08-04-1958 - Regular ~~ ",. J ..., t........ R'IDULAR MEE'l'ING OF THB CIn COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EroEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD AlnUST 4th, 1958 The Regular Meetins or the City Council of the CitY' of Ed.pwater, fiorida held Aupst 4th, 1958 WB.S ealled to order by Mqor George o. S8dswick at 7130 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor George o. Sedgwick COtmcilman H. W. Broga Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilman R. J. Henry CouncilmBn B. Farrell CitY' Clerk Frank F. Dippe17 City Att'y John E. Chisholm Poliee Chief ,. H. Norman Fire Chief Fred Garlick Traah Collector John Wood DeputY' Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Present Present Presl\Tlt Present Present Absent Present Absent Present Absent Present The Minutes of theRegu.lar Meeting held July 21st, 1958 were presented. to each CO\Ulc11man for approYal. 11otion b.r COtmcilman Shaefter these m1.nutes stand approved a8 submitted, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CA.R..UED. mus & ACCOUNTS New SJVM1& Auto Supply C. H. Sams Bond-Howel1 Lumber C~ Gult Oil Corporation 'I'haJ.man Ueating & Appliance Standard Oil Company Ford' 8 Gult Station Southern Bell Telephane Howard. it'. Johnston Garage Doubleday &e C~ New s~ Beach News City of Ke-., &qyrna Beach-Pollce Dep't. Watkins "Ford" Prentiss Hardware Co. Volusia Autamoti~e Electric Service t 5.73 20.26 22.79 6.92 4.00 2/+-34 16.17 'Z7.79 4.00 4.45 9.80 2.00 45.48 4.tll ,31.12 Mo\ioo by COlmoilman Brega these bills be paid and be made a part ot the minutes, seconded by Councilman Henry and b1' ~ot. CARRIED. OFFICERS' REPORTS '!'he Deputy Clerk read the monthly' report8 tor July trom Police Chief F. H. Norman, Fire Chief Fred Garlick and Librarian Mrs. Ruth K. Smith. COMMtJNI,CATI~ A letter was read trOll }!re. Vivian Oyler, Preaident of the Edge'Wllter- flew S~ Beach Humane Society. 1'his correspondence was taken into consideration later in the meeting. -1- '.... '. .",." t T ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 205 PROVIDUlJ FOR THE RATE OF TAXAtION FOR ALL FROmRn IN THE crn OF EOOEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR THE YlWl1958 AND AUTHORIZINl THE lI)T!F!CATION OF THE MILLAGE TO TUE TAX ASSESSOR OF VOLUSn COUNTY, FLORIDA. The above ordinance was read in tull by Attorney Chisholm and motion duly made by' Councilman Broga this Ordinance be adopted, seconded by' Councilman Farrell and passed by vote of the City Council of t.he Cit,. of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular maeting held August 4th, 1959. Roll call vote being as lollowsl- \.. Councilman Broga Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Henry CO\D'lc1l.man Farrell Mayor Sedgwick Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea' Upon mOtion made tv Councilman Shaetter, seconded by Councilman Ih-oga' and CARRIED, the requirement of reading said Ordinance on seccmd reading was waivec:l and the Ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. . Passed b1 the vote of the Cit,. Council ot the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular JDHting of said Council he1c1 on the 4th ~ or August, A.D. 1958 and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council being as tollow81- Councilman Broga CounejJ.man Shaeffer Councilman Henry Councilman Farrell I'tayor Sedgwick Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea OLD BUSINESS Counc1lman Hem')" questioned the Zoning changes in regard to Used Car licenses. Attorne;y Chisholm stated that inasmuehthere have,. been so any amendments to the Zoni.n& Ord.inance, most of it has, become obsolete, therefore he suggested having the Zoning Ordinance rewritten, which would require a public meeting. After much ~i8cus.ion. September 15th was set as the date for a public hearing on a new zoning ordinance, as September 30th is the date for renewal or busi- MSS licenses. NEW. BU3~ After men favorable discussion about the Humane Society doing such a good job, Councilman Shaefter made a motion that the City of Edgewater send a mon~ cheek of $25.00 to the Edgewater-New S~& Beach Humane Society, seconded b7 Councilman Farrell and by vote CAPJUED. Roll call vote being as tollows&- Counci1ma.n Broga Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Hent";f Councilman Farrell Mayor Sedgwick Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea - 2- ;' -. "")... '-' r ..." Hr. Mat Brown requested that Edgewater Acres have a special policeman as some or the streets over there are being used as race tracks. It was understood that this would be at no eost to the City. Councilman Henry was asked. to' recounend someone for this job. Attorney Chisholm said it would be, neceBsar:r to have an ordinance on the appointment. . , " Mr. RalPh Beach, a resident, expressed dissatief'action with the water rates, stating that thsy are higher than some other Florida cities. Mayor Sedgwickex;plained that the rates were set up to enable the City ,to pq , off its $400,000 loan in .3,0 years, while other nearby plants 'Were built ~ years ago at mch lower cost, also that New SJIOTI1l& Beach makes up a lIater Department deficit through & surplus in'the Electric DepartIllEmt, something that we do not have. There being no further business, Councilman Shaerfer DlDved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Time 9130 P .l-i. Mqor Councilmen Councilman Councilman Councilmn ATTEST I Deputy Clerk - 3 - . Mr. Nat Brown requested that Edgewater Acres have a special policeman as some of the streets over there are being used as race tracks. It was understood that this would be at no cost to the City. Councilman Henry was asked to recommend someone for this job. Attorney Chishol:~m said it would be necessary to have an ordinance on the appointment. Mr. Ralph Beach, a resident, expressed dissatisfaction with the water rates, stating that they are higher than some other Florida cities. Mayor Sed.aick explained that the rates were set uc to enable the City to pay off its '?4.00,000 loan in 30 years, while other nearby plants were built many years ago at much lower cost, also that New Smyrna 3each makes up a :hater Department deficit through a surplus in the Electric Department, something that we do not have. There being no further business, Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Eroga and by vote CARR RD. Time 9:30 P.M. 52.e v-z y.O G cf c h t.."--, k Mayor ;,-E-M GCS CouncilmZ /,. D Council,: 1 .:(6re:/ /f'77"'..— anc:_man e 4.. ,A ,07v- c.......1...,_4".e=7,i_ Councilman. ATTEST: a� 1 Deputy Clerk - 3 - i 1