06-26-1958 - Special ,..,. ""'-r SPECIAl ~~~TItm OF nm CIn CCU!lCIL Ol" '!'HE CITY OF EOOE',~lTER. FLC':\.IDA. fttLIJ J'l,'!ii 26th, l?5S. A ~;;xllcia) J.feetir.g of the Cit.y :A:nmcU Qr tho City of Edg~t.or, Florlda, ltc.ld ;1'f'\.t ft~....... 19')8 wall cnUed to orde'" by A.eti.1'1g Mqor Crawford C. Shaeffer at 7:00 P .It. Pc.Ou, ;:.LL V.ayo!" George o. Sedgw1.ok Acting If.ayO\''' C. G. 3haet!'e'" Councilman Ii. 1. Broga Councilran R. J. Hent"7 COUDf.li.lJ:;Qn B. Farrell City G1Grk Frank F. Dippery Absent. Pre8@nt Prefllent Pref!ent Present Preson'\ 'Zne pur~. of the .1t.S.t~ .~.1 to act on a ~{6~olution designating the Bank of Noaw 3myrna .,il Oaifl)3it-017 i'or :,e.tfr." t>ystem Y/'urld1S. Also to di$cuS8 revialon of Appropriation Ord1nanoe. ;-L::>C urr:rnr ... . L .1. A FlijOllInC!. DESIGNATIW A1ID J\PPCIm1ID TH~ BAm: OF NEJ... SMYaNA AS 'I'HZ DEPOSITORY FOR ALL rtJN1.)t) t(tjCEIVED ?.E1Nl'Ii'Z TO 'fliZ zrOOCIllAl. 't!A'fERW0Rrn SY3'1'~# !/ORE p~~ TIctLAi.LY msclUfFm ~G l'l'!..-Ill-t-54 AND FUR'!'ilER DEr,IONAT!NG TftR MAY01 AIID C!TY CWiA !~ Tffi:. AtlTHOru.~J) .jlm~TUR!:3 FO~ TIn ..1'nIDRA\llAL OF A.NY SUCH FtTNOO. The above and tcroaoing tl.eSL....ution was ..aaQ in full by the Clerk anti mot:1m duly' Dad.~ by COUllQ.Hoon Droga this :.er-olution dcsiglU\ting the Bank of New SsurrnA a.c Deposit017 for ntgel4ter Water 5yst~ Funda be adopted# seconded by' Counei.l..m8n F8.1'"ro1.1 and. by vote CAaRi:.'::D. ~o::..l call 1/ot.e being as fol.lo'ws:- l!A1'ar 80dguiek CO'WlcUum Braga ~~oUl1.lJi1J::aan Hli!..1U';y ~ounci1.mn F.a.n-ell Act..lng f",,"or .jhaofCer Absent Yea. Tea Yea Yea 111e Gls....k then read the ad.1U1tmentD rceo!l!!lfmCled en the existing Budaet Ordinance t}16h. 'l'ho Chang_ we....e ws tollo'Wo:- ::: meral GOf.rnm~t St.reet Depart.:rnfmt 3t't"f\et Lig..l-tts Police Do~~nt FirQ Dupartmunt i'Anergelloy &. Contingent''' t.ibj~nry !Jow ,,13/'00.00 26,.500.00 2,200.00 8,400.00 3,525.00 5 "tJOO.OO 1.00.00 Chang\i to' "13,600.00 29,600.00 2, "1O~.OO 7,900.00 1,02'.00 4,400.00 400.00 4'''' 6~ -AlL 0,59. "".00 ""'7;'59,625:00. J1Gti~ by Councl1m:l.n Henry that the Pl"opoGeC adjustmente be made 1nd en Ord:in~t'I':o be dra'tllll up, ".nODded by Ccunci1JNw Broga and by' .ote CA1UUi.1J. Roll ('9-11 vote be:1ne t\8 fellow8 r- t-fayCl" Sedg"idck Counci.1.man Bt-op ';OUllC.i..1man H<<1r,f Councilman F~-rel1 ~atiIUt lic.'\fO:.'" Shat'Sff~" Ab:sent Yea Yea Yea Yea Thel"e being no further budneoB Counolllnt>..n Farrell moved. w 110 now adjourn, E:lccor.ded by ~ounci.1.wn :3t'og:1 end 1>y vote CAmrrrm. T:l.ms 7t15 P.M. At~ ATTEST. "--' .. ".. '-w .. , f: .;~ .~~ ,- Acting Mqor ... Cou:ccllmll cOuncilman (;cufl(~f1mBn ~ ..J.-A...4.L .l.......4 ______......, 'T ~OullC~ y;u;.... CirT Clerk"" Iked .I� YidL007 "" ' Acting ./.r W. /CC., Counci - i Councilman Councilman Councilman ATTEST: City Clerk