Order Special Referendum Election - Costs for Lot Cleaning, Trash & Brush Removal - Method of Collection - Taxes - 10-10-1945
.tG~OLl.J'r IuN
A RESOLUT I0N C..iD":::RI:.G .A. .-;?.c:Cr..U. J3FEru.:JJL~
.c.:.u..;C'r10N TC b"-: t'-'::LD IN 'r:E-Bl'v,'K CF .ci:DGJ ;.'~'.l.'~.i.-t,
F'LG.3.IDJ~ OK TEZ 6th D.:iY OF NO'\T3...d3R, rl. D.
1045; p:U~C.cnBUT.G TY~ T 1.. E AND l-'I.u~C.3 FOR
BY ,It.ICIi .sUCH :3WCTILN ~H...L1 :JB GOV~.i.:n.~D;
.r~SC~U'3L~G 'I'Illi T 1.l..E Tl~ 1-'OLLJ 13L~ L BE
OP~l\i:D ..\lJ) Cl.,G,3JD; .'\YD P:\OVIDII;G FOR .\OTICES
OF S'UCE EWCTI(:l~, THE :eu:{POS.i: OF o..l..ID
rlCT OF 'rI-8 LSGISk\Tu-:l3 OF FLO~lIJA OF 1945
El-:rI'i'L~D "dr.. AC'r ..1l1'L0.a.IZE\"G 'I'h8 1'G..1'1 COUl,eIL
OF Th.c: TC..'l'i IF ~JGj I~l.a, .F'L(,..~ID... Tu ..~o..l.jj";.j
CO;3TB CF' LOT CL....:.~~1 I::-G, ...:,1) T w-o..lH .t.l:D B~lU;jH
...t,i;..CJV..L ..IoG...Il....;T i'l~ L1.: Do..l ?...K. ,1. ICE o..l 'UCH
TH..\.;)H C{ ::UU...iH JL. J..L iB CL.:::;".;,J:j:) C~1 ...-L.L,CV.3D,
.-I.I:TI } 1CVI,OL G .. ...JT?:OD PC.1 1':....... ,~(LL......CTIU. OF
'rH...i: CC3T TEJTICF BY 4"~DDILG i'l...,;; .J ~.s TL TL.d;
'r..::C2S J..'jSJ:i:..:)3~D .::loG.....I:;..;T ..:...I:J ,-..".. 'D Il~ 3J.Ch Y~..:H
A~;D T:~ S -1.....3 IF ..rL.CL L.-\l;D FOR l\Ol~-P.~YI"':::,T
.nBd~.\S, The Town Counc il of the Town of ~d~ewater, Volusia
County, Florida, is authorized and eLpowered wlder and by
virtue or tne authority vested in it by the Laws of the dtate
of J:t'lor'ida and tr1e urdinance s of the Town of ~dge\later,
Florida, to c'all a .ipecial .i.teferendwn .81ection for the afore-
said Town, and to prescrlbe by resolution the tiDe and place
of holding such ~pecial 3eferendwn Election and the purpose
thereof; and
'f11.2:"~ .3, It is proper for the aforesaid Council to order a
Jpecial ~eferendum Jlection to be held in the aforesaid Town
for the purpose of ratifying 01' rejectlng an .~ct authorizing
the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida to assess
costs of iot cleaning, and trash and.brush removal against
the lands from which such trash or brush shall be Cleaned, or
re,noved, and providing a method for the collection of the
cost thereof by adding the saIi1e to tIle taxes agsessed against
said land in each year and the sale of such land for non-
payment thereof, now, therefore,
BE IT -~3Cvr~D '3Y 'l'J.~j TG..'l- CLi:~CIL OF
VCLl;..)lA COm:-TY, F'LCn~J':
,..,,. .,
~... ~
TO'..'1~ OF .3DGS ;..~':.'.~J,
Section 1. That a Jpecial ~eferendum Zlection be and the
same is hereby ordered to be he ld in the TO\in of Edge'dater,
Volusia County, Florida at the Town Hall (otherwise known as
the COLiI,lUni ty 01' V.I. A. hall) on Tue sday the 6th day of
Kovember, &~. D. 1~45 for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting
an ~ct authorizing the Town Council of the Town of ~dgewater,
Florida to assess costs 01' lo.t cleaning, and trash and brush
removal against the lands from which such trash or brush shall
be cleaned, or redoved, and prov iding a method for the
collection 01' the cost thereof by adding the Sa,l,.O to the taxes
assessed against sa~d land in each year and the sale of' such
land for non-payment thereof.
;3ection 2. That at the Special :ieferendum .election hereby
ordered the same rules that apply to the general elections under
the Laws of the 3tate of Florida, and the Ordinances of the
Town of ~dgewater, Florida shall be observed.
~ection 3. That the polls at the above named voting place
shall open at 7:00 o'clock ,n. .1,.. and shall close at 7:00 o'c.Lock
P._. Eastern dtandard Time, on the day of said election.
dection 4. Ihat the Clerk of the Tovm of 3dge\:ater, Volusia
County, Florida, be and he is hereby instructed to give ~,otice
of the ~pecial neferendum Zlection hereby ordered, by posting
the not~ces to be hereinafter set forth, at least fifteen (15)
days prior to the date upon which the said 31ection hereby
or ordered is set, in three (3) different conspicuous, and
publ.ic places in said Tovm, one of 'which said Kotices shall
be posted at tne front door of the V. I. rl. Hall in said
.3ection 5. That the l.otice of such Heferendum ~lection
to be posted as herein provided shall be in substantially
the fOl.lowing 1'oru, to-wit:
nt;OTICJ: LF vr.J:CLlL J':':;F.i:..{c;~;Du:- EL3CTICn"
~otice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of
Edgewater, Florida under tiie )rovisions of the .~ct of the
Legislature of the ~tatB of Florida, entitled:
".~n .ct aut: orixing t.r~e Town Council of the
Town of ~~ewater, Florida to assess costs of
lot cleaning, and trash and'brush removal
against the lands ~rom uhich such trash or brush
shall be cl.eaned, or removed, and providing a
method fOl~ the coi.lection of' the cost thereof
by adding tte sa',1e to tlie taxes assessed against
said land in each year and the sale of such
land for non-payuent tnereof"
has ordered a ~pecial {eferendum ~lection to ,)e held on Tuesday,
the sixth (6th) day of :~ovel bel", ~~. D. 1945, at the 'l'own Hall
(otherwise known as tl.e CO!.i,..unity or V. I. ... hall), in said
TOVlll of' J:dgewater, Flo1'" ida, tLe purpose of which electi on
shall 08 'the ratJ.f'icat:on or rejection by the qu.alified electors
of saJ.d ~own of said ~pecial "ct.
The pollS WJ.ll o)en at seven (7:00) o'clock ...~. .... and yJill close
at seven (7:00) o'clock ru.., Eastern .:>tundard TiDe, on the day
of said election. ~aid election 8ha1.1 De held in substantial
PI I ~ "
~ v \.wi V v \..J
." - l. - ,i' 'J
~ . .
conformity vlith the rules app-Licable to zeneral elections
held under the La"\.s of the ...tate of Florida, QEd subject to
the Ordinances of t!1e '.L'o'm of ~dge,ater, Florida_
r:X:1T C::? ~.JG":; ..~r_' ~ 1
Vl LUuI.:~ CCl-_TY, iLL .I:Jn
By: Henry Stalnaker
It was properly noved by Councilman Stalnaker
sec op.ded oy Cou..c ilmctn
that the above and
fcregoing -lesolution be adopted by the '.L'Oi"Jn Council of the
Town of o.::d6evlatel', J:"l.orida, and be spread upon and made a part
of tne ,. inute s of tLis P.eeting Leld the Ivth aay of c,ctober,
. . J). 1945. lhe vote of tile Co clnc il upon the said mot ion was
as fa 11ov1S:
.. Y'- 'OlllJ.cilman
~tte st:- -