05-19-1958 - Regular ,," _.~ ~ r'~ ..., ROOULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EIXlEWATER, VOWSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HElJ) MAY 19th, 1958. The Regular Meeting of the City- Council ot the City of Edgewater, Florida held May 19th, 1958 was called to order by Mayor George O. Sedgwick at 7130 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor G~orge O. Sedgwick Councilman H. W. Droga Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Councilman R. J. Henry Councilman B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att 'y- John E. Chisholm Polioe Chier F. >>. Norman Fire Chief F. H. Norman Trash Colleotor John Wood Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent The Minutes ora the Regular Meetingl held }.!ay 5th and a Special Meeting held Mq 7th were pre.ented to each Counoilman tor his approval. !oration by' Council- man Shaefter thes_ Jdnut_s stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Broga and by' vote CARRIED. t' mus & ACCOUNTS Julian McDermott Corporation Donald S. Lavigne Florida Power & Light Co. Roger B. Quincy City of New Sm;.vrna. Beach Glencoe Press George Stuart News Journal Corporation Daytona Dr&.fting Supplies $57.43 70 .8/. 47.Sl 21.96 6.00 44.00 7.00 23.25 7.14 Motion by Councilman Broga these bills be paid and be made a part ot the minutes, seconded by Councilman Henry and by- vote CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORT Thel Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement for the month of April, 1958. COlOOJNICATIONS Letters were read tram Jesse Ceeella Thamas expressing appreciation tor nam1n.g a street after her late husband. Also two letters were read from the Florida Inspection and Rating Bureau stating the City of Edgewater had been re-classif1ed Claas 9-AA. Mqor Sedgwick stated stated owner. of block houses would realize a savings o! 30' per thousand. and owners of frame houses would realize So savings of 90. per thousand, which would maa.n a savings of approximately ~126000.00 per year tor our citizens and an even greater savings when the water system is in- stalled. ORDINANCES None RESownONS I Hayor Sedgwiok announced we would dispense with Resolutions at this time as the Engineer's would be here later and would have a Resolution ready to be acted upon. OLD BUSINESS COWlcUman Broga stated he thought you. could classify this old business or at \ least related to it. I think Mr. Scofield has samething to say that Sh~uld be 11' \ interest to all of us. o~ I 1 I I J . \,. - '-" ..."" lfqor Sedgwick ask Mr. Scofield. to come forward and speak. Mr. Scofield took the floor and stated regarding the five aeres Florida Shores agreed to renM'. tor, the City as agreed when referendum was held, in a te1ephane conversation with lh-. Moynahan, he stated neither he nor Mr. Magnuson nn:er had. any intentioo but to give the 5 acres or its equiv- alent in cash to the City, but it the 5 aeres were not used as specified, it liaS their 'privUege to give the acres or their eQ,uivalent toa project to bensfit the citizens of Edgewater most. '!'hcytere in hopes a check for $1..500 would. be available tonight to hand over, but Mr. DeBerry has the deed in escrow and &8 BOon as the money is received a check will be made out to the ldaewater Park & Pier. We are writing Mr. DeBerry tomorrow to this ettect. Ma;ror Sedgwick thanked Mr. Scofield and stated the City would write a letter ot appreciation to Ur. J.!oynaban. Councilman Shaeffer - " Ur. Mayor, this is just a question and not a complaint against anything you have done or 8ll;Y of us have done. About this man on the highway who come in and ask tor a License for Second Hand Cars and said he was going to get a franchise. What ever happened? . }of.a;yor Se4gi-dck - He has a license for new and secood hand cars. This man has come into Edgewater and spent from $12,000 to 816,000 and I believe that he should have every fav~rable consideration we would give any other businefJs man' that wants to settle in our cQ17Vmmi ty. Councilman Shaeffer -, Does he haye a license for a new and second hand car lot? If 80 he is within his rights, but I was told he had a license for second hand cars and did not exercise his franchise. Mqor Sedgwick - , I don't think he has anything there Tet. Councilman Shaefter - , I don't think so either. ' Councilman Henry - How does the Ordinance read? !Wor Sedgwick - The Ordinance reads tranchise dealers and sale or second hand cars. Councilman Hen17 - Does he have a franchise? Ma;ror Sedgwick - He has been trying to procure one. I don't KnoW' it he has one. Councilman Henry - He would have to have the tranchise before issuing the license. Mayor SSdgwick - ' . Not necessarily. If a man has made investments and runs the business, I take the man's word. Councilman Braga - He is not operating. Councilman Shaeffer - I don't think so. r'f.ayorSedgwick - . I doo't th.1nk 80. . I think the intention of the ordinance was to forbid second hand car j'lmk yards. It a man runs a respGlctable well kept up new or seoond hand car lot u.p to date, it is not objectionable to &IV' city and 1r we start turning business out of our cammmity _ might just as 'Well never .put the gates up. Councilman Shaeffer - Hr. l!ayor, I did not ask this question nth that illtent, I am satisfied and I just wanted to know. . l-fqor Sedgwick - I think the man will put up J%"oper lighting and he is going to do 48 he said, and it should be a credit to him and to the community. It not, his license is,subjeot to be revoked at ~ time as a nuisance. l{r. Southard ask to speak. . ' Mayor can I ask a question? Are you reterring to Daminick Pacoione, at the corner of Dixwood Ave.? Mayor Sedgwick - I believe that is his name. Yes sir. ~ ....., Ur. Southard - I can say this much. I go by there a.lmoat every day. He has cleaned the place up and has paiilted the buildings and made a little ot/iee. He hae put ~ IIheU and is going to put up a .ign and have one or two cars there. , That is all he has there now. ' Cmmo11ma.n Shaerter - , Mr. Mayor. Thi.wa~ not brought 'up' tor dillcus8i~. I ask a question and you pve me an answer. ',' Mayor 3edgwiek - 'Anirthing more untier Old Business. Attornq Chisholln - Mayor, I have 8~thing here. This all arose. Mr. Moynahan first cmtacted me and also Mr. Scofield in reference to' the zoning of, Flor~da. Shores. I have a maorandU!Jl tram the City together with a rough sketch of the' area encompassing part of Florida Shores. This memorandum to the City trom Mr. Moynahan of Florida Shores 18 as~ ,that the ,subdivision be zoned according to the f'01l0"wl- ing code.' , The attached. :map colored in orange it'S to be restricted to single ta:mily residence with set back or 60 ft. on Indian River Boulevard and a ~1li'Jllun of 1200 sq. ft. ot floor space exclusive ot garage, carport and porches. The part colored in pink is for the bIlsiness area and zon4i!d according to the prnaillng business restrictions ncn'i :in effect in the City of' Edgewater. The part colored 1n. red is to be multiple tamily dwellings with a tBittiJillll7.l or 1200 sq. ft. of floor apace per duplexexclU3ive of garage, carport, and porches. It will be Iq recClllD1endation that the enclo~ map and memorandum be presented to the zoning board for their study' and a.pproval. This is basicalJ.y tdlat Mr. Moynahan wants and hOil they want this part down there. Mqor Sedgwick- ' This will be turned over to the zoning board. Attorney Chisholm - There 1I8T be some other things tha.t will come up they would want to consider. Mr. Gunther it there are any questions about this, I will be glad to answer now or in the future. Mqor Sedpiek - Councilman Farrell do you have anything to bring up? Councilman Farrell - Yea, I have a question to ask. Mqor Sedgwick - Old or New Bu..iness Counci.1man Farrell - Old. One of the neighbors down there, well in fact two of them stopped back again and thq want to know it we have dropped thie ditch proposition at the south end ot town on the highway. I wondered if you had heard ~hing fr(fl4 Gautier en this. MaTor Sedgwick, - No. I haven't heard &nTthing directly beeauese the only thing told to us was we would stand a chance when the State Road liaS tinished and the contract of the job is accepted which in turn turns it over to the maintenance department who will be the responsible ones for the upkeep of that, and that w might have some chance to get them to go along and do something with it. Councilman Farrell - llow is the time thsy are working up theirk budget for the State Road Department isn't it? Is this a year by year budget or two years? ' Attorney Chisholm - I believe it would be from :rear to year. Councilman Henr,y - There is an open ditch South ot Orlando on 1117. Councilman Farrell A ditch out in open country where there ian't a.t'11thina like the South or Edgel"later is O. K. in some places. l.fay'or Sedgwick - You have anyt,hing under Old &lainess Councilman Henry? Councilman Henry - No. Mqor Sedgwick - You have anything under Old Business Counci1Jnan Shaeffer? Councilman Shaeffer - No. I believe not. Mayor Sedgwick - Councilman Broga have 70u anything under Old Business? Councilman Braga - No. I' I" -' -....I Hqor Sedgwick - Alright, now we will have new business. A:ny Councilman, have anything under new bueiness 7 Councilman Broga - \'lell gentlemen, the gentleman coming in the door, Mr. Faulk expressed the desire to tell us a little bit ot SOIl18thing about east iron pipe. }t..ayor Sedgwick - J.1r. Faulk, you wanted to talk to the Council on a. pipe proposition? Is that right? Mr. Faulk - I would. Mayor Sedgwick ..: You may. You can como torward and I will. ask tor courtesy sake, as I see Hr. Livermore Counci1ma.n Shaetfer - flot Livermore, but Laramore Mayor Sedgwick - I will ask it Mr. Laramore 'Would please leave the chambers while you are \alldng and I ask that you. do the same thing ca.use I imagine he is going to ask for the privilege to speak, 30 if you will recess Mr. Laramore, please. Mr. Faulk - J.tayor and Councilmen, I certainly appreciate the opport.unity to speak as you are the ones that make the decisions. Of courso, you know bids were received this afternoon on Cement and also Case Iron Pipe and even though dollar and cents wise on initial cose we realize the case of asbestos pipe will be much cheaper tl~ cast iron, but be.S9d. on all the factors concerned and connected with it and length of life end. sueh as that, that your grand children and great-great-grandchildren will not he,ve to go back here and do the sama thing that you people have had to go through on the bond issue. 1.ll the cast iron ~ou got on the assured. approval are all alike. There is some in operation over 300 years. The strength will stand the but'sting pressure and there is no comparison. Bursting pressure of iron pipe is 2900 lbs. Asbestos pipe bursting pressure is 746. lbe. That is an fJVery day average run and cast iron pipe is tour times lead tenc11 atrenght than asbestos. Alter a lengthy demonstration and talk he left pamplets with each Councilman. He then thanked the COl.U1cil tor their timG and being 80 considera.te. Mayor Sedgwick - The Engineers an coming later and you are going to stq around Mr. Faulk? 11.1'. Faulk - Yes, I am. That Will be interesting. Hr. John Gratton ask tor the floor. Mr. l!ayor J operating under the principal that being only as strong as its weakest lil'lk were these cast iron people CClI'ltacted bet ore you put all the cement under the highway? MayO!' Sedgwick - I imagine 80. We took the reca:mnendat1ons ot the Engineers and the Govern:ment in- spector was here, and 'We took and selected the pipe they recommended. Ifr. Grafton - Hm'l'much pipe have you got dawn? Mayor Sedgwick - I could not answer that l-tr. Grafton - Have we got as much again to put down or ?Mayor Sedgwick - Probably about twenty times as much. Ur. Grafton - Tl'lenty times as much more to put down? ),fayor Sedgwick About 49,000 ft. Mr. Grafton '- And that is the part up there that will take the worst sheUacing up Wlder the highway . Mayor Sedgwick - I would say so. Yes. Mayor Sedgwick - Thank you Mr. Faulk tor your talk. Mayor Sedgwick then ask to have Mr. Laramore coma in. Mr. Lar.utore had bnn berore the CCWlcil before and recamnended asbestos pipe and stated different Cities where inquiries could be made to satisfy their tdnda aa to durability. . , '.. 'WIIIt '-' Mqor Sedgwick then thanked }.Jr. Laramore for his talk and announced the Engineers would be down later so the council \-lould recess until the arrival at the Engineers. The Council was called back into S838100 and l-fr. Briley- gave his report. Mr. BrilEJ7 - Mr. Mayor, we checked a.1l of the axteneions on all tho bids. Also all or the 8tUl1!:l8tions and went into B.ll analysis that was offered in cormection with the bids on the water treatment plant and also the equiping of wells. The low bid tor part one and thie i. a different figure than you had as we found an error in this bid, however, it still is the l01i bid. It still io Harold E. Picldns Ccnstruction Co.' of Anderson, S.C. with & BaG. Bid of #201,397.00. Part 2 Low Bid you had this afternoon was the Uechanical &. Chemical Equipnent Co., Inc. Tamp&, Florida in the amount of $35,592. Howover, in checking that bid and also the information furnished with it, it was found the first thing that de.f'inately called it to our attention were our own estimates and also the next l~t bid 'Whi~h was $44,750. In other words, sorlle $9,000 d.i:fference, -It you 'Will note on your tabulations. So in checking into it, it "WaS quite evident that they had omitted. a part of the work, so to clarif'y that 'tie called them long distance,J in aa weh as they lrere not }resent thio afternoon, and lIIhile we con- tirmed that, we also checked into their background as tar as to whether or not the;y had ever built a water plant before" and as ;.rell you know, in order to quality a.s an acceptable bidder on these foderal jobs, they must have had other s:1m11ar projects previous to doing work on these jobs. They had not had any experience with this water treatment plant work, so I would like ~o come back to that in a moment it I ~. Part 3. Low bid en that was Whitnd..re Tank Co. Inc. at JacksonbUle.. Florida in the amount of ~28J695.00. ' Part 4. Low bid on furl 4 the Me~hanical it Che,mical Equipment Co. Inc. ot T~, Florida. H01" that ot COt1rH is the equ1pi113 ot the wells and building well houses and furnishing them in the !mOunt of $7,743,.00. The tirm is well qualifiec1 tor that work in as muoh as that has always been their field. Now they just apparantly thought this 'WaS an opportunity for them to expand a little bit and they mado a grand boner. Now we would recCllml1llmd arJ.ti we have here a re80luti~n. f.h-. Brennan - Harold, dm't you think :reu should tell them he wants to get out or that bid? lIr. BrUey - Yes. I think that should be knoli11 aleo. He would like to be re~"ec:l of his bid, Councilman Shaeffer - Part 2 Onl;r. Mr. Briley - Part 2 Only. . I think we should hold him to Part 4. He wasn't out ot lin(j on that and they are qualified to do that work. So it would be our recO!ll!7l.6lldation that the award of Part 2 go to the Murphy Equipu.ent Co., Decat.ur Georgia in the amount of $44,750. . These feud with that change total $2B2,.5e5.00. NOli YOll \:dll rae&li that you have com.pleted a part of tho diBtribution system. Crossings undo!" the highway and so torth. The tinal estimate on that plu3 or minus a few dolla.re possibly. Mr. Brennan - I think that is a confirmed proposition. Mr. BrUey - C16,450.00/ You also recall that you have already spent some $2,501.00. J: believe it is tor the wells and teet wells, west of town which were required by the government prior to the start of t.he project. Now, if we add all these figures together we have $301,536.00. That figure is stillwell within the ex- timate. So it you have aror questioo8 in regards to ,mat I have said I will t17 to anewer them. Counoilman Shaeffer \~'hat did you say about part 1-2-3-41 Was it e282,5S5.00? Mr. Briley - That is right. Ma;yor Sec1gwick - ~fu.r. did you get $16,450? Mr. Briley - That was Mr. Prust t' 8 final. ~ r " "., r '-" ( 1 ~ Mayor Sedgwick - Do you have a Resolution }h-. Briley? Mr. BrileY' - , Yes. I will r&&d what I hav~. It will have to be typed. Hr. Briley then read the Resolution which was satisfactory and the Clerk was asked to type same re~ for passage. The maeting recessed tor a' ahort period again. . The Clerk presented the Reaolution to the ".ayor 'Who ask Attorney Chisholm to ,read i~. ' " , RESOLUTION A RESOIDTION 'AWARDIID COli1'RACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF t1ATER SYSTEM I~ FOUR PARTS. The above Resolution waa read in full end motion duly made by Councilman ' Shaef't'er it 0. aaopted, seconded by 'COtUlci1ma.nFarrcll and passod by the vote of the COUIW,Um this 19th day of V.q, 1958. Roll call vote being as follows:- ' I Councilmn Broga. Yea. Councilman Shae.t.fel" Yea' Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea. }.fayor Sedgwick Yea It \113.8 then suggssted that the !l-ayor &. City Clerk be authoriz3d to sign the contracts when approved b:r the If.H.linance Agency. Motion WQ.t3 duly made by Councilman HenI"y. secortded b;y Councilman Farrell the Ma3ror and City Clerk be authorized to sign contracts. subject to the approval of Federal Housing & Ht'J1l1e Finance Ao"'eTlcy. Roll call vote boin.~ as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman HenrY' Yea Councifuan Farrell Yea 11ayor Sedoowick Yea. There being no further business CounciJ.JlU!.11 Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded b7 Councilman Farrell and by vote CAR..'UED. Time 10:10 p.M.. l.(ayor CotL'1cilman Counci.J.ma;:1 Ctauncilman Councilman ATTEST r ' C1 ty Clerk Nor Mayor Sedgwick - Do you have a Resolution Yr. Briley? Mr. Briley - Yes. I will read what I have. It will have to be typed. Mr. Briley then read the Resolution which was satisfactory and the Clerk was asked to type same ready for passage. The meeting recessed for a lshort period again. The Clerk presented the Resolution to the Mayor who ask Attorney Chisholm to read it. RESOLUTION A :RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF `TATER SYSTEM IN FOUR PARTS. The above Resolution was read in full and motion duly rade by Councilman Shaeffer it be adopted, seconded by Coun_cilmanrarrell and passed by the vote of the Coun_cilm this 19th day of May, 1958. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea It was then suggested that the Mayor & City Clerk be authorized to sign the contracts when approved by the H.H.Rinance4 Agency. Notion was duly made by Councilman Henry, seconded by Councilman Farrell the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign contracts, subject to the approval of Federal Housing & Home Finance Agency. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman ollo:•rs:-Councilman Broga Yea Councilman man Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea 'ayor Sedgwick Yea There being no further business Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 10:10 P.M. CC T� Q \re al y vL� Mayor _sir" /it/ . • Councilr , sem/ Counci 10: ..�/ z , = - r`• cilman , Councilman ATTEST: City Clerk