Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Annual Election - 11-03-1943 - 10-19-1943 - '-'" ...... ...... \J RES 0 L U T 1.0 N .A HJSCLUTIUN AP POIHTING A CLERK .UID ~HHE~ 1NS~~CTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE .UfflUAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE F..ELD IN 'l'HE TUWN UF .ii:DG~'dJ.TER, FLOR IDA, ON TUESDAY, ThE 2nd DAY OF' NOVElvIBER, 1943. YffiERblAS it is the duty of the Town Counc il of' the 'l'own of Edgevlater, Volusia County, Florida, to appoint four persons from the qualified electors of the said town, three of whom shall act as inspectors and one of whom shall act as clerk, for the Annual or GeneI'al Town Election to be held on the 2nd day of November, 1943, as the same has been heretofore called by said Town Council; lW\i ~ '1'HE.b'EFORE, BE IT 1{~80LVED BY THE 'rmnr COuIrCIL OF T1-IE TO\/N OF' EDGE .IATi:H, FLUHIDA: Section 1. That 1- l) U ~ S 1=\_ E, Hf\ lJ~~TD ti _, _ J1rLtil.E.-b. . Y.\LlPff R M 1\ r:L___ , and_E~ 0 R E riCE S ~l.Jj..E.L_ , each of whom are duly qualified electors of the Town of ~dge- water, Volusia County, Florida, be and they are hereby severally appointed to act as Inspectors of the above me ntioned Annual Election to be held in said 'rOi'lll on the 2nd day of November, 1943. S~9t.ion 2. That~L.' VE: K. PARKER, ,a duly qualified elector of the TOvJl1 of Edgewater, V olusia County, F'lorida, be and~H E is hereby appointed to act as Clerk of the above mentioned Annual Election, to be held as. above stated. Sect.iQD~ That the above appointed Inspectors and Clerk shall conduct the said election in conformity with the laws of the State of Florida, and the Ordinances of the TOTIn of hidgewater pertaining thereto. it Vias properly moved by councilman srflLHR~E'~ l) --- ~ -- -~ -... u '.V . ._ lrrr. .; U and seconded by councilman__ SOUl" H 1=\ ~.D o that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by the Town Council of' the Town of Edge\'later, Florida, Elnd be sp:eead U.9on and made a part of the minutes of this meeting, held the 19th day of October, \. D. 1943. The motion carried, the vote of the c ounc il being as follo'ws: ~~~ Mayor-Councilman. ~ ---.......... G EDRCO E L. r5 f\\ LEY Councilman A'r 1'33'1': ~c~. TOVln Clerk. , if L-i r-\ B~E rl ~ --