Adopting 1942 Tax Assessment Roll - 10-06-1942
ithlSuLLJ'l'lOl\J AlJvi....r lNG ',Nib: "rAX
ASS~SS~E~'l' HuLL U~~r~ TOWN
Vl" .t!iJJG~WATEh, .t''LurtIDA, ,/;"01:(
'.J.'rt.l1i YJ:!jAR 1942.
wii.!!in.t!iAS 't.he 'J-'ax Assessment holl of' the '1'own of .i!idgewater.ft1
Florida, for the year of 1942, has been completed by the
Town Clerk and submitted to tne ~own Council, and has been
examined and considered by said Town council, and the said
Town council has met with the Town Clerk as a Board of
~qualization, after publication of due and legal Notice, at
the place and times provided by law, and has heard and con-
sidered all complaints submitted to said Town Council sitting
as a ~oard or ~qualization;
A~D, Wh~!iliAti said Tax Assessment tioll is in proper and legal
!'orm, and tne assessed valuations therein set forth are just,
rair ana equitab1el
NOW, T.t1!!irilSbO.Lil!i,
HE IT rlb,iSuLVE1J I .l;jt 'I'l1~ 'l'uYvl~ COUNCIL u,[l' 'l'Hg
'.LuW l~ vit' .h:DG.h: WA1'1!l,ri, l"LvRIDA:
That the 'tax Assessment Itall of said Town for the said year
of 1942 be and the same is hereby accepted, ad~pted and approved
as tne Iax Assessment Roll of said Town for said year of 1942;
that a copy of this .Ltesolution a"t.tested by the Town Clerk be
spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and a copy thereof, so
attested, be pasted in or arfixed to said Tax Assessment ROll,
and three copies likewise so attested be posted, one at the
v. I. A. or Town hall and two at two other public places in
said Town of .c;dgewater, l<'lorida.
upon .Lnotion by councilman 0, E ' SO 0TH 1\ R.D,
seconded by councilman \-\ EN.Ry' Si-ALN f\\<E~ the above and
!'oregoing ..esOlution was passed with the unanimous vote of
the 'fown Council of the 'fown of .l:OdgeVlater, ,li'lorida, at its
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regular meeting neld this sixth day of uctober, A. D.
1942, the vote or the counei1 being as follows:
\J(~ ~
<-:: -~~ fu CounciLman. 0
G Eo R<o~ L. BFTl ~E(
A'fTJ<liT. (~~
Town <.;lerk.
Approved this 6th day of OCbDber, A. U. 1942.
r, Walter C. It'uller, Town Clerk of the Town of
~dgewater, l"lorida, hereby certit'y that on the lOth day of
October, A. v. 1942, I pasted in and affixed a true and correct
copy of the foregoing nesolution in the Tax Assessment Roll Book
of the Town 01' Edgewater, !"lorida, for the year of 1942, and
that I posted three copies 01' the same, one at the V. I. A. or
Town hall, and two at two other public places in the Town of'
.c;dgewater, b'lorida.
.uated at b:dgewater, ,fI'1orida, this lOth day
or October, A. v. 1942.
'rown Clerk.