Transfer Money from Special Foreclosed Property Fund to General Fund - 10-20-1942 c ... r u o w u u # - .. rt~SvLUTlv~ AUThUrilZlNu Tr~ tKANS~~H vii' Ct;trl'AIN 1>lvN:h:YS b'ttOM 'l'H~ SF'ECIAL ~'LOliliCLOS~.1J r.l:tUrE rt'l'Y i"UND Ui" 'l'H~ TOWN O.t. l!jJJGJ!.i Y'iATKtt, i''LufUDA, 'l'0 'l.'Hlt.; tiKNEHAL ~'UJ..IJD vlt' SAID TOWN, ~'(jrt '1' H.t:!: .rU Hr-OSES OF 'l'hJ!.i bU.1JGET uF SAIlJ '1'uWN !i'urt THE YEAR OF 1942. WHER~AS, the Town of ~dgewater has estab- IJ.shed a certain fund known and designated. as the "Special Fore CLose d. rroperty l<'und~, and has in said fund. a SurpLUS which is availa~e for the general operating expenses of said Town for tne year of 1942; AND VIHErt~AS, t.he anticipated reven1JIle ot' said Town for the year of 1942 to be der~ved from taxes, livenses and ot.her sources will. .LaCk the sum of four nundred twenty ($420.0Q) dOLlars in order to carryon the goverrunental. activities of said Town, as specified in the Annual Budget and J.n tne APvropriation Ordinance OX' said 'i'own heretol'ore duly enacted and passed; l\jOW, 'fl1J:a"lt.;~'OHE, bE J.T J:tt;SvLvlt.;.1J bY 'l'hJ!.i 'l'vWN CUUNCiL 0F thE TOWN OF ~DGE'({ A Tl:ai , b'i.lilU.DA ~ Section 1. That tne Town Clerk of the Town of ~~gewater, ~lorid.a, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transt'er t.ne sum 01' x'our hund.red twenty ($420.00) dollars fran tne special F'oreclosed Property ~'und 01' tne Town of ~dge- water, i"l.orida, to the General bund of said 'fown, the same to De added to all other revenue anticipated for and to be collected in the said year lilt 1942, being the ,If'iscal. Year of' said TOVln, and to De used in accordance with the Annual. budget and the Appropriation vrdinance of said ~own for said year. ~ection 2. ~hat any nesolution or part of rtesolution in con1'lict herewith be and the same is hereoy revoked. and. repaaaed. upon Motion by l:ouncilman O. E - ~OUTH f\ RJ) , v -, " '-. CI ,. u u ... u v seconded oy l;ouncilman H etlRv' SrRLNf\KER , the above and foregoing ...esolution was passed with the unanimous vote of' the ".1.'own l;ounci1 of" the 'rown of ~dgewater, ,ll'lorida, at its regular meeting held the aOth day of October, A. D. 1942, the vote 0:1:' the l;ounci.L being as fo.LJ..oVls: ~~ 5pL ~~--, . .-:? (~/,/ ---'. '/Z~// Colnic i nan. GEOR'Gle L, Bf\\ LE y' Councilman. ATTE~TI ~C~. Town clerk. " Approved this 20th day ot.' uctober, 1942. ~. I