Declaring Nominees - Special Election - 02-04-1947 - 01-15-1947 v ~ u l.) u RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCILMAN OF THE TOWN OFEDG~YATER, FLORIDA TO BE ELECTED AT THE SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BII: HELD FEBRU.ARY 4, 1947, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SAID ID..ECTION. WHERKAS, Petitions have been :riled ~rith the Town Clerk of the Town or Edgewater, Florida, to have the name of (:) LEI( 0 /'1/'f r rH G 'W 5 A It]) IIGNR V g TAl..NAJ.(. SR- I placed on the ballot at the Special To\vn election to be held on February 4:, 1947, for the office or member or the Town Council of said Town ror the unexpired term of J'. J. Baumgartner, who has resigned; and ~'HERKAS, The said Petitions are in proper order and are signed by the requisite number of "qualified electors in said Town; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATiER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the names of OI..E"N O. HAT r I-IGWS AQO J/ CNRV <; TAl..NAJi(ER , shall be placed on the orricial ballot as ncminee for the office of Town Councilman of the Town of Edgewater, Florida for the unexpired term of J'. J. Baumgartner, who has resigned and the said OLEN a HAT r HE 1.-'<;' A-IV P 1/ BN R V r ~ rA,-,yAJI(l;~ are hereby declared to be duly nominated for said office, to be filled at the Special Town Election to be held on said 4th day or February, 1947. SECTION .2. That there shall be printed 7 ()() official v u u (j ballotsS' with two stubs at the topS' with perforations so that both may be readily torn from the ballot, upon unglazed white paper, for the use of the qualified -electors in the special Town Election aforesaidS' and that said official ballot shall be in substantially the following for.m: OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION FEBRUARY 4TH, 1947 TOWN OF EDGIDiTATER, VOLUSlA COUNTY, FLORIDA Mark an X before the name of the candidate of your choice. FOR TOWN COUNCILMAN For the unexpired term of J. J. Baumgartner,resigned. Vote for one: tJLcN 0 NA-TT#SJ.(<:; 1-1 ch'R.,v -.) TAl... NAI(-B'Ie SfECTION 3. That 3S0 Specimen ballaDs shall also be printed for the infor:nation of the d U ~ c..J o electors or said Town, which said Specimen ballots shall be printed on colored paper and upon said Specimen ballots there shall appear the heading ~SpecLLen Ballo~" Inst9ad of the words .Orficlal Ballot.~ This Resolution was read in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Flori,iia at its meeting held on the 15th day /~...;;:. A. D. 1947. the vote of the Council being as follows: E ~ In; 0:::: ~.:'-,-- Vi ce-Mayor Counc1: an a~~ CounciL'U ~ - ATTEST: A7~~ Town Clerk