 ~ ~~~~ a~~ Counoilman ~~ -...;.. 0Lv(Q~~ CounoilJpan / ~ " -- '-. ATTEST: . '4 J;~ ~orrn)f~ ., ---------- . -