Authorizing Disbursement of Money from Special Foreclosed Property Fund - 06-16-1942
~ ~ ci eLL ~ I L ~
4l.... t:' oriz in[, the disbursement 01' c~ rtain
ffi0 .E-' S f:..'011 tie i'cipbcia:i r'oreclos8u ...'rop-
erty" J:"und" of the '.:'own of' ,c;deewater, llorida.
.d1k:...l.c:.'\o.) the Town Council 01' tl-.b rovm of
"':'G.bewater, by ...~esolution t\dol?tel1 at its revular meeting
on tile l[.th day of February, 1941, crcutec::. a cd_tain
?el'r:lo.nent fund to ~e c..e,,; as l'Jpbcial J.i'oreclosed
..roperty JPundu, and providea tLerein tl.e uses and
~u...'1-ose s :for which s did It'UIlu. shall De devoted;
&,,:..0 ..1..&.~."ci tl e said ...'own COW1C il has
constructeu a [;qra[,e at a cost or expense of .pf;69.65,
fOl' tLe )'.1'" OSe of LOusing tr...cks <-!nd st.f'eet machinery
oHneJ '.:Jy ouid J~own, which said constructi0n is necesbary
fo:' tLe ?ro?<3r :)rotectiorL of said machinery c. nd truck;
_~.I."D .1.l.l.1i...illnJ said eX}Jense is one which cOu.ld not
.cC:;d,-,onably be fo!'e.seen at t: e tine OJ. t:"e au.option of tIe
'fown Budget for the cur'rent fiscal year, "nG s..,iQ construc-
t iO...1 is a peJ.'nanent im...Jrovernent;
LC.I, Tl~...t.c:Fv.l.~, .u~ Iol' "\.~.Jl;LV.&0 o.Jy ol'~..c:i'('..~~
CLl.JJ.,CIL L,tl' _'1-....;.:. '...'c.... Lli' L..JGi:....TB...{, l"i.l;".I.J..,,:
bection 1.
T1Lat all eXll\:mse s incurreu in
connection wi tl tl.e construction 01' tLe gara.€,e recently
uui: t 1"01' the L.ousin6 of tLe J.'cwn l'ruCl'. anu .....treet
.'achinery, in t:Le SLln of .v269.65, be charu'e\.A. to tILe
"oj... G C ial .1:"ore closed L rO.t"ertJ Fund" or' tILe rown of ....\
wete,;,", Florida, ana !'ai~ tller'efrom.
.j0ction ::'0
rhat t t,e 'l'own Clerl,- Je tl.uiIDrized
to mctl..e t: e n<-;cessal'Y entries in t~,-e ~ooks of tbe suid Town
in to carry out tLe :>urposes of tLis ~.esolutiono
Done and ......esolvea at a regular me0ting of t: e
rovm Council of the ::'O'vW of Ed6eilater, Florida, held. at
.... -
"'10,; ~
...... -
....- .......
,,_ I .
the V. I. .h or Town Hall, tile l6t!. day of June,
as 1'oL..o\1 S:
.". .Ll. 1942, t' e vote 01 tLe Council thel'eon being
4..; ....'~fIo.J r:
J/if s~
J, .ctYOI' Councihlan.
To""n Clerk.
4\.j: _ rovel.i this 16tL day 01' JILne, 41.. .J. 1~4~.