Declaring Results - Annual Election - 11-03-1942 k/ t : I' ~ '-/ ~~. w ~.~ Q u L . k.( . f . \' I~ fl'tl' \ I v YO R B ti 0 L UTI 0 N A RE:::.iOLUTION DECL..RJiNG TIE &SULTS OF' ThE ANNUAL OR GElmRuL EL.8CTION HBLD n TEE TO\/N" Or' EDGEW.r.TER, FLORIDA, ON ThE 3rd DAY OF NOVEVBlm, A. D. 1942, ...I~D rnOVIDING Fon TI E ISL UA};C.8 OF C.t:RTIFIC.tlTEti OF ELBCTIOH TO TLE H~.jr ~CTIVB TOla. OFFICBRS EI.J::;CTED AT ~hID 8L~CTION. vmE.l.ZB.~~ tLe Town Council of tbe Town of ~dge- water, Florida', met in regular session in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1942, and canvassed the returns of the annual Town Election held in said Town on tLe 3r'd day of l':ovember, A. D. 1942, KOW, THE!lEI-'Cr~: Bi1: IT r-WSOLVED BY TIE TOWN COUNCIL OF TrE TOliN OF ~DGE II...TER, FLORIiM: Section 1. That from the canvass of the returns, ~ it is hereby declared-that the result of the said Annual Elec- tion held in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, Tuevday, November 3rd, A. D. 1942, is as follows: For Town Councilman to serve for three years the total number of votes cast was } 5 q Henry Stalnaker received votes. ."Do....... ~'1;1!.l'\son received ..25"8 ~~ rece ived vote s . vote s. For Town Clerk to serve for one year the total number of votes cast 'was--1 S '1 Walter C. Fuller received J 0 7 f. c\. """ ~... A -:r "R vi a. h re ce i;ved 3 if 131?~~~' received votes. vote s . votes. Section 2. That the Town Council of said Town does hereby declare that \-\e.Y'\T""r-S=ta'"" ...\<~1" received the highest number of votes cast for the off'ice of Towh Councilman and he is .... hereby declu~ed to be the regularly elected Councilman of said Town to serve for a term of three years from his ,e~ection and qualification, or until his successor shall be duly elected and l-t- u u ., ;-., .i ~ooI u u () qualified. That the said Town Council of said Town does hereby declare that rfa ~ received the highest number of votes for the office of Town Clerk of " said Town and he is hereby declared to be the regularly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, to serve for the Term of One Year from his election and qualification, or until his successr" is duly elected and qualified. uection 3. That the Town Clerk of said Town of Edbewater, Florida, be and he is hereby directed, within one day from the date hereof, to furnish one certificate ~f election to each person so elected. ~ection 4. That the Town Clerk of said Town of Edgewater, Florida, be and he is hereby directed to spread this Resolution upon the minutes of tIds meeting. S" 0 uT H t\~P v Upon ~otion of Councilman i1 seco nded by Councilman \3 r=r \ ~E Y the above and f.oregoing Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, at its regular meeting held the 3rd day of November, 1942, the vote of the Council being as follows: AT"TEST :- ... ''-0.,. ~ C/ \ r- ;r- -, -- --- '- .~ , . Hpproved by me this 3rd day of !'fovember, 1942. -wd~ " J