Declaring Intent to Vacate Parts of Unnamed Alleys - 04-06-1943
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Declaring the Intention of the Town
Counc::l of the Town of ~cl.;e',:D,ter,
Florida to Vacate parts of certain
unnameC' .~lleys in said Town, 0.nd p::'o-
viL:inu fOl' ::'o\.:ice tc ..butting .. rop-
ert~r O....:nel's.
:C..;; I'l' r:..:: JOLi[...:..D :1Y ':'1-":: ::C',.':~ C CL.~C IL CF '1': E
TO',::", CF .i:DG~...:~~H, FLO':'1.ID...;
usctior:. 1. That it is hereby dec1ared to be
the intention 01 the ':'own COtcHcil of the Town of Ecl,_~e""later,
Florida, by proper Ordinance pursuant t.o .3ection 4, of o:torticle
VI, o~ Ordinance lYo. 75 of said 70wn, to vacate t.he following
describeG. ;:>arts of certain unnamed ..lleys in said Town, to-vIi t:
(1) That certain alley bounded on the north
by Lot tVlelve (12) and on tLe south by Lots
one (1), two (2) and three (3), and being
fifteen (15) feet in vJidth; and
(2) That certain alley bounded on the west
by Lot tllree (3) and on the east by Lot four
(4), and beine fifteen (15) feet in TIidth
both of said .~lleys being in' .:ilki.~1son Jubdivision of Lot 16
of .~sseSfJOr' s yubdivision of the G. J..lvarez Grant, in Jection
52, rroVJIlship 17 soutl1, :t[\nse 34 east.
y2ction 2.:'.. Objections to t>.e vacatinG of said
Alleys shall be heard by tlle said ':'0,'1l1 Counc il at its recular
meeting to be f'eld at the '!. I. ..~. or 'l'ovm ::[\11 in said TOVlll,
at 7:30 o'cloch, :. 1'., on Tuesday, the_towenj;j..Q:tl!.-----
day of~ri~___, .., D. 1943.
...bc..ti.Qn....a:. Notice of the hearing of said Ob-
jections, a~ provided in ~ection 2 hereof, sgall be :iven by
the Town Cler.;: of ,.;)aid 'l'own and sh[;ll be se!'ved upen all
property owners abutJing on both sides.of said alleys in
t~e manner provided in Section 4 of article VI of Ordinance
lJo~ 75, 'whicL. :rotice shall be served not less ten days
prior to the s~id~~entieth
lay of' ~ril
..... D. 19L.13.
,jection 4. ~.fter hearing Obj e ctions, if
any, or in the absence of objections tl-'ereto, the said Town
Council shall then consider the lrO)riety and advisability of
Vac at in.:; s<.icl alleys.
The ado)tion of the above and foreeoing Resolu-
tion '.la8 moved by Councilman-ll
Bai~~______________, seconded
by Councilman
Southa~~_________, a~d ~~ssed by t:e Town
Council of the Tovn of Edgew~ter, Flori~a, in open session on
the 6th day of .it.pril, .~. D. 1943, t:.e vote of the CoUncil
being as follovs:
MayoJ.' Councilman.
~ C .J:~J-,~- ft+~ ~
TO\ln Clerk. ~~ Co' lman
_Henrx-S talna.k~_r ._____ Absen.t~
~TrrE...iT :
41.pproved tl is 6tr day of .April, 19432.