Order Annual Election 1945 - 10-10-1945
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J.{~ 3(Ll .CI(''',.[' C ".J~ "tJ'iO'J t!. _~~ ~:_ ~r-~I ~LGC'I'~ (~. r::c ~;J
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~I-~ 1'~:.43 ~y i'T-:-Cl J\~CI: ~L.....(,'.Lll(l\. ";l....LL j,~
~l,~.rJ ~~D, A.... J J. ..,-I-'~J.~l .1... (~ ,(':-,-..:.1 ~I ~ ~~. ~ J: C~ L.J
...r....wL .'-'.., LJ:..... ,,,.0 .1~:J ";J,.,(' ..D, .~::J ~~ '~L TI:Jr G YC:a
:.'lL'IC~) (1" ~TC; ~l~cr.CI(~~.
.r~ ~,II~' Tl.Le r:2o~~.n CC.~ ncil 0:( -tl1e l'o\';n at' .2d~e~J~t,r~r, "'rol'J.b~a.
Cou.ntJ', Plo::: ida is d,utLori ze d and err.p01'lered lli1.der a nd by
virtue 01' tl.e autboI'lty ve3t':ld in it Dycne 1I",,\.S of' tiLe Jt<:J.te
of J,'lo:ci(':'a, ",nd t:..e Vedinct"'l,:es of t:1e '_'OH~1 of .3dLe\:ater,
Flol'icl'a, to cell ..;\1- aL.nual e18ct::'on is SG.ic.. '.1.'0\,11, ~rLd to
prescri)e by :l.'esol'J,tioncre ti 'e c.nc, _"\ ace of Lo-,-din.c such
election,nd tbe )urpose 'to,hereof; and
. .;.I..,-,-,,~..), It is iJI'o..,er 10J.' ti...e afor'e s,::t1d Co ~nc il to orc.er an
al"nu?.1. election to 'je :Jel.d in tIle afOl'eS~1id ':'O\ll1. lor the
~l'.."\o;;)e of' electinG one CQu.lcilman to serve for a t ~rl:1 of three
years, s.nd for t' e _Jurpose o:r electine; one CO..ll1cilr..E..ll to
ex/ii'cd tel'
o !' \..
one year,. be L.u Lie La1.unce uf' t. e un-
->outLard) ~nd :.. or t:e further Jurpose
serve for t~e ter~ of
of eole ct 111[:'; a '1'O',lIl Cle rlc for a terLl of one year (or unt:'.l the ir
or e""ch ot' thelr successors are d1...~Y e....;cted al...d l:1.ualified);
nOVI, t21eref'ore
":)' J 1:2 ~\o.~,J loW .'-~~ -.:,. I.' ~ .;J_'l ~ '~( ~.J1. c: 1'1.. <. L1' "2 .....l ...'() t-:. l ~" ~.JG~.;.. ...1...J...{,
J.~'Ll d'}.:
Jection 1.
'l'\-.at [.n an..l1.ual
eolectjo11 0~ cn~ t:0 c
:::. ~ '""'
v _ 0
orc:.ered to Je 1 e::"Cl ln tile '1'0'\111 o~ ";d~e'.at _:..~, Jolll,jia ~ount~r,
Florida, at tIle ':o..n :'ctll (otl1eI".dse ,.'nO'ill as the C6mnlW1.ity
Ya:.) on .:'uesda:', tile s~x.th day of :i overber, .l.. .J.
or V. I. .. .
1~45, for t:.e ~ul'jJose of electin.; one Councilman to serve
for a term of three years, ~n:d one Counciloan to serve-for
tl:.e-t€-rm ef one year', be ing the balance 01' t:le W1.exDired term
Y f . ' .
,.. .. ~ -
of c. E. Southard, or W1.til tlL~ir successors aPe duly
elec'teed and qualif~ed; and for the further purpose of' electing
a fo.n Clerk to serve for a tero of one year, or until his
successor is duly elected and qun.lit'ied.
.jection.... That at the said election the sade laws and
rules that apply to the Gener~1 ~lections under tLe Laws of
the Jtate of Florida, and the 0rdinances of tl~ ~own of
3dge'.iater, 1,'lorida shall be observed.
Section 3. 'l'hat the J....iolls at the above DaLed voting pl2,ce
shail ue open at 7;00 o'clock
.~. .....
3astern Jtandard ~i@e
(that be :..ng:.L e tiLle in use in said To\':n at the date of
saie election) on s8id day of said election _~C sh~ll close
at 7:00 o'clock of, said day.
Section 4. ~hat the Town ~lerk of said ~own be and he is
hereby directed to give ~otice of the said election hcreby
ordered 'by postine tl'1e : otice, form of \'!hich is hereinafter
set :forth, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date upon
ilhich the said election hereby ordered is set in three (3)
different, cons)icuous and public places in said ~own, one
of' wLich sha1.1 "...,e at the front door of the V. I. ..1.. Tovm holl
in S c,id Town.
':;ection 5. That tlJ.e i-otice of 8t::.ch elect:cn to ue posted as
terein 9rov~ded sh:.::1l be in substantial1.Y the following forn,
to-wit &
_ __ --i
JI "
: C:I~~ (,}c' ....__ I.J_.L ~C..:. DL~C~':l"C:T
" ~t
(" \:.
....c.::'I'v...:. is l1el'eby ....;iven tLat tile ':'0\/11 COL.ncil of
the :::'O\ln 0:;:' ....C.<.o2 et2r, ",rolu",iE, COLll1tj, :'lo...'icia,
lU1Ger ~wd 'oy viJ..tue of t' e autho.ei ty vested in
it by t:.e :'a",:s of t1.e ..Itate of 11'10I'ic.1a, ",nd ti.e
0rdinances of snid Tc J~, ~as o~aered un ctnrua1
election to 'Je i..e1C: on '~uesdaJ' tr.e 6th dElY of
:.over:l'o2r, 1945 at t:.e TC'\.l1 :.8.11 (other\! i se known
as the C otl'luni ty or ':. I.... Lall) lor ti.,e
)ur?ose of e12ctlllg one Coul1ci1Illall ...:'01' t~i.e terLl
of t111"'ee (.3) ye0.:'G, ...."ld one CounciL'an lor tt.e
terr:> of one (1) year, oein/..> fOl' t~ e bala.tl ce of
t:.e unexpir2d tel'" ~i of (. ~. ..iouthard; ~l,d one
TOlin Clerk fa:" t'~e term 0:':' ono Cd yec..r, or until
the ir or eac:, of their .-...ucce :':0.1':3 is or ",,::e c..ul~r
elect ~d ano c" l..J.lLied. '.:':,8 :Dolle for d,-<ic...
8..Lec.tion .;1 .ll ~;:, o_.""n.:t t.,e :.0":::>8 of 7;OU 0 'elce.:
. !., ~l...~st?rl1. JJ.":L\11u,,-,i"C ~ir.8, L,~i<J 81. L~ll cloce q,t
7;vO 0'c10c...c .... ,. on tLe d,:.q of 82,iG 2..Lection.
....aid election sllo 11 oe l" e1d in sub stant ial c on-
lorJJ.ity ':.'ith t:.e lC\ws a~Td rules 03 '~Jli~.~-)J_e to
;.3ne2,-,:_ ~lect:.or..3 : elJ. t'n ::8Y' t~e 1m..:: (f \::.8 ..taOc.e
of Florida, a"'C SlU j G ct to t:le CrclinancG s of
t:.e 1:'o'\'.n of ...C.......e' 'a",er, :;;"lorida
rc.::, l.tt: ~l)\J~,...~~_.l
'( :;:"'L .)1; "x l ~'", ..'.....l n.J..
....;y; lictJ,rU..t_o.lnGko.i:-
. .3.Jor ,-,oJ..l.Jcil.-,-,n
.attest l
~ection 6. Cr.ly t110..;8 ",lo c.. re .u..:.li:j ed e::"'ectDDa GJ.ly
re.:.-istel'ed on. t:JG(ecistration ")00::8 01 ssic ., ',m sl,<-(: 1 ".Je
e~titled to vote in s~id e~ect:.on.
It ',:as 'l'C 1'<" ,ov0d oy 2011nci1L:.,-',r.
.Je ccn' ed oy ':OU'lC j L.:~r Bnumgtlrtnq.~_____ ~:. "....,t t....e a..Jove C".l.' d
fore ~o :;"~l.; ,e solut ion ~)e aL'..o:)ted "oy tLe :::'n";;n CO ,-l1C i1 of tLe
To,;n of ~C:~e .['tt..I', II ,;....iC.....,.,Ild be spl'2ad u...10n the inutes of
t;-,is IJ.eetln.; : el9. 2.t t'~e ~:. I. .... or ':'0'.111: .0.11, in aid ':o'\7n,
. I
ct c ~e,-,uld.r meeti' ~ c:' 8[ id Council, ~1..;1c.. t. is 10th Clay
of Cctooer, 1.;'-15, Le vote of tLe '~ou.ncil upon s,.dd : ot::'on being
as follows:
~ ..ttQst:
, 'T~1f:rg~,?