Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - 10-24-1945 c " .....,I ~- '-' .., ..,. ~ RESOLUcrION . A RESOLUfION APPOINTING A CLERK AND THREE INSPECTORS OF EL~CTION FOR THE ANNUAL TOWN ELECTIon TO BE HELD IN THE ..rOliH OF EDGE7," ATER, ::fLOR IDA ON r TUESDAY, THE '6th D.~ OF NOVEUBER, 1945 WHEREAS It is the duty of the Town Council of the Town of Edge- water, Volusia County, Florida to appoint four persons from the qualified electors of the said Town, three of whom shEll act as inspectors and one of whom shall act as clerk, for the Annual or General Town Election to be held on the 6th day of November, 1945, as the s't-me has been heretofore cc..lled by said Town Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE, IT RES OLVEI) BY ;rHE TOkN COUNCIL OF r:;:;iE 'rOVN OF EDGEWAT"P:R, FLORIDA: · SECTION 1. That Mrs.H.G.Smith ,and .Tessie Thomas , Annie L Wiil~erITlr'),n , each of whom are duly qualified electors of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, be and they are hereby severblly appointed to act as Inspectors of the above mentioned Annu~l Election to be held in said Town on the 6th day of November, 1945. SECTION 2. That Florence Swiney , a duly qualified elector of the Town of Edgev.ater, Volusib County, Florida be and she is hereby. appointed to act as Clerk of the above mentjoned Election, to be held as above stated. ... "-" ~ ~ '--" ..., ""'" -......,/ SECTION 3. That the above appointed Inspectors, and Clerk shall conduct the said Election in conformity with the Law of the state of Florida, and the Ordinrnces of the Town of Edgewater pertaining thereto. It was properly moved by Councilman Stalnaker and. seconded by COUncilman Garman that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida and be spread upon ~nd made a lJart of the minutes of ttli s 11E: et ing, held the 24th day of October, A. D. 1945. The motion carried, the result of the Council being &S follows: ~~~ or-Co n- i-man . . - ",,. .J /Q,.. ~ (I/:- - ~ . . v. C' - 1 to . ,. ~ '" ""1f}.. -/1l-l) VC qncHman (j ~ , (z~! l' U ~ --...., ;; ~ -..4:r~ES!J:: ..;( '".:; ..- - ., ': ."//1 ~ - -:/VI - ,;/.', fft:i 1'.. , ~-T6wn C er I , "" 'Y'{.~ / -2-