Accepting Proposal - Leedy, Wheeler & Company - 10-23-1946
WHEREAS, The Town of Edgewater has received a proposal from
Leedy, Wheeler and Company, Orlando, Florida, which reads as
Leedy, Wneeler & Co.
Investment Bankers
Orlando, Florida
October 18th
19 46
Honorable Mayor and Town Council
Edgewater, Florida
Gen tl,em en:
It is our understanding that the TOllllIl of Edgewater
is d~sirous of acquiring its own electric distri-
bution system. Accordingly, we propose that we be
employed by the TOY\1Il of Edgewater to act as its
Fiscal Agents, and in such capacity we will render
the following services:
1. We 'will employ, at our own expense,
Ii qualified electrical engineer to the
electric distribution systrnu now located within the
town limits of Edgewater, said appraisal to include
the present depreciated value ot: the existing system,
the cost ot: reproduction new, and a statement ot:
estimated annual revenues and expenses.
2. We will, in behalt: at: the Town, negotiate
with the City ot: New Smyrna Beach to the end that the
distribution system now existing in Edgewater may be
acquired by you at a price mutuallysatist:actory to
you and the City ot: New Smyrna Beach.
3. If you and the City ot: New SmYrna Beach
are una15le to COOle to a satist:actory agreement and
you not to acquirethe existing distribution
system by condemnation, we will at your request have
our engineer prepare plans and specit:ications cover-
ing the construction ot: an adequate electric distri-
bution system, it being understood that you vdll be
responsible t:or the payment ot: the cost,-ot: any de-
tailed plans and specifications prepared, but the
cost of this service to be predetermined and mutually
satisfactory. '
4. It is agreed that the cost of acquiring
an electric distribution system, togeth,er with ,engin-
eering f,ees, financing expenses, etc., will be paid
through the issuance of 4% Electric Revenue Bonds
maturing annually over a pe~iod of not to exceed
fifteen or tw'enty years from date. As soon as the
amount of such bonds is determined, we will employ
nationally kno'~ bond attorneys who ~dll a~sist in
the preparation of all proceedings incident to the
issuance of the desired Electric Revenue Bonds. It
is mutually understood that you will execute all
instruments necessary tn the proper validation and
issuance of these securities.
5. \Vhen these bonds have been duly author-
ized and validated, we agree to buy and you agree to
sell bonds issued hereunder at a urice of 96 and
accrued interest, our purchase being conditional only
upon the delivery to us of e~proving opinion by
nationally known bond attorneys, our receiving ade-
quate assurance that the proceeds will be used for
the acquisition of the distribution system. Like-
wise that adequate provision will be made for the
operation of the system and the establishment of
electric rates sufficient to pay, when due, interest
and principal on bonds issued hereunder and all
sinking fund and reserve requirements as provided in
the resolution authorizing the issuance of 'the bonds.
Respectfully submitted,
BY L. C. Leedy
The above proposal is hereby accepted by duly adopted
r~olutio~ passed by the Town Council this ~day of
Qe rrWz- , 1946.
AND WHEREA~ It is for the best interests of the Tovm or
Edgewater, Florida that said proposal be accepted by the
Town of Edgewater:
S~CTION 1. That the said proposal of Leedy, Wheeler and
Company to the Town of Edgewater be and the same is hEreby
SECTION 2. The mayor and tovm clerk of the Tovm of Edgewater,
Florida are hereby authorized and directed to sign the accept-
ance, and to deliver the saws together va. th a certifi ed copy
of this resolution to Leedy, Wheeler and Company.
SECTION 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
It was moved by Councilman
by Councilman a f<. Pot!:1 1-
l }.f~~L--
, and .seconded
that the above and foregoing
resolution be adopted by the To~m Council of the Tovm of
Edgewater, Florida, and be spread upon and made a part of the
minutes of this meeting held the ).J day of October, A. D.
1946. The vote of said councilmen on said roll call being as
J1.~~~ ~
Councilman ~
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TOwn~~' 7: ! n:~J.