Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Annual Election - 10-15-1942
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A ~S0LuTlv~ Ar~uINT1NG A ~LE~K AND
'I'tl~E l~Sit"1!;~'l'OltS 01" 1!;U,;L;'l'IuN .l"Oti '1'Hb;
ANNUaL 'l'OivN ,l!;LEC'l'Iuli Tu ,tjE HEW IN
'l'li.l!i 'l'uwN v:F' l!;lJGE\'IA'rElt, F'L0hIDA, ON
TUESDAY,THE 3rd DAY U~ ~OVE~iliElt, 1942.
WHEREAS the Town ~ouncil of the Town of ~dgewater,
Volusia L;ounty, 1"lorida, did on the 15th day 01' Octooer,
1942, order an Annual T""n .l!;lection to be hel.d in the 'town
or Edgewater, Fl.orida, on "the 3rd day 01' November, ..L.942,
for the purpose of e..L.ecting one Councilman to serve for a
Terw 01' threeyears, and one 'l'own Clerk to serve 1'or a Term o:t:
one year;
~~D, w~H8AS it is the duty or the Town Council to
appoint four persons from "the qual.ified electors 01' the said
Town, "three ot' whom snal.1. act as Inspectors and one. 01' whom
shall. act as Clerk at said l!;..L.ection; !'lOW, 'l'HEREl"OltE,
BE J.T rl.I!iSOLVED ,tjY 'l'h,l!; 'l'OWN COUNCIL uF' 'l'liE TOWN ult'
,l!;DG1!;WATl!;rl, vOLuSlA CUU~TY, FLUhlDA;
Sect~on 1. That \.... Ou lSF\ E. HAU<iHTa rl and
_flO~e. riCE' SWI ri ~ '(' and-Bril1(E L. WI PPt=Rl1 fi rt
each ot' whom are qualified el.ectors of' the 'l'oVln of ~dgewater,
Florida, be and they are hereby severally appointed to act as
Inspectors of the above mentioned Annual Town .l!;lection to be
held in sa~d Town on the 3rd day 01' 1Il0vember, A. D. 1942.
Section 2. 'fhat
o l-\V j:: K, PR RKe: R , a duly
qualified elector 01' the Town of .llOdgewater, lo'lorida, be and
~he is hereby appointed to act as CLerk ot' the above men-
tioned Annual. Town l!;lection.
Section 3. That the above mentioned l.nspectors and
Clerk shall conduct the sa~d Annual. Town 1!;lection in con-
:t'ormity with the laws 01' the state ot' h'lorida, governing
General. .I!i.1.ections in said state, and with the Ordinances of
"the 'I'own of Edgewater, li'lorida.
.Lt was properly moved by Councilman D.E.. SOUT itft RD ,
seconded oy Counc~lllian H EtiRY STflLHflKE~ that the above and
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foregoing Resolution be adopted by the Town Council of the
Town 01' ~dgewater, .r ~oI'ida, and be spread upon and made a part
of the minutes of this meeting held the 15th day of October,
1942. ~he ~otion carried, ~he vote of the Council being as
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GEeRGe. L r:3f\\l-cY'
fh~ Sf: rl T,
approved this 15th day of Oc~er, 1942.
- - ~ayor.