06-16-1958 - Regular REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrTY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD JUNE 16th, 1959. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held June 16th, 1958 was called to order by Vice-~~yor Crawford C. Shaeffer at 7 :JO P .14. ROLL CALL Mayor George O. Sedgwick Vice-Mayor C. C. Shaeffer Oouncilman H. W. Broga Councilman R. J. Henry Councilman B. Farrell City Clerk Frank F. Dippery Deputy Clerk K. B. O'Connell City Att'y'John E. Ohisholm Police Chief F.H. Norman Fire Chief Fred Garlick Trash Colle6torJohn Wood Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Absent The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 2nd, and Special Meetings held June 9th ware presented to each'Councilman for his approval. Motion by OQuncilman Braga these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Counqilman Henry and by vote CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Volusia Traotor &.,Implement Stubbs Refrigeration Service $406.48 25.00 Motion by Councilman Henry these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Broga and -by vote CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS The Deputy Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement for the month of May, 1958, also the Budget Report for May, 1958, and the Librarian's Report for the month of May, 1958. COMMUNICATIONS Letter was read from Mr. Southard regarding adequate mail delivery service. Also a oopy of a letter was read from Mr. F.A. Seay, Ass't. State Highway Engineer Construction to Mr. Richey Green, District Engineer,:"State Road".Department I requesting tha. t the Oontractor be instructed to use calciumchlorldeto settle the dust as provided in his contraot. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ilEOLARINO THE RESULTSQF ?aE SPECIAL EL:eCTION HELD IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ON THE 10th DAY OF' Jl.nU~,A.D. 19;(1 The above Resolution waa rea4 in lull by Attorney Chisholm. Mot.ion by Councilman Bro~a J880. onded by Councilman Henry t.his resolution be adopted. ROll call V()t~ being as tollows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Parr.ll Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer Yea ORDIttANOE AN OttDlt1ANCE AUTHmUZlt~O THE LEASING OF' A OERTAIN PARCltL or RiAL ESTATE FOR TlU~ . PURPOSE OF A CIn :lUMP AND SETTING FORTH THE COl-iPHJIiSATIOfi TO BE PAID AS RENTAL Fon :.sAID PROffERTY. Attorney Chi$holm read the atoreaa:Ld Ordinance in full. Vice... ~d:lyor Shaeffer lot people in t.h$ aud1encestat;e the1r opinions. There was vigorou8 objec~lon to the location of the new dump rrom nUMerous Flor1da Shore I"eoidentts, as well as other Edgewat.er property owners. OouncIlman Braga explained ~bat since this new location 18 in.tbe County. it would be necessary to cover the garbage with dirt dally. aa County regulations are stricter than the City. y~. John Grafton explained that t.henew dump would be at loast 2,000 teet frcmany Florida Shore house. Councilman Farrell &a1d t.hat he would. go along w1 th the new dump only with the understanding tbat the City ot Edgawster would begin looking forn more suitable site immediately. Uotion was duly, made by Councilman Henry this Ord1nanao be adopted. seconded by Councilman Broga. and passed by th$ vote ot the City Co~al1 of the City of Edgewater, Ylorida at 8. regular meeting held on June 161ih, 19,6. Roll call vote being aa f'ollowa:- CQuncilman Brega Yea Councilman Hanry Yea Oouncilman Farrell Yea fielD-Mayor Shaef'.fer Yea Upon, motion dulY made by Oouncilman Braga! ueoonded by Councilman Henry and ca~rled. the requirement. of reacting said ordinance upon second reading \1~.ul \fa! ved and the ordinanoe was ordered put upon tinal passage. Passed by ~he vote of the Oity Oounol1of the Cl~y of Edgewa~er, Florida, ataregular meeting ot said Council held on tbe 16th day of June, A.D.19S8 and approved as provided by law, the vote of said council on roll oall being an tollows:- Oouncilman Broga Yea Counoilman Henry Yea Couno11~an Farrell Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer Yea OLD BUSINESS 1 The question of whet.ber or not to close Spencer Street W.Q.S discussed. Attorney Chi~)holm stated tbat when propert.y owners adjacent to suoh a street. do not agree it 1s a matter of pOlicyuaually not teo close it. Counoilman Henry, who is councilman in that dlfJt,r1ct, was appointed to contact ~rs. Wilcox who opposed 1t. and report at next Council m9$t1ng. iiW BUSINESS The Deed tor the 50 Ft. Lot from CQ$pball Brown w~a 41oauaaod. Councilma.n Bregn said it" was not suit-able! not enough land. Oouncil- man Henry stated that he \fU not, tor it. Gounc11tmU:l Farrell said it. was not big enough t and 1n tl congosted r~61dent1L!l1 area. Vloe":Mayor Shaeffer said he opposed it. Counc11l:i8.n Broga made a mot1on tc rejeot. the orflilr. seconded by Councilman Farrell and by roll eall vote the said otter Wti$ .N) jected ; the vote or said Couneil on Roll Gall being as follolIS:- Councilm.an Broga Yua fJouncilman Henry' Yaa Councilman Farr~ll Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer Yea Viee-~.ayor Shaarfer then expl.1ned trhat it is now the policy thruout the country 'to reove Honor {tolls t that the one 1n front of CitY' Hall is in disreput.able oondition. A copy of the names of the service men on t.he Honor Roll has been mtlde and will be tiled with City of Edge- w~ter records. Any Gold Star names of servicemen who have bean killed in active service wl11be placed on ehe memorial in New Smyrna 8eaoh; as far as we know we have had none. Councilman Broga made a motion ~bae the Honor Roll in front of City Flall be r~1Uoved. aecoZ'ldljd by. Oouncilman ... Hemry.. On roll call vote it was deci.ded unan1moualy to NI'lOV$ sa,id Honor Roll. the vote of' naid Counail being as followa:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Honry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Vice-v'~yor $haetf~r Yea Mr. John Gratton reported that. the Sohool Board i~.. having a meeting June 24th to decide on a school sibe. Ar~er some discussion. V1ce- :Mayor Shaeffor inst.ructed tho Depu~y Olerk to send a letter to the School Board that tho Gity ot E4gewater 1$ now in a position to negotia~e with them on acreage in Mgewa'ber. This would be part. of the acreage t"ihere thm dump haa been. )Ut. Warren Gunther mentioned le1;t.ers from The Planning Board that had not beGn read. Vice-Mayor. Shaeffer qu-oted ~ECTIOf{ 3, C)f Ordinance No. 14$. that such mat.tH..rs had to be delivered to the CltyClerk at least twelve business hOUN prior to t;be Council t.~1eetlng, COn8$quent- ly th~5e matters would be pu.t on ~he Agenda for the July 7th meeting. There being no further business Counoilman Henry rnovedwe do now ad- journ, seconded by Counoilman f,'arrell and by vot.(i CARRIED. Time 8:30 P.M. Mayor -. Oouncilman C10W1c11man Councilman .. , .:\TTEST; counc11uian C1ti~ Clark 1n %rr `rr NEW BUSINESS The Deed for the 50 Ft. Lot from Campbell Brown was discussed. Councilman Broga said it was not suitable not enough land. Council- man Henry stated that he was not for it. councilman Farrell said it was not big enough, and in a congested residential area. Vice-Mayor Shaeffer said he opposed it. Councilman Broga made a motion to reject the offer, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by roll call vote the said offer was rejected, the vote of said Council on Roll Call being as follows :- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer then explained that it is now the policy thruout the country to remove Honor Rolls, that the one in front of City Hall is in disreputable condition. A copy of the names of the service men on the Honor Roll has been made and will be filed with City of Edge- water records. Any Gold Star names of servicemen who have been killed in active service will be placed on the memorial in New Smyrna beach; as far as we know we have had none. Councilman Broga made a motion that the Honor Roll in front of City Hall be removed, seconded by Councilman Henry. On roll call vote it was decided unanimously to remove said Honor Roll, the vote of said Council being as follows :- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Vice-Mayor Shaeffer Yea Yr. John Grafton reported that the School Board is having a meeting June 24th to decide on a school site. After some discussion, Vice- Mayor Shaeffer instructed the Deputy Clerk to send a letter to the School Board that the City of Edgewater is now in a position to negotiate with them on acreage in Edgewater. This would be part of the acreage where the dump has been. Mr. Warren Gunther mentioned letters from The Planning Board that had not been read. Vice-Mayor Shaeffer quoted SECTION 3 , of Ordinance No. 14$, that such matters had to be delivered to the City Clerk at least twelve business hours prior to the Council Meeting, consequent- ly these matters would be put on the Agenda for the July 7th meeting. There being no further business Councilman Henry moved we do now ad- journ, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time $:30 P.M. _ayor 4tAA/ 60- a,?,- Councilman Cou_' 1m . � ouncilman i ATTEST: Councilman T/a f � . (���, GGy Clerk